A lot of marriage topics

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I wake up to someone shaking me. I glare at the person and see it's Rebecca. I sigh and groggily ask, "What?" She asks, "So when's the wedding and where?" I sit up and ask, "What?"  She replies, "When's the wedding and where?" I tiredly say, "I don't know, I just got proposed to; Why would I be thinking when and where the wedding is?" Rebecca sighs and replies, "Because it's important, it's your wedding day you need it to be special. Also, the days go by quickly so we need to discuss this now." "No we don't need to discuss this now, stuff can happen between now and then like I might need to get reincarnated again who knows. So we aren't discussing this now.",I say annoyingly. I turn around and fall back asleep. Suddenly I'm pulled out from the bed with Rebecca dragging me by my ankles. "Ugh, Rebecca stop it.," I say as I'm being dragged on the floor.  She lets my ankles go and I get up from the floor. I stretch and glare at Rebecca. "Well thank you for the wake-up call.," I sarcastically say. She smiles and says, "You're welcome." I reply, "I'd much rather your wake up call then Provost's." Provost appears and says, "Hey, I heard that Vic, my wake up call was appropriate." I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "Sure it was, Provy, sure it was." I tilt my head to the side and ask, "What about the legal stuff? who's going to deal with that?" Provost replies, "You are, I'm going to take over and help you through it." I nod and say, "awww thanks, Provy." He nods and says, "You're welcome, Vic." I look at my bed and see foust looking at me. "Why did you leave? I was going to cuddle with you." I hear him say with a hurt voice. I reply, "Ask Rebecca, she was the one who got me out of bed." Rebecca says, "Awww I'm sorry Foust, victoria and I needed to discuss something." He nods. I soon hear a knock on my door. I hear Oliver say, "Vic get your friend and fiancee up." I roll my eyes and say, "He must love saying fiancee." I open the door and ask, "What?" He smiles and says, "Come downstairs family meeting." "Family meeting? About what?" I ask as I look at him. He replies, "You're wedding." "Ugh seriously?" I ask irritably. I sigh and say, "I shouldn't have mentioned anything." He replies, "If you didn't mention anything she would've killed foust so be lucky she's all for it." I roll my eyes and say, "Whatever."  I look behind me and say, "Let's go, you two." They both nod and we all walk downstairs. I hear my mom sequel, "Aww the bride and groom to be." I roll my eyes and say, "So.." I trail off. she nods and replies, "We need to get stuff ready." I look at her and say, "Uhhh aren't you pushing this wedding a little too early? I mean he just proposed." "Oh, you're right sorry I just got too excited." She replies. She then asks, "What about the people to invite? Who's going to be invited to your wedding, also where is it going to take place?"  I turn around and walk upstairs to my room. I hear my mom scream, "VICTORIA, I'M SORRY I'M JUST TOO EXCITED FOR THIS!!!" I yell back, "THEN HOLD YOUR EXCITEMENT FOR A FEW MONTHS PLEASE!!!" Rebecca follows me and I look at her. "Um excuse me what are you doing?" I ask. She replies, "We need to discuss." I glare at her and say, "No we don't need to discuss anything." I clear my throat and shout, "ALL OF YOU WHO ARE GOING TO DISCUSS THE WEDDING NEEDS TO STOP FOR CHRIST SAKE HE JUST PROPOSED TO ME!!!" Satisfied I run back to my room and lock the door. I hear a knock on the door and Foust's voice asking, "Vic? Can I come in?" I unlock the door, let him in and lock it back. I grab my laptop and get comfortable in bed. Provost appears and hands me a pop tart with a napkin. I take it and mutter, "Thanks,provy."  I start eating as I open Netflix and bring up Doctor Who. I look at Foust and say, "Come on." He walks over to me and gets in bed next to me.  We start to watch shows and movies on Netflix until Foust falls asleep. "Jesus it doesn't take long for him to fall asleep.," I mutter. For the rest of the day, I continue watching, until night falls. I shut my laptop off and put it away, I look at provost and whisper, "unlock the door." I soon hear the door being unlocked.  I snuggle in the covers and go to sleep. 

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