Der pt.4

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I hear a jingle on my phone.

"Haven't heard that in a while.", I mutter as I grab my phone and shut it off. I suddenly sit up and remember what the jingle is for.

"Shit.", I mutter as I quickly get out of bed and silently pray that it doesn't look like the Japanese flag.

"Damit. Was too late.", I curse at myself as I see a splotch of blood on the sheets. I bite my fingernail and look at my husband who's snoring away.

"Will you tell Foust?", I hear Cosmic ask in my mind.

"I don't know, I'm surprised he hasn't woken up yet, considering I can smell the blood.", I mutter.

Foust soon wakes up and glances at me, he looks at the bed and then looks up at me worried. I roll my eyes and reply, "My cycle started."

"Oh, well, let's get the sheets washed and I shall start a bath for you.", He replies.

I tilit my head, confused by his actions.

"Vic, I'm old, I know what a period is, I also had to deal with Nova when she was on her cycle.", He replies, taking the sheets off the bed and walking downstairs.

"Geez he must not like Nova.", I mutter as I watch him walk out of sight.

"I guess he's resentful that he had to give his kids away because of the time war.", Cosmic suggests.  I nod, sit down and flop to my side.

"Cramps?", Cosmic asks. I groan and curl up into a ball.

"Well, I'll bring you to Foust.", he replies as he brings my wings out.

"Nooo, don't do that.", I groan. Cosmic ignores me and I fly out the room. Cosmic flies me down stairs and stops. He sets me down and I feel someone's arms carry me bridal style.

"Let's get going.", I hear Foust mutter as he walks up the stairs. We're soon in the bathroom where I see that the tub has been filled with water. I get out of his arms and lean against him.

"You want me to stay?", he asks.

"No I'll be fine, thank you for doing this.", I reply.

"Of course, I'll see you after your done.", he says, kissing me on top of my head. He leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Is Rebecca going through the same thing?"  I mutter as I strip and get into the tub.

"Mmm nope not yet at least.", Provost replies as he appears, floating next to me. I eye him suspiciously. He smiles at me.

"I'm not going to do anything, Vic. I promise.", he replies. I glare at him, not believing him. He sighs.

After I'm done, I watch Provost like a hawk as I get out of the tub. I grab a towel and take my wings out. I cover myself with both of them and walk out the bathroom. My clothes soon change into soft pajamas.

"Thanks Provost.", I mutter as I walk into my room.

"Do you want some dinner?", Foust asks. I shake my head and get in bed. He looks at me sadly.

"I just want to stay in bed.", I reply as I seep down in the covers.

"I'll fix you a plate, be right back.", he replies, walking away. I sigh. Foust soon comes back and I sit up. He sets down my plate and goes downstairs. I wait for him. A few minutes later he comes back with a plate of his own. We eat dinner together and talk about random stuff. Afterwards I cuddle with Foust and fall asleep with Foust playing with my hair and purring away.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now