Rebecca Moving In

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I jump down from the tree and walk into the house. I see a pile of letters addressed to my mom from the school. I pick up one of them and sit down at the table. I open it, read it, and groan in annoyance.  I hear foust ask, "what's wrong?"  I say, "school ..however, I have an idea." I go upstairs to my room and get my laptop. I sit on my bed and login to my mom's email. I send a letter telling them to send assignments over via email as I now can't make it to school anymore. I send them my email address and tell them "Since I work I can't give it to her."  I hit send and a couple of hours later get a reply "We are very sorry to hear that victoria can't make it to school anymore, We are pleased to inform you that she can still do her assignments online she will be excluded from school projects, we will send you the textbooks that she needs to refer to, it will take 3-6 business days. Thank you."  I smile pleased with myself. I log out of my mom's email and log back into my email. I shut off my laptop and get up from my bed. I walk out and take the pile of letters and separate them from the rest, after that, I throw them in the trash.  "It's a good thing my mom uses my laptop sometimes," I mutter to myself.  I continue to talk to myself "Besides people at school would probably question the halo, especially the teachers I'm better off not going to school." Foust walks up to me and says, "maybe we should stop going on these adventures." I roll my eyes and say, "ha never I just finished sending them a letter and they said that I'm basically off the hook; I can do the work from home. So I'll be fine. Besides Rebecca can come over and explain it to me if I need extra help shes not going to be time traveling with us all the time." He nods and replies, "ok if you insist."  I soon hear my phone ding. I take it out of my pocket and it reads "Can I live with you now, my mom just kicked me out of the house. :(" I see its from Rebecca. "what the hell?" I mutter to myself. I text back "I guess."  She responds "K; I'm already at your house." I soon hear the doorbell ring. I go answer the door and see Rebecca crying with her bag in her hand. I move out the way and she walks in.  "You've got to be kidding me.," I mutter under my breath.  I ask, "You were fine a few minutes ago what the hell?" She glares at me and says, "Well sorry Vic, you know how weird my mom can get." She sets her bag down and we walk to the couch. I reply, "yeah I know; However, you stopped living with us about a month ago what the hell made her change?"  She shrugs and says, "I don't know, I know she ran out of some medicine and we don't have money to buy more; So it could be that."  I say, "ok when my mom comes back from work I'll ask her about it." She nods and says, "Also some adventures I won't be coming with you guys cause I don't want my mom to find out; So I'll ask your mom to drop me off at school and I'll get your work from there." I reply, "there's no need they're going to send stuff over via laptop, however you can explain it to me when you get back." She nods and says, "deal."  I smile and say, "I'm happy we have the exact same schedule I'm lucky." She nods and says, "yeah you are."  After that, we watch TV to pass some time. My mom soon comes home and stares at Rebecca. She says, "oh hey Rebecca didn't know you were coming over."  She nods and says, "it happened again." My mom says in a sad voice, "oh I'm so sorry, you can always stay with us." She nods and says, "thank you, Mrs.barker." My mom nods and says, "of course."  I quickly stand up and run to the bathroom. I hear foust ask, "Are you ok, Vic?" I lock the bathroom door and say, "you've got to be kidding me. " I take out my phone and check the calendar "great just my luck," I say as I see the day marked period starts. "how did it not go off?" I mutter to myself. I then see that it was dismissed. "Provost probably did that," I mutter. I text Rebecca the info and soon hear a knock on the door. I ask, "who is it?" She replies, "Rebecca." I let Rebecca in. After I change, I walk out and sneakily go to the laundry room. I quickly put a load of white clothes on to wash, then walk out. "Are you ok?" I hear foust ask me as I drag myself upstairs. I nod and say, "yeah just tired bye." I quickly run upstairs before he has a chance to ask anything else. I close the door to my bedroom and get underneath the covers of my bed. Foust opens the door, walks in and asks, "Did your cycle start?" I look at him tiredly and say, "yeah it did, provost most likely silenced my alarm." I sigh and say, "I'm going to take a nap." He sits down on the floor near the bed with his back facing me. I touch his hair, soon I fall asleep occasionally moving my hand to feel Foust's hair.

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