Going to school

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I hear my alarm go off. "Ugh when did I turn it on?", I mutter to myself as I shut it off. I hear Rebecca get up. "How do you get up?", I ask as I tiredly get up. "I set an alarm, put it on vibrate, and put my phone plugged in underneath my pillow so I can hear the vibrations.", She replies as she puts on her glasses. "Ohhhh that's smart.", I reply. She nods and asks, "So are you going to get up and start your day?" I shrug and reply, "I guess." I get up and get out of bed. "Noo don't leave, Vic.", I hear Foust whine. I look at him strangely and grab some clothes. I go to the bathroom and get dressed. I do my morning routine and walk out of the bathroom. "So Provost are you going to make my halo disappear?", I ask. "Maybe leaning towards more of a no tho.", Provost replies. "Oh well if you don't want to, then don't, I can't force you.", I sigh. I go back to my room and start brushing my hair. "So your halo is staying on?", Rebecca asks. I shrug and reply, "I guess." "Ok then let's get going.", Rebecca excitedly says, "It'll be great to have our little group back. The puzzle will be complete." I look at her weirdly. "Puzzle?", I ask. "Oh come on Vic have you forgotten all of your friends at school?", Rebecca replies. "I don't have any friends at school tho only you.", I say still confused. "Oh, well you can be friends with my friends then.", She replies. I nod a little weirded out. We go downstairs and I walk into the kitchen and sit at the counter. "Morning girls, is Foust still asleep?", Mom asks as she sets down a plate of sausage. "Yep he is, I don't want to bother him, so I'll let him sleep.", I reply. "Well aren't you kind, Vic.", I hear Foust's voice behind me as he wraps his arms around me. Mom sighs and replies, "You scared me." "I'm sorry I wanted to surprise Vic but I apparently didn't.", Foust sighs. "Yep better luck next time." I reply as I smile not wanting him to know that he scared me. "Well you better hurry up and eat you don't want to be late.", Mom says sternly. Rebecca and I both nod as we eat our food. After that Provost hands me my messenger bag. "Uhh I don't know if I need this, Provy.", I say as I look at him. "Well, it's best to look as if you're actually going to school so.." He trails off as he puts it on me. "There.", He says in satisfaction. I roll my eyes and reply, "Whatever." "Oh also here you go.", Provost says as he hands me a slip of paper. "Is this the room number I have to go to?", I ask as I see a number written on the paper. "Yep.", He replies. "Thanks.", I say as I put the paper in my pocket. "So are you coming with us, Foust?", I ask as mom gets her keys. "I'll stay it'll be harder to actually watch you go.", Foust replies. I roll my eyes and say, "It's only for a day and a few hours at the most." Foust nods and replies, "I know but still." "Alright I'll see later then.", I say. "Alright.", Foust replies sadly. I hug him and quickly kiss him. "We can cuddle when I get home.", I say as I walk towards the door. "I'll be waiting.", Foust replies. Rebecca, mom, and I walk out of the house with mom closing and locking the door behind us. Rebecca and I get in the car and buckle up. "Y'all are soooo cute together, Vic. It's adorable.", Rebecca sequels. "Um thanks?", I reply. She rolls her eyes. Mom starts the car and we're off. While the cars moving I start studying while Rebecca reads a book. A few hours later Rebecca nudges me. "Are we here?", I ask. "Yep." She replies as she puts her book away in her backpack. I close my binder and put it up in my messenger bag. We get out of the car and walk in the building. "We still have some time before school starts, come on.", Rebecca says as she grabs my hand and pulls me. We walk through the hallway and go to a computer lab. "Hey Rebecca.", a guy's voice calls out. I hide behind Rebecca. "Hey Charlie guess who's back in school?", Rebecca says enthusiastically. "Who?", Charlie asks. "Oh my god kill me now.", I mutter underneath my breath. "Victoria, remember her?", Rebecca replies. "Oh yeah.." He trails off. Rebecca steps to the side and I glare at her. "Hey its a magic trick.", Charlie gasps. "Are you high?", I ask. "Nope just wanted to be cool.", He replies. He asks, "What's with the halo?" I sigh and reply, "I'm tired of people asking that question. It's so annoying." Soon the bell rings. "Welp see you around Vic.", Charlie says as he waves goodbye. I quickly go to the room number and open the door. A middle-aged man is there reading, he looks up from his book and stares at me. "Are you Victoria Holmes?" I nod. "Great, please sit at a desk while I get the test for you.", He replies. "Ok then Mr.......", I trial off. "Hoffman.", Mr.Hoffman replies. I nod and take a seat. Mr.Hoffman hands me a booklet and starts reading the instructions. He looks at me and asks, "You have a cellphone?" I nod and retrieve it from my bag. "Don't worry you'll get after the test is done.", He replies as he sets my phone on his desk. I roll my eyes. "Also what about the thing on top of your head?" He asks. I stare at him weirdly. "You mean my halo? How can I cheat with my halo?", I ask. "Well it's moving so...", He tails off. "That's because it shows my emotions.", I reply. "Fascinating.", He replies. "You freaking do something to me I will protect myself.", I say in a threatening tone. He holds his hands up and replies, " I won't how-" I interrupt him and say, "Let me just take the test." He scoffs and replies, "Haven't you heard of respecting your elders." I roll my eyes and mutter, "Oh please I'm older than you, I'm just stuck in this body." I sigh and reply, "I'm sorry please let me take this test." He hands me the test and tells me to start. A few hours in I hear the door being opened. I look up and see Snowflake by the door. He walks in and says, "Come on, Vic let's go." "Uhh go where, Foust?", I ask using his real name for the first time. Mr. Hoffman starts speaking, "Excuse me sir but you aren't all-" Snowflake glares at him and he shuts his mouth. "Let's go Vic now.", Snowflake demands pulling my arm. "Look, you can sit by me on the floor if it'll help you but I need to take this test.", I state glaring at him. He stays silent for a moment then sits by me on my left on the floor. "Fine but after your done, we're leaving ok?", He replies. "I promise.", I say. As the hour's tick by I start getting nervous. I start second-guessing my self. "Hmm." I mutter. I place my hand on Snowflake's head and start petting him. He purrs in response. I look up and see Mr.Hoffman stare at us, he goes to speak when Snowflake says, "Don't even think about it, it's helping her so be quiet." He shuts his mouth. I smirk a little. Soon the bell rings for lunch. "You're dismissed for lunch however you have to come back to finish.", Mr. Hoffman says. I nod and get up, snowflake follows. "Why are you here?", I ask as we both walk out of the classroom and to the cafeteria. "I missed you so I decided to see you.", Snowflake explains. "Oh ok.", I reply. We get to the cafeteria and see Rebecca staring wide-eyed at snowflake. I walk to the table and sit down. Snowflake pats me on the head and says, "I'll be back with some food." I nod and reply, "Ok then." "Love you, Vic .", Snowflake says as he walks away. "Why is Snowflake here?", Rebecca asks. I shrug and say, "He wanted me to come with him, he interrupted my testing session and I told him I won't go with him, so he decided to stay." "Ah great.", Rebecca sarcastically replies. Snowflake comes back with a sandwich wrap and a coke. I take both items from him and ask, "Where did you get this from, Fresh Market?" "Yes I did.", He replies. Everybody else besides Rebecca looks at him startled. "How could you get that from Fresh Market its a four-hour drive from here and you were gone for a few minutes." A girl named Ashely says shocked. "Don't tell her.", I reply as I unwrap my sandwich and start eating. "Very well.", Snowflake says as he lays his head down on my shoulder. After I'm finished Snowflake takes my trash and throws it away for me. While he's gone a guy named Charles asks, "How old is he and also are you two married?" he points to my ring on my finger. Rebecca quickly says, "No, it's a promise ring. That guy is a friend of ours and he promised her something. So, he gave her a promise ring, right Vic?" I nod and reply, "Yep, we promised to be friends forever." "So what's the other ring for?", another girl named Emma asks. "Shit I forgot about the engagement ring.", I mutter to myself. "That's another promise ring that I gave to her, I told her to wear it like a wedding ring because I love her and wanted it to seem like we're married.", Snowflake replies as he sits back down. "Well aren't promise rings smaller? That looks like a full-blown wedding and engagement ring.", Emma replies. "I can't tell the difference so I must have gotten two different rings by accident.", Snowflake says. "I didn't want to seem like a bad friend so I didn't tell him anything.", I explain. Soon the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. We say goodbye and snowflake and I make our way back to the classroom so I can finish my test. We walk into the classroom and I finish my test. Before I turn it in Snowflake snatches it from my hand. I glare at him. "Good job you got everything right, Vic.", Snowflake says as he pats my head. After he goes through every problem he turns it in. "So she can leave now?", Snowflake asks. "Yes she can.", Mr.Hoffman replies, glaring at snowflake. "Brilliant let's go now.", Snowflake says as he picks me up bridal style and starts walking towards the door. "Wait, her phone.", Mr. Hoffman says as he gets my phone. I get out of snowflakes arms and get my phone. Snowflake grabs my bag and we are out the door. Provost teleports us back home. "I'm tired." I say. "How about we take a nap together then Vic?" Snowflake asks as he puts my bag down. "If you want.", I say shrugging. "hmm why don't we go somewhere more private?", Snowflake asks as he grabs me and teleports out of the house. We end up at a log house in the freezing cold. "S-Snowflake what the f-fuck?" I angrily say shivering from the cold. He brings me inside and sets me on a sofa. He finds a blanket and covers me with it. He lights a fire in the fireplace and says, "I'll go get some more firewood, stay here." "I can't go anywhere else so..." I trial off. He smiles and leaves to go out in the cold. I soon fall asleep.

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