Sleepover at Brittney's Pt.1

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I hear banging at my door. I groggily wake up and shout, "WHAT!!!" I hear Oliver's voice saying, "Come on get up we have to go somewhere, also pack a bag."  I glare at the door and shout, "IF IT'S CAMPING AGIAN I'M NOT GOING!!!" I hear him say, "no it's not camping, you aren't going to like this either though." I get up, open the door, and look at Oliver weirdly. He sighs and says, "we have to sleepover." I look at him confused and say, "sleepover? where to?"  He rolls his eyes and says, "take a guess." I say, "Brittney's?" He nods and replies, "good guess." I sigh and say, "are you fucking kidding me why?" He shrugs and says, "I think its to get on your good side so they can have a small slice of grandma's inheritance." I roll my eyes and say, "well they aren't getting a penny from it she left it to me it's mine now." He nods and says, "its a good thing you look older than you actually are." I nod and say, "yeah it is." I look at Oliver and ask, "wait we didn't go to the funeral did we?" He nods and replies, "yeah we did, you were in a haze, you wouldn't show any emotion there, you just sat there looking at the ground as the service went on. Completely oblivious to anything around you." "Did provy do that?" I mutter under my breath. I hear Oliver say, "welp I'll let you pack, see you soon, Vic." He leaves, I close the door, turn around and look at provost.  He floats near me and says, "you have a question, ask away." I ask, "did you shut off my senses?" He nods and replies, "As much as I would love to see you cry, I decided that you already dealt with enough pain in your life so I made you kinda like a living zombie so that you wouldn't have to go through that pain of losing your grandmother again." I tilt my head to the side and ask, "why are you being so nice?" He shrugs and says, "cause why not?"  I shake my head and get my bag out, Foust asks, "what's going on?" I say, "sleepover at Brittney's." I hear Rebecca angerly say, "With her? Are you serious?" I shake my head and say, "I wish I wasn't being serious but yeah we have to go it's not a choice." She sighs and says, "fine."  Once I get everything packed I bring it downstairs. I wait for foust to get in the car then I go and sit on his lap. Mom gets in and glares foust. I roll my eyes and say, "let's get going please so we can get this over with."  She nods and starts the car. I let my mind wander off as we are on the road. Soon in a couple of hours, Oliver is shaking my leg. I look at him and he says, "we're here." I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "great." As I get out of the car I see two pomeranian dogs walk out and greet me as I hear Brittney squealing, "he's here."  I get in between foust and her before Brittney gets too close and smile. "hey long time no see, Brittney." I spit out at her. She forces a smile and says, "long time no see Vic." Soon her parents come out. My aunt Janet says, "ah victoria it's been too long, we didn't see you at the Christmas gathering."  I nod and say, "probably because I had to keep someone's hands off of my boyfriend." I glare at Brittney as I say this. She pouts and says, "aww come on Vic sharing is caring." I reply, "who said anything about sharing my boyfriend? That's the point of dating, you don't share and even if I did share him you would be the last person that I would choose to share him with."  She huffs and pokes at my halo. She asks, "where did you get this? If anything I should be the one to have a halo since I'm an angel." She flutters her eyelashes. I roll my eyes and mutter, "oh please, more like a slut angel if anything."  Aunt Janet sighs and says, "please come in." We walk in and I see my aunt grab Brittney and start muttering something to her. I roll my eyes and mutter under my breathe, "oh please they're not touching the inheritance at all." We walk in the house and a maid grabs our suitcases. Rebecca says, "oh cool they have a pool in their back yard." I nod. I hear provost smirk behind me. "let's have some fun." He says as he grabs me and teleports in the air.  "wait prov-" He lets go and I land in the water. I glare up at him, he smirks in reply. I swim to the ledge where I see foust looking at me. I smirk and say, "help me up."  I grab his arm and yank him in the pool. Foust lands in the pool and I start laughing. He looks at me and asks, "why did you do that?" I reply, "because I wanted to see something." I swim towards him and start playing with his wet hair. "I like your hair like this it's much more hmm nicer?" I say as I continue. He smiles and puts his arms around my waist. Rebecca shouts, "I think the word you're looking for is sexier, Vic!"  I blush and hide my face in his shoulder. "gee thanks Rebecca that's totally the word I was looking for!" I shout back. She smiles and replies, "No problem!" Foust laughs and says, "aww I'm flattered." I shake my head and say, "welp let's get out of the pool so our clothing can dry." I get out and look at Brittney who glares at me, I roll my eyes. She hands me a towel. I thank her and start drying myself off. I go upstairs to the bedroom and get my pj's out, I close the door to the bathroom locking it in place then I go take a shower. After that's done with I walk back downstairs and sit at the table waiting for everyone else to arrive.    

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