Lazy Day Pt.2

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I wake up and shiver. "We did it again didn't we?" I mutter underneath my breath. I get out of bed and shiver more. "Find clothes, find clothes, find clothes.," I repeat to myself in a low tone. "I wonder if Rebecca went to sleep on the couch again." The thought passes my mind as I find pajamas and get dressed. I look at where Rebecca's bed is and see it's empty. "Well, that answers my question.", I mumble to myself. Provost appears, I roll my eyes and walk out of the room. He follows me. "So will I get pregnant this time?"I ask Provost as I stare at him. He shakes his head and replies, "Nope, you won't, you could say that I altered your body some." "Hmmm, but what if I want to be pregnant? What will you do?", I ask. He replies, "I'll alter it back to where you can get pregnant." I nod and say, "Oh well thanks I guess." Oliver appears in the doorway with Artemis in his arms. "Oh, sister dear here's your cat." He says as he walks over and hands me Artemis. I take the cat from him and say, "Thank you." He asks, "You two did it again?" I nod. He says, "Um so..." He trails off. I roll my eyes and say, "I can't get pregnant unless I actually want to." He tilts his head to the side and replies, "Uhhhh I don't think that's how it works, Vic." I nod and say, "You're right but when you have a friend who's a god you can do just about anything." "Aww, Vic I'm so touched that you recognize me as a god.", Provost sings with happiness. I roll my eyes. I set Artemis down and he walks away. "Now if you excuse me I have to wake up Rebecca before mom finds her on the couch.," I say as I walk away and go downstairs. I find Rebecca asleep on the couch with a blanket. Her glasses are on the table next to the couch. I grab them and shake her awake. She groans and replies, "What?" I smile and say, "Get up, here's your glasses, go up to the room before mom catches you." She sits up, stretches and takes her glasses from my hand. She puts them on and asks, "So are you going to get pregnant this time?" I shake my head and reply, "Nope you have Provost to thank." She nods and asks, "But what if you want a child?" I reply, "Provost will just alter my body back to where I can get pregnant." She rolls her eyes and sarcastically says, "Why am I not surprised that provy is behind it." I shrug and say, "Because he's behind everything that's why." She nods and snorts, "You got that right." She walks upstairs and I follow her. She opens the door and I see Foust dressed, looking at me. Rebecca walks in and lays down on her bed "Night guys." She tiredly says as she falls asleep. I walk up to Foust and whisper, "Guess it's going to be another lazy day." He shrugs and replies, "Whatever you want, Vic." "Wow, aren't you a good husband.," I say as I smirk at him. He tilts his head and replies, "What?" I shake my head and say, "Nothing." I walk over to the bed and lay down. "I should do schoolwork but I don't feel like it.," I mutter to myself. Foust walks over and replies, "I could do it for you, you know." I look at him and say, "Nooo I don't want to burden you with my work." "It's fine, Vic you aren't burdening me at all.," he replies as he stares back at me. I sigh and say, "No just come to bed with me and we can take a nap, I'll deal with the work later." "ok then." He replies as he gets in bed. I smile as I snuggle in his arms. "love you." I say as I close my eyes. "I love you too, Vic.," Foust replies. I fall asleep.

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