Going to the library

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I hear the sound of Oliver and Brad talking. I wake up and look towards my closed door. "Oh well.", I sigh as I get up. "Your hearing enhanced?", Foust asks. I nod and reply, "Yeah." "Well, you don't have pointed ears so you're not a vampire.", Foust replies. "Ok then, I wonder if mom knows about Brad being here?", I ask. Provost answers, "No, Oliver snuck him in, your mom already left for work." I nod. "I guess I'll be going to the library then.", I state.  "Do you wanna join, Foust?", I ask as I look at him. He shrugs. "So is it a yes or no?", I ask. "I guess I'll stay.", He replies. I nod and get out of bed. "If they ask for a threesome you are to say no.", I reply as I get some clothes and walk out of the bedroom. "What did I just wake up to?" I hear Rebecca ask. Once I'm dressed I text mom to tell her where I'll be and shut off my phone. I start to go downstairs when Oliver peeks his head out, I stop and look at him. "Where are you going?", He asks. I shrug and reply, "The library also you are to not touch Foust got it." "He's not joining you?", he asks."Nope!" I shout as I walk down the rest of the stairs and gather my things. Once everything is packed, I put my bag on and yell out, "SEE YA'LL IN A FEW HOURS!" I walk outside, close the door behind me and walk the hour-long journey to the library. Soon I arrive at my destination, I go in and quickly find a seat, ignoring the staring at my halo. I get myself settled and start working.  "Damnit.", I mutter as I see someone pull up a chair across from me. "Hi there.", He says. I quickly look at his appearance: a average height lanky guy who looks to be about eighteen, he's wearing a grey shirt with a plaid jacket with some blue jeans. He also has messy black hair, grey eyes, and is wearing glasses. I ignore him, too busy working on my work. I hear him cough and say again, "Hi there." A little louder. "Hi.", I reply as I continue to work. "My name's Sebastian.", he says.  "May I touch your halo?", He asks. I reply, rolling my eyes, "No, you may not." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sebastian reaching his hand out to play with the halo. Someone grabs his hand. I look to the left of me and see Snowflake glaring at Sebastian. "I thought she said you may not touch her halo?", I hear Snowflake ask. I look at Sebastian and he stutters, "uh y-yeah she did." "Poor guy.", The thought passes my mind.  I glance at snowflake who looks like he's about ready to kill him.  I grab snowflake's arm and tug. He looks at me smiling. I roll my eyes and look at the seat next to me. He takes the hint and sits near me. I go back to work. "You're lucky Foust isn't here.", I mutter. "That's why I showed.", He whispers back.  "I wonder why nobody came to intervene?", I ask.  "Well I don't look too approachable so that's probably why.", Snowflake answers. "True.", I reply. Sebastian stares at us and mutters, "How can a guy like him be with a girl like her?" I glare at him and ask, "Stereotype much? What's wrong with me falling for a guy like Foust?" Sebastian answers, "Well, you look like a good girl, and well he looks like a murder." "He probably is a murder.", I reply. "Well, I was a scientist.", Snowflake states. I go back to work saying, "A mad scientist." Snowflake replies, "Hmm not necessarily a mad scientist."  I roll my eyes and argue, "Yeah you were." Snowflake sighs, "I wasn't crazy, Vic." "Well you are now.", I reply.  He shrugs and says, "Fair enough."  "Uhh are ya'll married?", Sebastian asks as he points at the rings on our fingers. "Yeah we're married.", I reply. I look at him to see his reaction and he looks horrified. I smirk in reply. "But you're so young. You have your whole life ahead of you", Sebastian states. "Being married doesn't mean I stop living my life.", I reply angrily. Sebastian speaks, "Well you would have to take car-" I interrupted him, "I don't have a child, I'm fine with money to where I don't have to work, You don't know my life, You certainly don't know me so please stop with the stereotypes." He looks down at his lap ashamed. I roll my eyes and finish up my work. I pack everything up and stand up. Snowflake stands up and we walk out of the library holding hands. "Well that was quite interesting.", Snowflake states. I shrug. An hour later I see my house. "It was so good seeing you alone, Vic.", Snowflake says. I look at him and sigh," Yeah too bad you can't come in, or else your present self would kill you."  He shrugs and replies, "You'll be seeing me soon besides our anniversary is coming up." "Oh so I'll be celebrating it with you both?", I ask. He nods and hugs me.He lets go and says, "Until our anniversary, farewell." I roll my eyes and reply, "Until then." He leans in and I tilt my head in confusion. He kisses me, I roll my eyes again. He soon steps away and pets my head. "Ok well bye.", I reply as I move his arm away and go inside. "You looked uncomfortable.", I hear Provost say as he appears beside me. "Kinda.", I reply as I put my bag down. "You could've pushed him away.", Provost replies. "I know.", I state. I go upstairs to my room and open the door. I see Foust in bed reading a sci-fi novel with Artemis curled up in his lap. He looks at me, smiles, and asks, "How was the library?" "It was good. Got a lot of work done.", I reply.  He nods.  "So how was Oliver and Brad?", I ask. "They were having a lot of fun time. I had some headphones in.", Foust replies.  "So Rebecca showed you how to work the iPod?", I ask. Foust nods. "That's nice.", I reply. I soon hear mom saying, "Dinners ready." Rebecca, Foust, and I walk downstairs and wait for Oliver to come down. He soon comes down with his hair all messy.  "Did Brad go home?", I ask. He nods and breathes out, "Yeah." "It looks like you had fun.", I reply. "I did.", Oliver says, "Hope to do that again soon." Mom looks at Oliver weirdly but doesn't say anything. "Don't think about doing it with Foust tho.", I reply.  "Ok.", Oliver sighs sadly.  After we eat, I go and take a shower, do my nightly routine and go to bed.            

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