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"'s time to wake up.", I hear Foust say. I groan. "Tis a pagan holiday today.", he replies. "Something about summer?", I ask as I tiredly look at him. "Yep, it's the summer solstice.", he replies. "Very well, carry me.", I say as I put my arms up for him to pick me up. "Certainly, however, I have to go get Rebecca.", he replies. "Ok go get Rebecca then come back and carry me.", I mutter. "Very well then.", He replies, getting up and walking downstairs. I snuggle back in bed, smiling. "Victory.", I mutter. I soon feel a hand on my thigh. I yelp and fly up. I glare as I see Provost smiling. "Come back to bed.", He replies. "Like hell you molester.", I angrily mumble. "Then I'll just go up there.", He replies as he disappears. I fly down and soon I'm pinned to the bed. "Let go.", I hiss as I start squirming. "Aww it's just like a few days ago.", he says, smirking. He soon frowns as Foust and Rebecca walk up the stairs. "Damn it.", he mutters as he disappears. I stay on the bed, shaken up. "Vic what happened?", Foust asks as he stares at me. I slowly get up and sigh, "What do you think?" "Provost?", He asks. I nod. "Why can't he just leave you alone?", He asks, as he walks toward me and hugs me. "I don't know.", I reply, "Anyway, let's go." He nods and we teleport out. I sigh happily as I feel the sun on my skin. I lay my head down on Foust's arm. "Geez I wish Provost would leave you alone.", Foust grumbles as he pets my head. "So do I but I don't think that's going to happen.", I sigh. "Of course not, you're fun to play with.", Provost replies as he appears in his cat form resting on my shoulder. We soon see the familiar sight of the large wheel being set on fire and rolling down the hill. As people dance and jump over the bonfire, we walk to where the tables are set and sit down. Fresh fruit is laid out on the table in a wooden bowl. Provost jumps on the table and starts eating the fruit. I grow bored and watch him."You look like you have blood on you.", I mutter as he eats all of the fruit. "Well I am a vampire, need to look the part right?", He replies. He starts licking his fur clean. He soon coughs up a hairball. I roll my eyes and start petting him. I watch as couples hold hands and start jumping over the fire. "So, how long is this holiday?", I ask as Foust lays his head on top of mine. "Five days.", he replies. "We're not staying the five days are we?", I ask. "Unless you want to.", He replies. I shake my head and say, "No I would rather just do it today and go home." He nods. We soon watch a battle of some sort. "It's a mock battle between the Oak King and the Holly King.", Provost replies. Foust explains, "The Sun King has two separate personalities. These personalities are so strong that, to some, they become different entities, the Oak King and the Holly King, each ruling one half of the year. The Oak King was born at Yule to the Great Mother, and in his light and splendor begins to turn the Great Wheel and start the lengthening of the days. The beginning of the sun's decline is symbolized by the return of the Holly King, the Spirit of Winter, at the moment after the Solstice. It is on mid-Summer that the dark half of the sun god begins to gain power. this is between representatives of the two gods who fight over the attention of the lady Goddess. At the Summer Solstice, the dark Holly King (to some beliefs as the Wren) slays his light twin the Oak King (to some beliefs as the Robin), and begins his half-yearly reign which ends with the Holly King's death at midwinter when the scene is reversed and the Oak King is triumphant. The eternal dueling of these light and dark brothers gives life to the primary tenant of western Goddess worship, "there is darkness in the light and light in the darkness." Although the Dark God is defeated, he has weakened the God of Light who has now begun to die. As everything in nature comes to its peak and then declines, so too must the God in His aspect of the Sun. With decline comes transformation, and so it is with the God, who takes on many aspects and wears many crowns. The Earth Mother is also at her finest at this time. The Goddess is becoming Mother, the seed that was planted earlier in her womb is growing with the son/sun. She blossoms just as the earth blossoms with abundance. She basks in the light of her lover and grows with her child each day." "Cool.", I mutter.  As the day drags on I start to get tired. "Ready to go?", Foust asks. I nod. He picks me up and I fall asleep in his arms.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ