Even more wedding talk

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I wake up and sit up in bed. "The wedding is in two days what the hell?" I mutter to myself.  I glance at foust and see he's still asleep. I push the covers off of me, walk to the air mattress and shake Rebecca awake. She groans and tiredly asks, "What?" "Get up and put on your glasses, we need to talk about something," I whisper. She nods, gets her glasses and puts them on. She stretches and we walk out of the bedroom quietly. I close the door behind me softly and we both walk down-stairs. Once we reach the living room, I lay on the couch and stare at the wall. Rebecca breaks the silence, "Vic, it'll be fine." I sigh and reply, "Hopefully." I sit up and say, "Maybe provost can take control and numb most of my senses or something." Rebecca replies, "Vic, it'll be fine, I will be mad if you let provost take control of you, I mean he's already the priest, he already has a part in your wedding." I nod and say, "Yeah but..." I trial off. She continues, "Everything is already planned, so don't worry." I soon hear my mom's voice, "What are you two doing up?" Rebecca replies, "She's nervous."  She nods and says, "I was worried before my wedding day. It's normal." She tilts her head and asks, "However I started looking into the victorian era and it read that the girls were married off at the age of twelve and fourteen years old with parental consent, so were you ever married before?" I shake my head and say, "Nope I was very hard-headed and refused a lot of the marriage proposals, my birth mother was furious with me, we argued a lot. However, almost everyone else got married off except for the ones younger than me."  She nods and replies, "Well that doesn't help." I nod and say, "Yeah it doesn't." She hugs me and replies, "It'll be fine, you'll do fine." I sigh and say, "Hopefully." I look at Rebecca and ask, "What time is it?" Provost replies, "It's eight in the morning." I say, "Foust will be getting up soon, I'll go up now." Mom nods and says, "Ok and don't worry about it I'm sure you'll do fine." Rebecca and I walk upstairs and go into my bedroom. Foust looks at me and asks, "Where were you?" I reply, "Downstairs." He nods and asks, "So what do you want to do?" I shrug and say, "Well I have to do my classwork so you can do whatever, Foust." I get my laptop and textbooks out. For the rest of the day, I do my assignments while Foust sleeps more. "Wow, I'm surprised he went back to sleep.," I mutter to myself as I glance at him. Soon night approaches. I shake foust awake and say, "Come on dinner time." He nods and we go downstairs to eat. after that, we go back upstairs and I do more of my classwork.  I soon shut my laptop off. I hear Rebecca saying, "Night guys." I reply, "Night." I go to sleep.               

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