Ancient Rome?

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"I will never get tired of time traveling," I say as we land. "well I'm happy about that." Foust smiles as he replies.  Provost says, "check your watch." I look at him and say, "what?" He says, "check your pocket watch around your neck I modified it more." I open my pocket watch and see that the hours and minutes have changed to dates. Both of the hands point to 1200 B.C. I say, "uhh foust are you sure we're in Ancient Rome?"  I look around and see the rugged barren desert all around us. "This is differently not Rome," I whisper to myself.  "Yes, victoria I'm aware of that." I hear foust say. I reply, "Sorry didn't mean to say it."  Two hours later I'm flying around bored out of my mind. "Are you done moping about, foust?" I ask as I fly down and lean against a tree. A few feet away Foust huddle in the fetal position on the sand shouts, "No I'm not done mopping!" He then proceeds to start muttering to himself. I sigh and walk over to him.  I kneel down and say, "foust, who cares if you got the time period wrong, we all make mistakes."  He continues muttering to himself. I say, "if you don't get up I will push sand in your eyes."  He sighs and says, "fine I guess it's not so bad."  I nod and say, "thank you."  He gets up and brushes himself off. I say, "ah yes sand its all coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere." He nods and says, "yeah it is." I sigh and say, "Are you kidding me? You don't know star wars."  He says, "uh star wars?" I sigh and say, "I'm about to choke you to death."  He looks at me and replies, "sorry where I'm from we don't have that type of technology."  I say, "After this adventure, we aren't going anywhere no time periods nothing instead we are staying home and  watching star wars got it."  Foust replies, "Ok whatever you say, Vic." I nod pleased with myself. I look around and say, "so what do you want to do?" He shrugs and says, "walk around and explore I guess." I nod. We start walking and see pyramids.  People who are workers working on some pyramids stare at us as we're walking about.  "I don't like this attention and don't you dare say it's because of the clothes because you're wearing weird clothes too," I say. Foust closes his mouth. "you guys are like a married couple." provost snickers.  "gee thanks, provost," I say. Suddenly a black cat wearing a diamond crusted collar runs up and jumps on my shoulder. "aww hey little fella." I say as I pet the cat. Suddenly two mean-looking guards jump out of an alleyway.  They see the cat on my shoulder and proceed to catch him however the cat slips down to my chest and on instinct, I cradle the cat. He paws at the necklace and I'm teleported out of Egypt. I look around the room and see I'm back home. Foust appears and asks, "what the hell?" I shrug and look down at the cat. I say, "well now that we're back home time to watch some star wars." He nods and sits down at the couch. Foust looks at the cat and asks, "Is this how you get a cat?" I shake my head and say, "nope but I apparently have a cat now." Provost looks at the cat and says, "well shall we name him?" I nod and say, "ok what do you want to name him?" Provost says, "how about Artemis since he's from Egypt?" I nod and say, "Artemis it is." The cat starts speaking, "I quite like the name also who are you can I play with your hair?" I nearly drop the cat and say, "wait you can speak?" Artemis nods and says, "quite, anyway I thank you for getting me out of there, I shall be a no bother to you all you need to do is feed me and give water." I nod and say, "ok you can sleep on my pillow at night it'll be great." he nods.  I say, "however you can't talk when other people are around got it." Artemis says, "of course when other people are around I will meow only when you three are alone like now shall I talk."  I nod and cuddle the cat. "I'm happy  I now have a cat." I squeal.  Provost says, "great but can we go watch star wars I'm dying to see what this movie is about." I chuckle and say, "sure thing, provy."  He looks at me weird and says, "provy?" I say, "nickname."  I go get the first star wars movie and pop it in the DVD player. I sit in a lounge chair while foust takes the sofa. Artemis jumps on my lap, curls into a ball, and start purring. "so cute." I whisper as I pet him. I feel my self nodding off as I continue to watch the movie soon I'm asleep. 

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