Wrong place, Wrong time pt.6

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"Goddamit.", I mutter as I fall through trees again and land very hard on some pavement. "Ow. What the fuck, Provy?", I mutter as I get up. I look around and tilt my head in confusion. "Where am I?", I mutter as I see that I'm in a city with snow falling everywhere.  "Great I'm bleeding.", I mutter as I feel some type of liquid running down my back. "Is it the brand that he put on me?", I whisper as I limp around aimlessly. "He pushed that hard?", I mutter, "Probably couldn't tell because it was burning me."  I look around and while dodging people, see a huge house up ahead. "Don't tell me that's his house.", I snort as I run as fast as possible with a broken ankle (so not fast at all). I soon spot two vampires wearing what looks like armor. "Uuu, Bartholomew, look.", he says, pointing to me. "Never seen her around before, is she new?", the short-haired redhead known as Bartholomew asks. He starts walking over. " Great just what I need.", I mutter as I turn around and try to get away. He grabs my arm. "Where do you think you're going?", he asks, grinning. "Can't believe I'm going to say this. ", I mutter. "I belong to Vladimir.", I reply. "Oh, where's your mark?", he asks, looking at me up and down. "Why should I tell you? Also, I would watch my tongue if I were you, I could tell Vladimir and he could punish you.", I reply. "Are you threatening me?", he asks, glaring at me. "Excuse me." I hear Vladimir say. I glance at him and see Provost in his cat form on his shoulder. "Uh my Lord I didn't see you there.", Bartholomew says, bowing. I roll my eyes. "Come here, little prey.", Vladimir orders. "Why should I?", I ask. I glance at Bartholomew and see that he wants to punch me for asking Vladimir a question. Vladimir glances at him and he stands up straight. I roll my eyes and limp over to Vladimir. I flip Bartholomew off as Vladimir and I walk to his house. "My, my you should watch what you say. He looked like he was about to kill you.", Vladimir replies. "But you would've killed him, right? ", I ask. "Of course, I would.", Vladimir replies. "Yep just like a lovesick puppy.", I mutter, disgusted. "Where are we? Don't you have a cabin?", I ask. "Yes the cabin is my vacation home.", He replies. "A vacation home?", I ask. "Yep I'm rich enough to have one.", He replies, smiling. "Your vacation home sucks.", I retort. "You're bleeding, I'll make sure my personal servant takes care of that.", he replies. "Oh joy.", I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes, "Why am I not surprised you have a personal servant?" He smiles and we both walk into his house. Provost jumps onto my shoulder. I roll my eyes as I see the typical wannabe rich trinkets around the house like a deer head mounted on the wall in the entryway. "So did you actually kill that deer?", I ask, pointing at the deer's head. "Yes, I did.", He replies, confidently. "Pfft, no he didn't he has hunters who get him food and they killed the deer.", Provost replies. I snicker. Vladimir looks at me, confused. "I doubt you actually killed the deer, Vlad but whatever you say.", I reply. He grabs my hand and lifts it up. Provost jumps off my shoulder and runs away. "What are you doing?", I ask as he starts trying to waltz with me. " What does it look like?", he replies, purring loudly and trying to snuggle me. "Again, Vladimir, you broke my ankle, I can't dance on it.", I reply, leaning backward so he doesn't snuggle me. "Can we stop talking about your ankle, yes I broke it but only because I didn't want you to escape or get someone else's attention.", he says, looking at me with what looks like sadness in his eyes. "So fake.", the thought passes my mind. "Well it didn't work.", I reply.  "Only because of your halo, if you didn't have it, I doubt you would've gotten any attention at all.", he says, touching the halo. I sigh. A maid walks up to us and bows. "Let's get going.", he says, picking me up. "Go where?", I ask. "Bathroom.", He replies, carrying me. We end up in a large room with a bathtub that looks like a swimming pool. "That's the bathtub?", I ask. "Yes, we can bath together if you want.", He replies, seductively. "Er, no thank you.", I reply. "Aww, but why?", He whines. "God no I would rather bathe privately.", I say. He pouts. " Sorry but I would rather bathe by myself, Vladimir.", I say. He sets me down and sighs, "Very well, I'll see you after you get dressed." I nod and he leaves. The maid comes in and helps me get undressed, after I'm done with the bath she helps me get dressed in a sheer dress with a high slit, a white corset, and a white robe with ruffles and pink sequins. "Great, I don't think Provost is going to teleport me out right away this time so I'll be shivering in the cold and I'll get sick.", the thought passes my mind. "At least now I don't have dried blood on my back.", I mutter. Provost appears in the doorway. "You look beautiful.", he says. I pick him up and limp to the dining room. Once there, I sit down and start forming a plan on how to escape in my mind. Vladimir soon appears with Falvik. "Where's Foust?", I ask, curiously. Vladimir sighs aggravatingly, "He left and we can't find  him." I narrow my eyes at him, ignoring the pulsating pain on my bruised eye. "Are you sure you can't find him or you don't want to find him?", I ask. "Can't find him, do you really think I'm that terrible of a father, little prey?", he asks, hurt.  "Yes.", I answer.  He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I roll my eyes. "Wow just because I don't see you in a positive light you're sad, narcissist. ", I mutter. Food soon gets served and it's a silent meal between us three. "Did you check your vacation home?", I ask. "Vic, shut up, he doesn't want to be found.", Provost replies. "I'll check into it.", Vladimir answers. "Pfft no you won't.", Provost says. After dinner, Vladimir picks me up and walks upstairs to a bedroom. He sets me down on the bed and leaves. "Should I escape? ", I mumble. "Not yet.", Provost says, purring on my lap. "Then when?", I  aggravatingly ask. He laughs, "You really wanna escape in that dress?" "If I have to then I'll do it.", I mutter, angrily.  Provost sighs, "Do it tonight then, when everyone is asleep and don't sleep with Vladimir." "How the hell am I going to do that?", I ask. "I don't know maybe sleep in Foust's room?", He replies. I sigh, "Fine." Vladimir soon comes back and tries to waltz with me again. "What's up with you and waltzing?", I ask, pulling away from him. "Can I not dance with you?", he asks. "No, you can't because you broke my ankle. ", I angrily spit out. He sighs, " fine."  He walks to the bed and mutters,"How has she not developed Stockholm Syndrome yet?" I limp out. I hear Vladimir call out to me but I ignore him. I let Provost lead me to Foust's room and I limp in. I lock the door behind me and go to sleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang