Being Back in the Comfort of Home pt.3

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"Are we back on the street?", I mumble as I hear the people walking and talking.  "Yes we are.", Provost replies, running his fingers through my hair.  I look at him, tiredly and realize that I'm resting on his lap. "Why do you keep on sending me back there?", I ask. "Because it's a great way to meet your in-laws.", He replies. "Well my mother-in-law is dead so I don't think I'll be meeting her at all.", I state. "Except for her, meant to say that you'll talk to your in-laws except for your mother-in-law.", He replies.  "Then what's the point of meeting my in-laws if I can't talk to her?", I ask. "Well Foust hasn't talked to your father so ya'll are even.", He replies. I sigh, "I guess." I get up and notice that I'm still wearing the dress that Vladimir forced me to wear. I sigh, "Whatever it's not like I had a choice in the matter." I start walking home. Once I reach home, I ring the door bell. Provost disappears. Olivier answers the door and looks at my outfit. "Umm you look nice.", he says, staring at me, awkwardly. "Like I had a choice of picking my clothing when I was there, I wouldn't be wearing this, although it's beautiful, there's a slit in the dress that shows off my thigh, you think I would normally wear this?", I ask,angrily. " I don't know I didn't grow up in the Victorian era.", he says. I roll my eyes and reply, "Just let me in the house." He moves and I walk in. I walk to couch, sit down, and sigh. "Provy.", I call out to Provost. He appears and looks at me. "You won't let me develop Stockholm Syndrome with Vladimir right?", I ask, fearing for the answer. He smiles, slyly, " Maybe, maybe not. Who knows." "PROVOST!! Don't you dare make me develop Stockholm syndrome.", I angrily reply. He gets on top of me. "Or I can make you develop Stockholm syndrome for me. ", he says. I glare at him. "No thank you, you already raped me, you had your chance and threw it down the gutter.", I say, squirming underneath him. "Oh so I had a chance after y'all were married? Some wife you are.", he replies. " I have the mind of an eighteen year old, I will forever have a mind of an eighteen year old, can you blame me?", I ask trying to push him off. "Mm I guess not.", he replies, "You wanna have sex again?~" "It's called rape, you dingleberry, I didn't consent to it.", I reply. He sighs and gets off of me. "Finally.", I sigh as I sit up. Foust stares at us. "I'm going to bed, night.", I reply as I pass him. "Your not going to eat?", Foust asks, grabbing my arm, lightly. I look at him, sigh, and lean against him. "No I'm just tired from everything, I want to go to bed in my warm bed.", I say. I kiss his cheek and go upstairs. "Hmm you think you want to come with me somewhere tomorrow?", Foust asks leaning on the doorway. "Sure." I reply. "Don't you dare Foust, she'll be mad at you she already has terrible memories of that place, she just left from there, you really think she wants to go back after just coming back from there?", Provost asks. "Wait you mean going back to that your childhood home?", I ask. Foust sighs, "You're right, Provost, maybe I shouldn't bring her." "Why what's there?", I ask. Foust sighs, "My son is there, it'll be quick, it's just to make sure he's alright." "Why is he there?", I ask, " Who put him there?" Foust cringes and doesn't answer for a while. I wait for his answer, narrowing my eyes at him. "I did.", he finally replies after a few minutes that seemed like hours. "Why? ", I ask. "Nova wanted me to give them away, we were in the middle of a time war aka dealing with shithead over there.", motioning to Provost, "I wanted to take them with us but Nova didn't want to, she made me give them away." "How many kids? ", I ask. "Two, they are twins both are named Victor.", he replies. "So where's the other Victor?", I ask. " With a friend of mine, he works with us but is in a different universe, he's Ephron's twin.", he replies. I nod. "Hopefully I'll be able to change, before we go.", I reply, getting in bed. " no you won't.", Provost says. I sigh and get comfortable. "Your wearing the corset to bed?", Foust asks, getting in bed next to me. " I don't care I'm just tired, yesterday was a long day.", I say, snuggling in the covers. He nods and snuggles with me. I lean against him and fall asleep.

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