Last Day of Being Incarcerated

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"Well now I don't have anything to do.", I mumble as I turn in my last exam for the day. "So you're done?", Foust mumbles as he looks at me. "Yes, I'm done, summer break has begun for me.", I reply as I smile. "You did however cheat.", Foust states. "Well yeah I can't cram in everything that I studied in one night.", I reply, "Besides you would probably do the same."  "Fair enough.", He says. I grab the floating sheets of highlight paper and throw them away. "Your just lucky you-know-who has helped you.", He states. I nod and reply, "Oh so we're calling him Voldemort? Ok." He looks at me strangely. I sigh and reply, "It's a book series." "I don't think I saw it on your shelves.", he replies. "The book is called Harry Potter.", I state. "Oh, now I remember yeah I defiantly saw it.", He replies. "Yeah well it's not sci-fi it's fantasy.", I state. "Well are you ready for your last meal here?", He asks. "Please don't say it like that; You sound like I'm going to get executed.", I reply. He nods and mutters, "Well if he doesn't show up then you won't." I get up and get changed. "Are you keeping the lab coat, little Mrs. scientist?", he asks as I put his lab coat on. "Duh, of course, I am besides it's yours so...", I trail off.  He nods, we walk out of the room and go to the mess hall. "Shall we sit by Sage this time?", I ask as I locate the said person. "Ok, I'll go get the food.", Foust replies as he walks off. I walk to where Sage is located and ask, "Is this seat taken?" He replies, "Oh, no, you can sit." I sit down and Foust soon comes with the food. "Oh so they know how to make waffles?", I ask. "You do realize this is Nova's ship and she's from the distant future right?", He responds as he sets my plate down and sits down. I nod and reply, "And you're from before modern technology."  Foust sighs, a loving sigh. "Love you too.", I say as I start eating. Provost jumps on my lap. Foust leans his head against mine and starts purring. Sage stares at us weirdly and asks, "Is Foust ... purring ?" I nod and reply, "Yes apparently the vampires here purr, you could try it on Nova." "I'm not trying to get kill, thank you very much Victoria.", he states.  "Ok then.", I reply eating to avoid the conversation.  "So sad that we couldn't chat.", Sage sighs. "We'll be back.", Foust replies. I choke on my food. "We will?", Provost and I ask in unison. "Yes, we will why? You don't like it here?", Foust asks. "Um..considering I look like Provost no I won't be back here, you can be here by yourself.", I answer.  "Ok then.", Foust replies. I continue, "And while you're here I can be with Snowflake." "Vicc..", Foust trails off. "For the hundredth time he's you, what is so wrong with your future self being with me?", I ask. He stays silent. "It's not like he's going to kill me.", I reply.  "Let's change the topic.", Foust says.  I roll my eyes and start eating. After I'm done I go throw the plate away. I go to Foust's room and pack everything up. Rebecca walks into the room and asks, "Everything packed?" I fold my arms, huff, and reply annoyed, "Don't worry we'll probably be back."  Foust comes along with Provost trailing behind him skipping. "Why is Fluffy happy?", Rebecca asks, As Foust teleports us home.  I start smiling as I realized that Provost pooped in Castiel's closet and say, "You didn't." Provost nods. Once we reach home, I start laughing. Rebecca looks at me confused. "Provost left a farewell gift in Castiel's closet.", I reply laughing. Rebecca soon gets it. "That's not nice.", She replies. Provost turns to his normal form and says, "Oh no it was a very appropriate farewell gift from me to him. I should've done Nova's closet as well." "That would've been hilarious.", I reply. "Maybe next time.", he says.  "Well, now what?", I ask. "I'm tired.", Foust replies. I smile at him. "Well we can go to sleep then.", I reply.  "Let's.", He replies. I roll my eyes and glance at Rebecca. "I'll stay here and play on your laptop.", she replies. "Ok then.", I say as I nod. Foust and I go upstairs and go to bed.   

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