Studying for tests

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I hear loud purring above me. I tiredly open my eyes and see Foust asleep, loudly purring. "Well its better than snoring.", I whisper. I hear my laptop ding somewhere far off. "Hmm, how am I going to get over there without waking up Foust?", I mutter to myself. "I could take your place you know.", Provost replies as he appears in front of me sitting on a chair. "I don't think so, I would rather wake him up instead of you taking my place.", I reply. He frowns as I start playing with Foust's halo. "Yes Vic?", Foust tiredly asks. "Good whatever time of day it is, Foust.", I reply smiling. "It would be morning, Vic so good morning to you.", Foust says as he sits up. "So we stayed on the couch all night?", I ask. "Yes, we did.", Foust replies. I get off of him and start walking to the dining room table where my laptop is. I sit down and wake my laptop up. "Well it looks like I'll be going to school tomorrow.", I aggervadily grumble as I read the message. "What for?", Rebecca asks as she walks in. "It seems like its a bunch of tests mixed into one.", I reply. "Oh you mean a state test?", Rebecca asks. "I guess.", I reply uncertain, "They gave me a study guide all I have to do is print it out and go though it." "Weird why would they give you a study guide the day before you have a test?", Rebecca asks. "I have no idea, wait a minute." , I reply as I check the date. "This was sent two days ago so what was that sound for then?" ,I ask as I go through my email. I don't find anything and shrug it off. "Oh well I mean this laptop is old so it probably notified me when there was nothing. Meh." ,I state. I send the study guides off to the printer, get up, and walk towards the printer that's across the room sitting on a nightstand, grab the papers and set them on the table. "Well shall we go get some breakfast?", Rebecca asks. I nod and we walk to the kitchen where mom is cooking. "Good morning girls.", She cheerfully answers. "Morning mom.", I tiredly reply. "Good morning Mrs.Homles.", Rebecca answers. As I go get the bowls for the cearal I say, " I'll be going to school tomorrow." "For a test?", Mom asks. I nod, I set the bowls down and go get the milk. "Well you are going to have to start studying then.", Mom replies. I sigh and reply, "I know that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the day." She nods and starts sipping her coffee. Oliver soon comes down dressed. He puts a bagel in the toaster and get some milk. "Where are you going to? Brads? ", I ask. He nods and replies, "Yep, it's a date unless..." He looks at Foust. I glare at him and say, "Sorry but Foust is taken, Oliver." "I know that,Vic.", Oliver sighs, "Welp see ya." He grabs his bagel, quickly puts some cream cheese on it and starts eating . He waves and walks out of the door. I cringe and finish my breakfast. After that I take my plate to the kitchen and sit back in my seat for the rest of the day and well into the night I study. "Here you go, Vic.", Foust says as he puts down a plate of chicken and vegetables besides me. "Thanks." I mutter without looking from my papers. A few minutes pass and feel someone nuding my shoulder. I look at Foust curiously. "You need to eat you're acting like my past self, shut off from everything but work it's not heathly.", Foust states. "Then let me act like your past self if it'll help me pass this test so be it." , I reply rolling my eyes. He grabs my papers. I glare at him. "After you eat you can have them back.", he states. "Fine.", I aggervatdly sigh and start eating. After I'm done I take the papers back and start studying again. After a few hours I feel Foust nudge me agian. I glare at him. "Come on you need to go take a shower and then its off to bed.", Foust replies. "No.", I argue. "Vic come on you need sleep." , he sighs. I sigh and reply, "Fine, lets go ." He smiles and I roll my eyes. I go upstairs to take a shower after that I do my nightly routine and get in bed. A few minutes later Foust gets in bed besides me. "Goodnight ,Vic.", Foust tiredly says. "How are you tired? I'm the one that studied all day." , I reply. He shrugs. "Well goodnight, I love you.", I say. I go to sleep too tired to hear what he says.

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