Wrong place, Wrong time Pt.4

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Once I'm downstairs, I see other vampires, mostly male. I soon spot Vladimir talking with one of them. "Can I get out of here?", I mutter to myself, "Best not to." I sigh and start limping to where Vladimir is. I feel some men's gaze watch me as I walk towards Vladimir. I almost reach him when a guy walks up to me. "Hello there.~ " He seductively says. I sigh and mutter, "Well the black eye isn't working." I look at him and he grins. "Do you belong to Vladimir? ", he asks. " Uhhh yeah?", I answer, questioning myself. "Hmmm how much did he spend on you? ", he asks looking me up and down. " I don't know. ", I answer. I start walking again. "What happened to your foot? ", he asks. "Vladimir broke it. ", I reply. "Really? What did you do to get him angry? ", He asks. "Nothing, he broke it when we first met. ", I reply sighing. "Is the same true with your eye? ", he asks. "Yes. ", I reply. "Hmm probably to deter you from running away. ", he replies. I reach Vladimir and he grins at me. "Hello little prey. ", he greets, "want to join me?" "Join you in what?", I ask. He shrugs. "Just sit with me and we can talk.", he replies. He glares at the guy next to me. I walk over to him and he pulls me in his lap. "So how much did you spend to get her?", the guy replies. "Why do you wanna know, Emilio?", Vladimir asks, glaring at him. Emilio replies, "Because I would like to buy her from you." I look at Vladimir. "She's not for sale nor will she ever be for sale.", he replies in a cold voice. "Yikes.", I mumble. I hear Vladimir muttering, "She'll need to be branded." I glare at him. "Awww what is it, little prey? You look like you want to kill me.", he asks, smiling. "I don't want to be branded. ", I answer. He starts running his fingers through my hair and sighs. "We'll see. ", he replies. I continue to glare at him. "So when can we have a go at her!", I hear another guy yell. "Never.", he growls glaring at a lanky guy with short brown hair. "Aw come on, man your acting like she's your wife.", he replies. "She might be, never know, you just met her. " Vladimir states. "I don't see a ring on her.", the lanky guy replies. "Do I need a ring to be married?", I ask. "Uh no.", He replies flabbergasted. Vladimir smiles and pats me on the head.  I see someone outside looking in the window. "Snowflake?", I mutter.  "I'm getting tired.", I yawn.  I lay my head on Vladimir's shoulder and go to sleep.

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