Meeting Victor

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Disclaimer: I don't own, Victor, he belongs to SarahDarling5.

"Are you ready to go, Vic?", Foust asks, tiredly. I groan. "Let her sleep, she had a rough day yesterday.", Provost says. "Yeah and who was the one who brought her there?", Foust asks, angrily. "Meh.", he replies. "Go get Rebecca, I'll get changed.", I sleepily say. "Ok then.", He replies, getting out of bed. I stretch and glance at Provost. "I guess I'm wearing this dress again?", I ask. He smiles at me. "Ugh, at least let me take a bath and wash the dress.", I say. "Why are you getting prepared to meet him, you already have a crush on him before meeting him?", Provost asks. I glare at him, "No, you're probably going to make me wear the dress anyway right? So why not wash it?", I ask. "True.", He replies. I walk out of my room and go to the bathroom. After the shower, I dry my hair and get dressed back into the now clean dress I was wearing. I go down the stairs and see Rebecca decked out in winter clothing. "What are you wearing, Vic?", she asks, looking at my outfit, "We're going somewhere cold, dress appropriately."  I fold my arms, "Tell that to Provost.", I angrily reply. As Foust teleports us to the city entrance, I ask Foust, "So did your brother take over?"  "Yeah, think he was the one who killed my father and took over, I left Victor with him so he's been here his whole life.", he replies.  We soon land and I start shivering. "S-So aggravating.", I chatter as I hug Foust to get warm. "I wish Provost would give you warm clothes instead of that thin dress.", He replies looking at me with sadness. He takes off his coat and hands it to me. I put it on. "P-pick me up.", I chatter, holding my arms up. He picks me up and I try to get close to him as much as I can. We start walking to the house. "I-it's kinda helping.", I reply. "W-Why didn't you teleport right to the house?", I ask. He sighs. "Don't tell me Provost did that?", Rebecca asks. "Oh sure blame everything on me.", Provost sighs as he appears in his cat form and sits in my arms. "I will blame everything on you until you die.", Rebecca barks. "S-stop fighting y-you two.", I say. "Of course, you would, what did I ever do to you Rebecca?", He asks. "You did everything, you asshole: You destroyed Castiel's universe, you've killed Victoria multiple times, you're a thorn in everyone's side!!", She shouts. Provost stays silent. "Are you ok, Provy?", I ask, as I start petting him. "You're making assumptions without knowing the full context of everything, Rebecca. I will not tell you those contexts, but just know I didn't purposely consume my universe.", He replies. He rolls himself into a ball and goes to sleep. "You hurt his feelings, Rebecca.", I say. She stays silent. We finally make it to the house. "What are you doing back here?", We hear a male voice ask. A vampire with the left side of his hair as black and the right side of his hair as white stares at us. He dressed in armor. "Reminds me of Vladimir.", I mutter. "Oh so you've been here before?", I ask. "Duh, I'm not that terrible of a parent like Nova is.", Foust mutters, "Then again she hates time traveling." "Are you going to answer my question?", The person asks. "Just to see if you're ok.", Foust replies. "Maybe we shouldn't have came, this seems personal.", I say. "Obviously, Vic.", Provost says. I glare at him. "If I could choke you I would.", I mumble.  "Also, Angel, Rebecca this is Victor.", Foust introduces us.  "Hi.", I say. "Let's get going.", Victor replies, leading the way to the front door. "Wow, so he's not attacking us?", I ask, shocked. "I've met him before, he comes around sometimes so there's no point in me attacking him, Angel. He's harmless.", Victor replies. "Thanks for noticing that I'm harmless, Victor.", Foust says. He then mutters, "Only when I want to be." We soon walk inside the warm house. "Does he still have the servants?", I mumble. "Yeah he does.", Provost replies. "Wow, everything here is so cool looking.", Rebecca gasps. I roll my eyes. "He still has the deer head.", I reply as I see the deer head mounted on the wall in the entryway. " Not much has changed.", I mutter. We walk and sit at the dining room table. I tug on Foust's sleeve. He looks at me, and I whisper in his ear, "We're sleeping in your bedroom, Rebecca can take Falvik's  or a guest's room." "We'll have to ask Victor if it's occupied first.", Foust replies. I glare at him. "What?", He asks. "We're sleeping in your room, no if's and's or but's about it.", I command. "Angel..", He trails off.  "Don't Angel me, we're sleeping in your room.", I bark back. He sighs and speaks up, "Um Victor, is the bedroom on the right wing occupied?" "No I don't think so, you two wanna sleep there?", Victor asks. "Yes.", Foust answers. "Ok I'll let your friend sleep across from ya'll.", He replies.  We both nod. After dinner, Foust and I walk upstairs to the familiar place that is his bedroom. We get in bed and we go to sleep. 

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