Camping Pt.2

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"uhh, I swear why do I have to wake her up?" I hear Oliver say irritatedly. I wake up and say, "you don't have to wake me up you know." He replies, "thank you, we're here by the way."  I get up and hear foust groan in annoyance. I look at him weird and say, "uhh what?" He looks at me and says, "I was having a nice dream." I roll my eyes and say, "oh please." I stretch and walk outside. "Uuu the woods so pretty." I hear Rebecca say. I look around uncertain and say, "snowflake can come at any minute." Rebecca puts an arm around me and says, "Come on Vic we need to help the guys set up the tents." I sigh and say, "sure." I feel someone putting their head on my shoulder. I look next to me and see fluffy black and white hair. "provy, what are you doing?" I ask as I start touching his hair.  I hear him say, "I just wanted to see what you are doing."  I smile and reply, "well we're setting up tents." I hear him snapping his fingers and a tent appears. I roll my eyes and say, "thanks now I don't have to put my tent up." I mutter, "Is snowflake going to appear?" Provost replies, "maybe, maybe not I'm not going to answer that question." I sigh. I get into my tent and lay down. Provost floats above me and asks, "what are you doing? You need to be social with your friends." I turn to my side and say, "no I don't." I feel him playing with the halo. I sigh irritated and get up. "fine." I say. I get out of my tent and walk back to where people are. "I really hate you sometimes,provy.,"  I say as I meet up with Oliver, Foust, Rebecca, and Brad.  I grab Foust's arm and lay my head against it. He pats my head and asks, "So I'll be sharing a tent with you?" I nod and say, "yep, you're lucky my mom isn't here, she would have a fit if she found out we were sharing a tent,foust."  He nods. As the day proceeds, I feel like I'm being watched. I glance at Rebecca as she says, "let's all go to bed." I let Oliver extinguish the fire. Soon everyone goes to their tents. A few hours later I'm staring at Foust's halo. "I wonder why I can't fall asleep?" the thought passes my mind. I get up and crawl out of the tent. I unleash my wings and fly to a tree. I sigh as I stare at the stars. "hello little prey." I hear future foust say as he sits near me on the branch. I look at him. "what's up, snowflake?" I reply. He slides closer and shrugs. I look back at the stars and ask, "Are you going to kiss me again?" He replies, "if you let me I will." I say, "I didn't let you kiss me last time so..." I trail off. I hear him say, "you're right but this time I'm asking for your permission."  I sigh and reply, "I don't know." He smirks and says, "if you say no I won't be mad." I roll my eyes and say, "Oh please you'll probably kiss me anyway." He laughs and replies, "you're right, I would do that."  He moves closer. "ugh I would rather not, snowflake." I say as I put my foot up to kick him. He grabs it and smirks. "aww why are you being so cold, little prey?" He replies as he sets my foot down and puts me in his lap.  I glare at him as he wraps his arms around my waist. I try to push him away. "aww you're going to fall if you keep that up." I hear him say as I continue.  I spit out, "I thought you said you wouldn't be mad if I said no." I hear him laugh. He replies, "well I changed my mind." He kisses me. "You fuckin asshole let go of me."  the thought passes my mind as he continues. Eventually he parts and sets me down next to him. "until we meet again little prey." I hear him say as he jumps down from the branch and goes away. "I hate myself and I hate him.," I mutter as I stare at the sky. "Just go back to the tent, just go back to the tent," I mutter to myself tiredly as I jump down and sprint to my tent. I soon arrive. I crawl in and get into my sleeping bag. I close my eyes and fall asleep. 

My adventures with a vampire time travelerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat