Escaping pt.5

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"Please tell me that's Foust snoring and not Vladimir.", I mutter. "It's Vladimir.", Cosmic replies. "So Provost lied.", I mutter, "Jeez." I sit up and sigh, "Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it." Vladimir groans beside me. I start playing with his hair which earns purring from him. I smile knowing that he won't ever know that he purrs. I slowly get out of bed so I don't disturb Vladimir. A shawl appears around me and I limp out of the bedroom. I take my wings out and fly downstairs. I sigh in relief when I don't hear anyone waking up. "Can I get tea that won't wake up the whole house?", I mutter as I limp to the empty dining room. A cup appears in my hand then a kettle appears in the air, I place the cup on the table and watch as the boiling water gets poured into the cup. A tea bag gets placed in the cup with a bottle of honey next to it. "Thank you, Provost.", I mutter as I take the tea bag out and start pouring the honey into it. I stir it with a spoon that comes out of thin air. I start drinking my tea and turn around to where I'm met with Provost in his normal form. I notice that I'm trapped between his arms. I sigh tiredly. "Is this a new game that we're playing?", I ask. "MMM maybe you're going to escape from here however you're not going to get out of this time period yet.", He replies. I continue drinking my tea. "Ok, so where am I going to go?", I ask. "You're going to get out of the Vatikkan empire and stay with Sage as a prisoner of war.", He replies. I sigh, "Why? Why can't you just send me back home? Besides I'm branded, I don't know if I can leave." "That's why you're going as a prisoner of war.", He replies, "You're going to go to the forest, hang out with Foust for a while, and go with Sage." "That's stupid, then they'll find Foust and..", I trail off. I finish my tea and set it down on the table. "Damn it you're right.", He mutters. He bites his fingernail, thinking. I hear something tapping on the glass. I limp to the window and see Snowflake outside. I stare at him bewildered. "Is Snowflake supposed to be here?", I ask. Provost stares at me. "No he's not, not yet at least.", He replies as he looks outside the window. Snowflake flips off Provost. "Well fuck you too, Snowflake.", Provost replies. He grabs me and replies, "Look who I have." I sigh at their childish behavior. Snowflake drags his finger across his neck. "Ha I'd like to see you try.", Provost replies. "So are we going to put this plan into action?", I ask. "It'll start right now.", Provost replies, I teleport out of the house and outside the cabin. "This is bad.", I mutter. Sage walks out of the cabin and looks at me. "Where's your horse?", He asks. "I don't know, it ran off.", I reply. He nods and says, "I don't think I can bring you with me." I sigh, "How about as a prisoner of war?" He looks at me and tilts his head to the side. "I don't think it would go well, since your Vladimir's mistress.", he replies. "So stupid, Provost's plan is crumbling.", Cosmic says, "I should've killed him." I sigh. "However you may be of some use to us.", Sage replies. "No I won't.", I mutter, "I don't know anything." Sage gets on his horse. I walk up to the horse. "Come on, lass.", He replies as he lends me his hand. I take it and get on his horse. We ride off. A few hours later, I fall asleep against Sage. When I come to, I realize that I'm on a bed. "What the fuck shouldn't I be in a cell somewhere?", I mutter. "So you're awake.", I hear Sage reply as he walks in. I get up and fix the shawl so it's around me. "Yeah, why bring me in the bedroom? Why not in a cell?", I ask. "Well you're a human, there's no need to lock you up.", he replies. I roll my eyes and ask, "Yeah however, I'm with the vampires, do you really trust me?" "Again you're human.", he answers. "Again, I'm with the vampires.", I say. He sighs. "Why are you even with them?", he asks as he lights a cigarette. I shrug and reply, "I don't really know." "What's with halo and eyes near the halo?", he asks as he touches the halo. I sigh, " Someone granted me the halo and the eyes are a biblically accurate angel that merged with me. I also have wings that have eyes on them." He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Don't believe me then I don't really care.", I reply, rolling my eyes. "This place is close to the Vatikkan empire right?", I ask. He nods. "That's not good, you should've went some place far out of reach.", I reply. "Yeah.... ", he trails off. "Let's go, your probably hungry.", he replies. I limp to the door. He looks at me sadly. I glare at him. "I'm fine, I don't need your help.", I reply. He walks towards me. " I said I'm fine, Sage. I don't need your help.", I say again. He picks me up bridal style and walks out of the room. I glare at him. "I don't want your ankle to be worse then it is. ", he replies. I roll my eyes. "It's broken, how can it get worse than it already is?", I ask. He looks at me confused. I nod and reply, "Yeah Vladimir broke my ankle so I wouldn't go anywhere, he also branded me and as you can tell gave me a black eye." "You poor thing.", he sadly says. I sigh. Next thing I know I'm set down on a chair. "Thanks. ", I mutter. I speak up and ask, " So it's just us two eating?" He nods and replies, "Father had to attend a meeting or something like that." I nod. As the day goes on, I stay in the bedroom, ignoring Sage's persistent knocking as he wants a friend to talk to. "Time to leave.", I mutter as I limp to the window and open it. I get on the ledge and fall. As I'm falling my pocket watch glows and I'm teleported out of that time period and on top of Foust in my bedroom. " You're back!", Foust shouts as he hugs me. I smile and play with his hair. He let's me go and I lean against him, cuddling. "I didn't know you and Sage went all the way back?", I reply. " Yeah we're childhood friends.", he sighs, "You saw him?" "I stayed with him for a few hours before coming here.", I reply. He nods. "So that's what happened after you gave me food, I thought you went back to my father. ", he says. "So weird how your memories change after I alter them.", I reply, smiling, " Also I did go back to your father I escaped there and went to the cabin where I found Sage and he took me with him." "Oh.ok.", he says, " well let's go get something to eat and get ready for bed." I nod and get out of the bed. Soon it's another boring evening and I tell my family about what happened to me. Afterwards I go take a shower and do my nightly routine. I go to bed without telling anyone goodnight.

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