Being Free from Amnesia

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Disclaimer:I don't own Cosmic, they belong to SarahDarling5

I wake up to the sounds of snoring, I glare at the man, whose presumably my husband. "You can't snore any louder?", I ask. He must've heard me and taken that as a challenge because he starts snoring louder. I grab my pillow and hit him. He wakes up and looks at me tiredly. "What are you doing here?", I ask, glaring at him. "Such a rude child you are.", I hear a whispy voice say. I look around me and don't see anyone. "Weird.", I mutter. The man yawns as I continue to glare at him. "Am I not allowed to sleep with my wife?", He asks. "I guess, everything yesterday..", I trial off, "Sorry I hit you." "It's fine, my dear wife, I would expect a reaction like that considering I'm now a stranger to you.", He replies. I look down, shamefully. "Aww Vic, you didn't do anything wrong.", he replies, hugging me. My mind soon goes blank. "You haven't killed him yet have you, Foust?", I ask, my voice sounding raspy. I look at him, tilting my head. "I beg your pardon?", he asks. I decide to name the raspy being in my head and the one talking now Cosmic. "That was your job, that was the whole reason why you have the scythe and what do you do? Stay here and play around. He could've already consumed another universe.", Cosmic replies, "I guess I can use this child to kill him." "You won't be able to he can control her.", he states. I space out thinking. "Hmmm, we'll see.", Cosmic replies. My head feels clear and I stare at Foust. "What was that?", he asks, looking at me. "I don't know but my voice hurts now.", I reply, coughing. "Do you know any biblically accurate angels?", I ask as an image crosses my mind. "I don't know what that is.", he replies. I take my phone out and look it up for him. I show it to him and he stares at it. "Yeah I do.", he replies. "Well that's who it is.", I say. "Ha they really think they can kill me.", Provost replies, floating in the air. I stare at him. "Don't even think about it, Vic.", he replies, smiling at me. "I wasn't going to do anything, Provy.", I sigh as I lay back down. "My memories have returned.", I say. Foust smiles while Provost glares at me. "What?", I ask, looking at Provost. "You weren't supposed to get them back yet.", he grumbles. My voice changes again to being raspy, "Well too bad, Provost, this child deserves to have her memories." "Does she? After everything she's been through, I think I would rather have my memories wiped and forget who I am rather then relive those moments in my head.", he replies. I look at Foust and then glance at Provost. "He can't kill me, Cosmic.", Provost replies, "if he does, Victoria and him will both die." I glare at Foust. "You made a deal with him?", Cosmic asks, angrily. "Oh it happen a long time ago, before he met Victoria, I decided to sweeten the deal since I knew they would get married, that's why I granted her the halo, so they can die together when that time comes.", Provost replies. "So that's why he hasn't killed you yet.",Cosmic affirms, I glance at Provost. Cosmic asks, "How do you know she named me?" Provost smiles. "Why should I tell you?", he replies. I grit my teeth. " Very well, I'll allow you to stay alive, as this child calls you Provy. That's what I'll say. Farewell.", Cosmic says. I pass out. I groan, "Ugh fuckin headache." "I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing more of Cosmic as the day goes on.", Provost replies. I nod. The day goes on and I've noticed three eyes near my halo. I sigh and continue my school work. " I guess my wings are upgraded too?", I mutter. "Yes I added two wings so you have three on each side and they're decorated with eyes.", Cosmic replies in my head. "Cool.", I mutter. After that we have dinner. Mom, Oliver, and Rebecca stare at me. I sigh, "A biblically accurate angel decided to merge with me so that's where the eyes came from." I see Rebecca type something on her phone and show my mom and brother her phone. They nod and say, "oh." "That's so cool, so will it try to kill Provost?", Rebecca asks. " Can't tell you that.", Cosmic replies. They stare at me. "Why is your voice so raspy?", Oliver replies. I drink my water and cough. I sigh, "That's the biblically accurate angel named Cosmic talking." "Oh, well, maybe I need to stop asking questions. ", Rebecca mutters. "Ya think?", I reply. After that I follow Foust to our bedroom and go to bed snuggling Foust.

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