Escaping pt. 4/Provost and Victoria Time pt. 2

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A few minutes later, I feel Provost touching my arm with his claws. I groan. "Let's go.", he says, "I'll give you your wings."  "Wait you're not going to teleport me out?", I ask.  He says nothing and smiles at me. He disappears and I look around for him. I go to the window, where I see him in his normal form on a tree, beckoning for me to follow him. I open the window and glare at him. "Is he going to rape me again?", I mutter. "No darling, I'm not going to rape you again but we will snuggle.", he replies. I sigh, " Why can't you just teleport me out?" "Because I don't want to.", he replies. My wings get forced out. I glare at him and sigh. I get on the window seal and fly off. I shut the window and fly to where Provost is. He disappears agian. I look around and find him on standing on the ground. I fly over to him and he disappears yet again. "PROVOST!!! STOP WITH THE CAT AND MOUSE GAME!!", I yell out, frustrated. "Come on, Vic.", he says, a few feet away from me. I follow him and we end up in the woods. "Are we going back to the cabin?", I ask. He stops and sits on a fallen log. "P-provy. What the f-fuck?", I ask, hugging myself to keep warm. He glances some where behind me and a fire appears. "Shitty god.", I mutter as I limp on the other side of the fire and sit down close to it. I start to go to sleep, shivering. I open my eyes and glare at Provost, who just stares at the fire, zoned out. I get up and limp towards him. I crawl into his lap and try to warm myself from his body heat. "My, My. So you like me now?", he asks, running his fingers through my hair. "I-I'm just cold.", I reply, shivering. "Whatever you say.", he replies. He soon picks me up and walks closer to the fire. He sits down on another log that appears out of thin air. I fall asleep to the sound of crackling fire and Provost's breathing.

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