Christmas Pt.1

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"I swear to provost whoever is touching my halo I will kill you.," I say as I wake up. I see Rebecca smiling with her finger out. She pokes the halo once more and runs away. I get up and get out of bed, I run after her. I follow her to the kitchen where she hides behind mom.  I glare at her.  Mom turns around and says, "morning victoria now go wake up your boyfriend so we can all go to grandmas." I look at her and say, "yeah yeah I'll go." I walk back to my room and nudge foust on the shoulder. He wakes up, looks at me and asks, "yes?" I smile and say, "morning doctor who, come on get up you need to brush your hair."  He nods and gets up. I quickly change into my dress while he's out.  Once I get my shoes and dress on, I say, "provy can you brush my hair?" He nods and says, "ok."  We start the long painful process of brushing my hair.  After that's done with, Provost asks, "how the hell do you still have hair? I 'm pretty sure I yanked about half of your hair out." I shrug and say, "a miracle I guess." He puts a large black bow in my hair and I say, "thank you." I grab a reindeer antler headband and walk out, I see foust sitting on the couch. I put the antlers on him. He gets up and asks, "why?" I say, "because you look cute that's why."Foust sighs and says, "but I don't like Christmas."   I reply, "I don't care you don't have to like Christmas however your keeping those antlers on until the end of the day."  He goes to speak, "bu-"He stops midsentence when I glare at him and say, "no buts your wearing those antlers and are keeping them on until the end of the day got it." he nods and replies, "yes, ma'am."  I nod satisfied. Soon Oliver stomps out of the room. I look at him and see he's wearing a suit from the time period. I roll my eyes and say, "it's not that bad."  He looks at me and says, "its not the clothing its the fact that I can't have my phone with me." I  cross my arms and say, "You can go a few hours without your phone, Oliver." He replies, "no, no I can't."  I shake my head and walk to the car. Foust asks, "can I take the antlers off?" I look at him and say, "no you can't I already told you you're wearing those until the end of the day." He sighs and says, "but Vic." I say, "no, no buts." He nods and says, "fine." I look at my mom and ask, "so how are we going to do this?" She cringes and says, "You're going to sit on Foust's lap." I nod and say, "ok." We soon pile the presents in the trunk and take our seats. Oliver takes the front seat while Rebecca takes the back right along with foust on the back left with me sitting in his lap. Once we finally get to the mansion and mom parks the car. We get out, Some butlers walk out and grab the presents from the car. Rebecca looks at me and I reply, "grandma is super-rich that's why, inherited family money."  she nods, we walk in and another butler walks up to us. I get in the way between him and foust. He looks at me, I look at him and say, "you aren't taking the antlers off of him got it." He nods and says, "of course excuse me." He walks off. Soon I hear my grandmas voice, " Is that my grandchild's voice I hear?"  She walks up to me and hugs me.  I hug her back and say, "you have other grandchildren you know." She shakes her head and whispers, "no I don't they're imposters." I sigh and say, "whatever you say, grandma."  She nods and replies, "come to kitchen and have some cookies." I nod and follow her into the kitchen. "why does this house look so much like the one I used to live in when I was in the victorian era?" I mutter to myself.  "well I can see that grandma has been trying to bake again." I say as I look at the plate of burnt cookies. I look at my mom who just walked in. I walk up to her and mutter, "why did you get her a super-advanced oven you know she lives like shes been living in the victorian era for her whole life, she doesn't know how to use that oven." I point to the oven. my mother whispers, "cause the oven that she did have is a health hazard." I roll my eyes and say, "whatever."  A girl who I recognized as Brittney my cousin walks up to me and asks, "whos the guy in the antlers?" I reply, "my boyfriend, why?" She looks him up and down and says, "where did you find him, he's cute." I say, "none of your business what happened to your boyfriend this is your what eighty-ninth?" She shrugs and says, "we broke up, well I shall introduce myself see you later."  She walks away. Provost appears and says, "wow she sounds like slut material." I nod and mutter, "she is slut material." Provost chuckles. I see foust walking quickly towards me, he walks behind me and says, "please get her away."  Brittney walks up to me and says, "aww are you shy?" I glare at her and say, "get away from him now." She giggles and says, "why should I?" Suddenly grandma comes and says, "you better leave both of them alone." She looks at grandma and says, "we were just having-" Grandma interrupts," I know what you two were having now get the hell away from them both now." Brittney looks astonished, she then walks away. I nod to my grandmother and say, "thank you." She nods and says, "we are going to the dining room now." I nod and we walk to the dining room I sit by grandma with foust to my left. While grandma is at the head of the table, we soon hear people filing in and some of the people have to go into the ballroom to eat.  I smirk as I see Brittny walking into the ballroom. We wait for lunch to start. 

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