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I wake up and look around my room. Provost appears and says, "Congratulations, Vic." I look at him weird and ask, "Congratulations for what?"  He smirks and says, "Oh I think you know."  I tilt my head to the side and say, "Um what?"  He glares at me and says, "Really? Are you being serious, Vic?"  I try to recall last night and then blush.  Provost smirks and says, "Uuu now you remember." I roll my eyes and say, "Well at least now I won't die a virgin anymore." He nods and says, "You're right I'm surprised he wasn't as clueless as he usually is."  I get out of bed and shiver.  I grab some clothes from my closet. "What happened to Rebecca?" I whisper.  Provost replies, "She slept on the couch, she apparently knew the signs and walked out before it escalated." I nod and say, "Well that's nice." "What happened to Artemis?" I ask as I don't see him in the room. Provost replies, "After he had his nap with you he decided to sleep with Oliver. I think he knew what was going to happen."  I roll my eyes and say, "Lovely. Did we at least use protection?" He nods and says, "Yep you did, don't have to worry about getting pregnant."  I nod. He says, "Also wear your army jacket today you're going somewhere."  I look at him and ask, "Grave?" He nods and says, "Yeah your mom wants to go." I sigh and say, "ok, teleport me to the bathroom."  He looks at me weird and asks, "Why? The bathroom is right there." He points to where the bathroom is, "It's not that far." I say, "Well you never know who can be up in the house." He rolls his eyes and irritatedly says, "Fine." He teleports me to the bathroom and I go take a shower. After that, I blowdry my hair and get dressed. I walk out of the bathroom and go into my room. I find my army jacket and put it on. I crawl in bed and poke at Foust's halo. He groans and looks at me tiredly. "Aww, you're so cute looking, foust.," I say.  He smiles and asks, "What is it?" I reply, "You're going have to get up, we're going somewhere. Also, go take a shower." He nods and gets up. I get up, walk out of the room and knock on Oliver's door. I hear him shout, "COME IN!!!!" I open the door and walk-in. He smiles and says, "Ah sister dear, your lovely cat decided to sleep with me last night and oh my god he has some soft fur." I nod and say, "Thank you." He looks at me and says, "I was wondering why he came to sleep with me since he usually sleeps with you so....." He trails off. I nod and say, "Take a guess." He looks at me wide-eyed and says, "Seriously? Congrats did you use protection?" I nod and say, "Yeah we did." He smiles and replies, " My little sister becoming a woman." I roll my eyes and say, "Oh my god no please don't let Mom hear you say that." He nods and replies, "You're right she'll kill foust if she finds out." I nod. He gets up and hands me Artemis. He says, "Here you go also we're going to go to dad's grave today." I nod and reply, "Ok thanks for telling me."  I walk in my room and set Artemis down on the floor, I take my sheets off of my bed and walk downstairs. My mom looks at me and says, "well look who's finally doing the laundry."  I nod and say, "Yep. I can do laundry you know it's not that hard." I put the sheets along with my blanket and pillowcases in the washing machine. I put the detergent in and start it up. I hear her say, "You're right it isn't that hard." Foust comes downstairs dressed and says, "Morning."  I smile and ask, "So are we time traveling anywhere?" My mom replies, "Nope we all have to go somewhere." Rebecca appears and says, "Morning." I stare at her wide-eyed and mutter, "Shit."  My mom looks at Rebecca and asks, "Um Rebecca where did you sleep last night?"  Rebecca replies, "Oh I just wanted to sleep somewhere different this time, not that the air mattress is comfortable I just wanted to see how sleeping on the couch was and I much prefer the air mattress." She nods and says, "Ok then well you need to get dressed, we're going somewhere today." Rebecca nods and replies, "Ok." She walks away. I sigh in relief and say, "Well where are we going to?" My mom puts on a sad smile and says, "You're father's grave, it's about time we visit him." I nod and say, "ok."  Rebecca comes back dressed and asks, "Where's Oliver?" Oliver says, "Right here." He waves as he walks downstairs. He's dressed in some slacks with a white collared shirt. I say, "Well you're dressed up nice to go see father." He shrugs and replies, "Well I can't wear his army jacket since you're wearing it and you're also wearing his dog tag, so I decided to dress up instead." I nod and say, "Well shall we get going?" Mother nods and replies, "Yes let's."  We go to the car and get in our spots. Soon mom starts the car and we're on the road. 

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