World War II

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We stumble on the ground and I fall. Foust picks me up and  starts pacing back and forth, He speaks, "tell me did you kill him? Did you kill the king of that world?" I say, "I-I don't know."  He nods, I look at the ground then look up at foust and  say, "Do you know provost?" Foust nods and says, "yes, did provost tell you to kill him?" I sigh and say, "I don't know. I can't remember anything."  I ask ,"anyway where are we?"  Foust says, "We should be in World War two but I'll go check just to make sure." He looks around and sees a man in a uniform, He walks up to him leaving me. He comes back and says, " Yes,we are in nineteen forty-two, World War Two."  I say, "OK? So what happend in World War Two?" Foust looks at me strangely then says, "oh right you're from eighteen thirty nine London. I completely forgot. " I say, "yeah a time period before this all happens by the way isn't this messing with time? Taking a person from a different time period and  letting them explore every other time periods." Foust ponders the thought and says, "Well I don't think it'll really do any damage." He looks me up and down and says, "however your outfit needs to be changed, I'm sure there's an army uniform around here somewhere." I ask, "So you want me to steal?" Foust shrugs and says, "I don't see why not."  I whisper, "Jesus you're worst than provost." Foust says, "I'm not as bad as provost. In fact provost is about ten times maybe even more worse then I am." I nod and say, "wait-Duh you're a vampire how can I forget."  Foust says, "I'll be right here or around here somewhere." I nod and say, "ok then I'll go look for a uniform I guess." I walk away.  Provost appears and says, "there's a guy who died in his sleep who's about the same size as you, I'll go get his clothes for you."  I say, "wait prov-" He disappears. "So now I can see him without any mirrors?" I whisper to myself.  I shake my head and say, "this is so crazy."  I walk around being bored. Suddenly i'm yanked in a tent and clothes are shoved in my arms. Provost says, "hurry and get dressed before someone catches you."  I do exactly as he says. After that he gets a knife and walks towards me, I back up and ask, "Provost, what are you doing?" He replies, "calm down i'm going to cut you're hair so you can put the cap on." I sigh and sit down on the ground. He asks, "do you really think I was going to kill you? Besides you're going to die here anyway."  He cuts my hair with the knife and puts it down. I turn around and say, "wait what i'm going to die here?" Provost nods and says, "yes someone is going to shoot you and you're going to die here. Or rather the battlefield."  I ask, "so what will happend after." He says, "that my dear i'm not allowed to say, or rather i'm not cause I don't want to."  He puts the cap on me and says, "now run along." I get up and walk out of the tent.  Provost appears besides me and says, "I deposed of the body now you can be in his position also nobody will notice by your voice since he was going through puberty so have fun." He smiles.  "Wow thanks a lot provost. "I say sarcastically.  He replies, "you're welcome."  I bump into a guy and he says, "Charles, You feeling better man." I say, "uh yeah."  He says, "that's good."  I nod. Provost says, "his name is tom." Tom says, "don't forget your gun we're going out, let's go kill some krauts." I smirk and whisper, "that rhymes."  I walk back to the tent, take the cap off ,and put Charles's helmet on next I grab Charles's gun and walk out. I meet up with some other soldiers. I zone out their conversation thinking about what foust is doing. "He should be running around by now looking for me." The thought passes my mind.  I get pushed and we walk out onto a small dugout. We soon hear bullets flying. Guys start pushing me and climbing ladders to fight with enemies. I follow the crowd not know what the hell is going on. I whisper "this is stupid why are we even at war?"  "Might as well help fight."  The thought passes my mind as  I try to see how to operate the gun. Provost takes control and I start killing people. Something goes off and I fall on the ground. My ears start ringing and all I hear are muffled voices. I get up when suddenly I feel something drip down on my uniform I look down and notice i'm bleeding. I hear a gun shot and a bullet pierces me again. I fall backwards on the ground. I see provost above me smiling. I grit my teeth and try to speak, blood comes up and I cough it out. Provost says, "Now now Victoria don't worry you're going to get reincarnated and you'll remember everything that's already happend to you. "  My breathing starts becoming shallow. I say, "fine, I'll see you in the next life I guess." Provost nods and says, "definitely see you soon, Victoria." I close my eyes and everything goes black. 

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