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I hear Provost sneezing for about the millionth time.  "Ugh can we put the cat somewhere else like with Foust or Falvik?", Vladimir asks. "Y-you touch him, I-I will kick you.", I reply shivering as I hold Provost protectively, "He c-can't help it, he has a cold." He sighs and replies, "Fine." I sneeze and glare at Vladimir as he sighs again and walks out of the room to get me a tissue. I stick my tongue out at him. I pet Provost and sigh. "W-wait where are the rings?", I mutter as I notice that my engagement and wedding ring is missing. "Fluffy.", I mutter. "I h-have nothing to d-do with them b-being missing, Vic.", Provost replies.  "T-they have to be s-somewhere right?", I mutter. He nods. I move him and decide to search for them, ignoring the pain from my ankle.  Vladimir walks in and asks, "What are you doing?"  "Er I l-lost my rings.", I reply.  He picks me up and places me back on the bed. I glare at him. I hear something breaking. "Please don't let that be the rings.", I mutter. I look down and feel my heart shatter as there lay both of the rings, broken beyond repair. "You asshole.", I mutter as I go to pull Vladimir's hair, he grabs my hands and smiles. "Aww it's fine, little prey I can buy the rings.", He replies. "I-I don't want t-the rings from you.", I spit out. He hands me a tissue and I begrudgingly take it from him and blow my nose. It soon turns into a normal day with nothing to do. I sigh out of boredom as I sit on the couch, petting Provost and thinking of a way to escape. "What's wrong, little prey? ", Vladimir asks as he pets me. " Er do you think I can go on a walk by myself? ", I ask. " No, we can go together though. ", he replies. I sigh, "Fine let's go. " I get up and hurry out the door ignoring my ankle. "What's the rush? ", Vladimir asks. I shrug and answer, "D-dunno." Vladimir puts a blanket around me and smiles. "What? ", I asked weirded out. " Mmm nothing you learned your lesson from yesterday. ", he replies happily. I roll my eyes. " H-He's up ahead.", Provost replies.  "Can I take my wings out?" I mutter. "No, you can't", Provost replies. "Crap.", I sigh, " Will have to do it quickly." Vladimir looks at me curiously. I sigh and limp ahead of him.  "What are you doing?", he asks. I ignore him and start to run discarding the blanket and ignoring to pain in my ankle. I hug snowflake and mutter, " Please let's leave." He pets my head. We teleport out and soon we're in my kitchen.  I sigh in relief. "Explain to me why you were there?", Snowflake asks. I sigh and reply, " No clue I just teleported there very painfully by the way." "I'm sorry. " He says hugging me. "He also broke my ankle as well as the rings.", I say. He tilts his head to the side and says, " You mean sprained. " "No I mean broken, he squeezed my ankle until the bones broke I felt it. ", I reply. " Oh Vic I'm sorry. ", he replies, " My present self will probably send you to Castiel to go get it check out." I nod. Crutches soon appear and I grab them. I sigh and ask, "How bad is my eye?"  "It's black if that's what you're wondering. ", he replies.  I sigh and mutter, "Great just what I need." "How long were you there? ", He asks.  "Two days. ", I reply. " He did that much damage in two days? I thought you were there for about a week. ", he states surprised. " Yeah well, he's dead now so I won't have to deal with him unless someone sends me back. " I reply annoyed as I look at Provost. Provost turns to his normal form and sighs happily, "At least now we're somewhere warm. " "Yeah... ", I trail off. I go to the couch and sit down. "You restricted Foust from time traveling to my location right, Provy?", I ask as I look at him.  "Mmm maybe I mean he can't just barge into the house and take you out there because it would've messed something up.", He replies. "Why? Would teenage Foust recognize himself?", I ask. He shakes his head and replies, "No, it's.." He sighs, "it's tricky you probably would've screamed out his name, and Foust from that timeline would probably be suspicious." I nod. Snowflake sits in a chair and we soon hear someone coming downstairs. "Oh Vic.", Foust says with a tone of sadness in his voice, as he walks towards me. "Yeah, I got a warm welcoming from your father. So sweet.", I sarcastically reply.  "I'm sorry.", He apologizes as he hugs me.  I sigh. Provst decides to lay down and use my leg as a pillow.  "Vic!!", I hear Oliver shout as he runs over. "What happened?", He asks as he looks at me with sad eyes. I sigh and reply, "I got to meet my father-in-law." "He doesn't look nice.", he mutters.  "He's not.", I concur.  "So what happened?", He asks. I sigh and reply, "That friend that's not of this world, his names Provost and he's the one who sent me there. My ankle got sprained and then Foust's father found me and decided to bring me to his house, which smelled of blood. Soon his father decided to break my ankle and give me a black eye and it's just been a nightmare after that. " "Well I certainly don't like Provost.", Oliver replies. "Welcome to the club, we have t-shirts. ", Provost says rolling his eyes. I sadly smile, start playing with Provost's hair and sigh, " You and almost everyone else." I see mom walk by, quickly look and then stare at me. "Oh Vic, what happened?", she asks. " Got to meet my father-in-law. That's what happened.", I answer. "I'll bring you to go see Castiel tomorrow. ", Foust replies. I nod and sigh tiredly. "Do you wanna go upstairs or stay down here? ", he asks. " Guess I'll stay down here. ", I reply shrugging. I glance at Snowflake who smiles. "Oh boy. " The thought passes my mind. "Ok, do want me to stay with you? ", Foust asks. " She'll be fine with me.", Snowflake answers. Foust glares at him. He smiles back. I sigh and reply, "It doesn't really matter if you want to stay you can." "What she meant to say is that she'll be fine and you can go upstairs.", he replies. I glance at him and look back at Foust. Foust sighs and says, " Fine I'll go upstairs, goodnight Vic. " I tilt my head to side confused. "He's letting Snowflake win?Weird. ", I mutter. " Night ", I call out.  " Goodnight, Vic.", Foust replies going upstairs. Soon everyone else is exchanging their goodnights. I stare at Snowflake who smiles at me. I put my arms up and say, "Pick me up." He obliges, picks me up and lays down. "Do you think we need a blanket? ", he asks. " Dunno.", I reply as the lab coat appears on me. "Never mind, good night, Vic. ", Snowflake says. I lay down and go to sleep.

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