2nd-year anniversary

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"Good morning, Vic.", Foust replies playing with my hair. I groan.  "Just two more years until I get to tell you that we can sleep on our anniversary.", I tiredly reply.  "You're counting?", He asks. "Yes because I want to tell you that we will be sleeping when the time comes.", I reply. "Very well, what do you want to do?", He asks. I get up and shrug. "Guess I  have to get ready for your future self.", I reply walking towards my closet. I open the closet and look at my clothes. "What to wear?", I mutter. I feel my clothes change and I sigh. I close my closet doors and see what Provost chose. I'm wearing a short-sleeved white dress that's short on the front (it stops to my upper thigh) and has a long train that stops at my ankles, around my waist looks like a brown corset that stops at my chest. I'm also wearing a mini white and brown victorian hat clipped to my hair along with brown and white high heels.  "Er what is this?", I ask. "Clothing.", Provost replies appearing and putting his head on my shoulder as well as wrapping his arms around my waist.  "What type of clothing?", I ask, glaring at him in the mirror. "Mmm clothing of the Victorian Era with a modern twist.", he replies. "I look like a prostitute.", I reply. He smiles. "Too bad you have to wear this I'm not letting you change.", He replies, "Foust, doesn't she look beautiful?" I turn around and look at Foust. "She does, but if she's uncomfortable she should change.", He replies. "Nope.", Provost replies, smiling. I sigh aggravatingly.  "You should be more comfortable in your body, Vic.", Provost replies. "Well sorry that I grew up in a time where girls are not allowed to show any skin.", I angrily mutter. "Well I'm helping you with that.", He replies smiling. "Gee thanks.", I angrily mutter. I sigh and reply, "Well I shall see you soon, my dear husband."  He nods and I go downstairs and out the door. Snowflake smiles at me. "Hello little dog.", I say as I walk up to him. "Hello my owner.", He replies. "Really wish you had a tail. I would love to see it wagging back and forth really fast.", I reply hugging him. "So, what are we going to do?", I ask. "We can go to the cinema?", Snowflake suggest, hugging me back. "Ok. Let's go.", I reply smiling as I grab his arm.  After the movie, We go to a restaurant. As we look at the menu, I get to urge to ask him something. "Foust.", I call out. "Hm?", He hums as he looks at me. "Why don't you ever come with us when we go places?", I ask. He smiles and replies, "Well, I would love to, except my present self wouldn't like it and I'm pretty sure Rebecca would hate it." "Why do hate yourself so much?", I ask. He laughs. "Why would anyone hate themselves at any point in time?", he asks. "Because they know they can do better?", I ask. "Exactly.", he replies poking my nose.  A waiter comes and we put in our drinks and order. She leaves. "Question.", I reply. "I might have an answer.", He replies. "Where do you stay when you're not with us?", I ask. "Childhood home.", He replies. "Wait, you stay there? Why?", I ask. He shrugs and replies, "Why not? I don't really have anywhere else to go." "Stay at the victorian home.", I say.  "I'd rather not have any confrontation.", he replies. "So there's no one living near your childhood home?", I ask. "Nope, the house is very secluded as you could tell. Hence why we traded as well as hired hunters to get food. ", he replies.  I nod. The food comes out and we start eating. After I pay, we walk outside to a secluded area. Snowflake teleports us back to outside of the house. He sighs. I sadly smile at him.  He leans on me and mutters, "We could live there." I sigh, "Could we? Knowing what I've been through in that house. At least he hasn't forced himself upon me yet." "I'm surprised he hasn't, Hopefully, Provost does something before that happens.", He replies. I get my wings out and fly up to where we're the same height. I kiss him.  I smile and play with his hair. "You could've asked me to pick you up.", He replies as we separate. "Have to use my wings sometimes.", I reply as I fly back to the ground and let my wings disappear.  "I'll see you later.", I reply as I open the door and look at him. "See you soon.", He replies as he teleports away.  I go upstairs, my clothes changing to pajamas as I walk.  I open the door and lay on my bed on top of Foust. "Wanna watch something?", he asks. "Yes.", I reply.  I get up and ask, "Where's Rebecca?", as I see that her bed and stuff have disappeared. Provost appears and replies, "In her room." "What room?", I ask. "I put a room in the house, it's downstairs.", he replies shrugging.  "Like a cupboard room?", I ask remembering Harry Potter. "Yep.", He replies, "better than nothing."  "But that's small how did you get her to go?", I ask. "Easy, I sent her a note about it from your mother.", he replies.  "But it was actually you.", I affirm. "Yes.", he replies. I sigh. "I'm not letting anyone say anything.", he replies. "Very well then.", I sigh. I get underneath my covers and wait as my laptop and food appear on the bed. We start watching movies when I hear purring. I roll my eyes as I shut my laptop off and put it away. I get comfortable and fall asleep.

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