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"Vic it's time to get up.", I hear Provost say. I get up and look at Provost. "What?", I ask. "Come on, didn't Foust say that ya'll be doing the pagan holidays?", he asks. "It's a holiday today?", I ask. He nods. "Beltane, it's a Celtic fire festival that celebrates the coming of summer and the fertility of the coming year.", he replies. I nod and reply, "So we'll be going to Ireland again."  "Yep.", I hear Foust say as he gets up. "A lot of these holidays are Celtic wonder why?", I mutter.  Foust shrugs. He grabs my arms and we start waltzing. The scenery soon changes and he teleports out to get Rebecca. A few minutes later, he appears beside me with Rebecca. We start walking to the village. I roll my eyes at the familial sight of bonfires. "This one is a symbolic move to recall the growing power of the sun and cleanse the community of the dark months spent indoors.", Foust answers my unspoken question. Houses are decorated with yellow mayflowers. This time we see cattle being led between the fires by men holding on to a rope.  I tilt my head confused. "It's to make sure the cows get pregnant.", Provost replies, in his cat form on Foust's shoulder. "What's with the pole?", I hear Rebecca ask. I look at where she's pointing and see that there's a white pole off to the side from where the bonfire is. "That's a maypole. The ceremony will happen tomorrow after they have sex.", Foust replies. "Interesting, wanna partake in it?", I ask as I look at Foust. "It's up to you, I'm fine with it either way.", Foust replies, waiting for my reaction. "Well Rebecca would be left out so I guess not.", I say, sadly.  "Aww we can go somewhere private if you want.", he replies. "No, I'm fine.", I sigh, "besides it's not the first time we had sex and it probably won't be the last." We soon hear a fox howl, it runs and jumps and I catch it in my arms. "Jeez you're heavy.", I mutter as I fix its position so one arm is under its tail and the other is under his front paws.  It shrieks happily and starts purring. We walk to Astrid's place which is not far from the bonfires. "Ah you're back.", Astrid sequels. We smile. "Ah yes another feast.", I mutter as I see a long table out with food. As the night goes on I see less people around. I glance at Foust then quickly look away. "Offer still stands, Angel we can join the others.", He replies. "Don't say it out loud.", I reply, blushing embarssingly. He smiles at me then leans his head on top of my head. I feel a tickling sensation inside of me as his head pass through the halo. "No,it's something that should done in private.", I mutter. "Very well.", He replies as he starts purring. "Stop purring, you're making this difficult.", I mutter. He starts purring louder. I move away from him and glare at him. "Fine,fine I'll stop.",He replies as his purring subsides. "I don't trust you.", I reply, getting up and and going behind a tree that's not far from the table. "Angel! I promise that I'll stop purring.", he says. I look around to make sure no one spots me. I get my wings out and fly to the tree. I lean back and start looking around being bored. Provost appears in his cat form. I look at him. "What are you doing here shouldn't you be with the others?", I ask. "Meh,You know I like you so why not spend time with you?", He asks. I roll my eyes. I see some people take the wood from the fire as they go home. "Ending the celebration already?", I ask. "Some of them will, most of them will go out to the forset to have sex.", Provost replies.  "How long is it?", I ask. "Two days, April 30th til May 1st.", Provost replies. I nod tiredly. "Aww are you tired? Get Foust to bring you to the longhouse. I can't show myself.", he says. I tiredly glare at him. I move him beside me as I jump down. "I'll just go myself.", I mutter as I tiredly walk to the house avoiding people. "You look like your about to pass out, get Foust to bring you, you know he won't do anything.", he replies, jumping from the branch onto my shoulder. "I know.", I mutter. I soon spot Astrid's family's long house and walk in. I take my shoes off and get into the bed falling asleep with Provost purring beside me.  

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now