They come back

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I hear a low humming sound outside.  I groan and mutter, "Why are they back?" "Oh, so you can hear it too.", Foust replies as he looks at me.  "Yeah have you forgotten that my hearing is enhanced now?", I ask as I stretch and get out of bed. "Yeah, because you don't have pointed ears.", Foust replies. I nod. "So, how do they get out?", I hear Rebecca ask. Foust tilts his head and asks, "Out from where? Oh, you mean how they get out of the ship? They teleport out, although Nova doesn't really like to teleport so I don't know how she gets out, maybe she goes with Castiel." He shrugs. "Does she really need to follow them then?", I ask.  He shrugs again and replies, "No idea, I don't think she needs to go with them but she chooses to."  I roll my eyes. "So were you two a thing?", I ask. "Uhh yeah, we were a long time ago.", Foust replies. "Oh so the little black box on your desk was a ring.", I say. "Yeah it was, I was supposed to propose to her but..", He trails off.  "You don't have to talk about it.", I reply.  I glance at Rebecca who glares at me.  I glare back at her. The doorbell rings. I hear a hissing sound. I look on my bed and see Provost in his cat form hissing. "So, Fluffy are you going to join us?" I ask Provost. "Why the hell are they here?", I hear him ask.  I pick him up and mutter, "No idea."  "Also Rebecca, you are to shut up about me got it.", Provost replies as he glares at Rebecca. She glares at him and says, "Hell no." "That's fine, I'll just force you to shut up.", Provost replies. "Stop fighting both of you.", I groan.  "Hhmf whatever.", Provost says turning his head to the side. "How dare you steal my owner.", Artemis growls from the floor. He jumps on the bed and glares at Provost in my arms. "I didn't steal her, you stupid cat.", Provost retorts.  The doorbell rings again.  "Is no one getting the door?", I hear Oliver ask as he walks by the bedroom and opens my door.  He stares at Provost and tilts his head to the side. The doorbell rings again. "My god are they persistent.", I aggravatedly sigh. I put Provost on the bed and go downstairs my attire changing as I go down. I open the door where I see Castiel going for the doorbell again. He looks at me and puts his arm down. "Anything urgent? Since you keep on ringing my doorbell like a madman Castiel?", I ask. "May we come in?",  Nova asks. "Why should I let you three in?", I ask leaning against the doorway and folding my arms.  "Because I asked nicely.", Nova replies sternly. "You sure are good with people then, Nova.", I sarcastically say while rolling my eyes.  Provost jumps on my shoulder and says, "Don't let them in, I have a feeling they're going to install something and spy on us."  He hisses. "Looks like Fluffy doesn't like ya'll anymore.", I state. "Oh such a shame because his fur was soft.", Ephron replies. "Uhh what do you three want?", Foust asks as he appears behind me. "We need to install something.", Ephron answers.  "What do you need to install?", Foust asks. "Spyware.", I reply as I glare at Nova, "They think that Provost is here so they want to spy on us." "How do you even know?", Nova asks as she looks at me surprised. "You don't like me, I can tell so, of course, you would be suspicious since Foust has stayed here for over a year and Provost has not appeared.", I reply, "and it also doesn't help that I kinda look like Provost."  "Well you are right.", Nova confesses. "Ok well you guys can leave now.", Foust replies.  "Why?", Nova asks. "Because you don't have permission and there's no other reason for y'all to be here so leave.", Foust answers. "It won't take long only about an hour or so.", Castiel replies. "No, I don't want to be spied on, So leave.", I reply getting angrier. "Don't think of it as spying, think of it as protection.", Castiel explains. "Protection from what?", I spit out.  "From Provost, we believe that Provost is always by Foust since they're connected via quantum entanglement.", Ephron explains.  "Well he's not here.", I reply.  "Ok well then let us put the spyware in your laptop and we'll be on our way. ", Nova says. "No, I'm not letting you install anything just leave.", I reply, "My legs are getting tired."  Foust pulls me away and closes the door.  "We'll be here all day if we continue and you need to do school work.", Foust replies. "We technically were there all day because now it's five in the afternoon.", I reply as I look at the clock hanging on the wall. I grab a snack from the fridge and sit down at the dining room table. I turn on my laptop and start doing my work. "They haven't hacked into anything yet.", Provost answers my question that I haven't even asked. "Hopefully it stays that way.", I worryingly say. The low humming sound goes away.  "What was that?", I ask.  "They slowed the ship down so they can time travel, that's why we heard the low humming sound.", Foust explains. "Oh so who's ship is it?", I ask. "It's Nova's.", Foust replies. I nod. I soon smell food cooking. "Shall we go eat?", Foust asks. I nod and save my school work. After We eat, I go take a shower and do my nightly routine.  "Night.", I say as I go to bed.

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