Being back in the comfort of home

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"Vic.", I hear a deep voice say. I groan. "Come on Vic wake up.", the voice says. I wake up and look at the perpetrator who woke me up. "See I told you I didn't do anything.", I hear Snowflake say. I glance at Snowflake whose standing by the wall with his hands up. I look across the room where I see Rebecca with a gun pointed at him. "What the fuck? Rebecca put the gun down.", I state. "Fine.", She sighs as she walks by me and puts the gun down on the nightstand. "Thank you.", Snowflake replies. "Are you ok, Vic, nobody hurt you did they?", Foust asks. "No.", I state. He sighs in relief. "I told you, Foust. Why would I let anybody hurt her? I'm married to her.", Snowflake states. Foust glares at snowflake and replies, "Because I don't know if my mind would change to malicious intent considering you're a batshit crazy person." "Calm down.", I sigh. "I was worried sick when you didn't come back, I asked Provost if he knew and he said that you were with snowflake. I asked where and he said that y'all two went to my childhood home.", He replies. "You got even more worried didn't you?", I ask. He nods. "Why? Why were you more worried, would your family do something to her?", Rebecca asks. "My father was not so nice let's just say that.", Foust replies. "No he wasn't, that's exactly the reason why I brought her there after they died.", Snowflake explains. "Well Provost didn't say that, so I didn't know, snowflake.", Foust replies as he glares at him. "Well then you should get mad at Provost.", I say. "Yeah I should but right now I'm too tired.", Foust replies. He lets me go and lays down on the bed. "So if you knew why didn't you try to come and get me?", I ask as I look at him. "Provost wouldn't allow it apparently, I tried to time travel when I heard you were there but nothing happened. " , Foust explains. "So Provost can restrict you from time traveling?", I ask. "Apparently, That would explain why I can't travel to the ship where my past self is when you travel there.", Foust says. "Well wouldn't it mess something up if y'all two meet?", Rebecca asks. "Yeah it would.", Snowflake answers. "So then you can meet your future self but not your past self, where's the logic?", I ask. Foust shrugs and replies, "I guess there's no logic at all." "Apparently not." , I say. I check my phone bored. I gasp. "What? what's wrong?", Foust asks. "It's spooky season.", I excitedly say as I shake Foust back and forth. "You mean Halloween season?", Rebecca asks. I nod and stop shaking Foust. "So the Victorians celebrated Halloween?", Rebecca asks. I nod and reply, "It was super fun, we dressed up in costumes and the house was fabulously decorated by the maids and servants." "Cool.", Rebecca says as her eyes shine excitedly. I get up and walk towards the door. "Where are you going?", Foust asks. "Going to do school work.", I answer as I walk out the door, go downstairs and go the dining room. I turn my laptop on and start my schoolwork. Before I know it Foust is giving me food. "Dinner already?", I ask as I take the plate from him. He nods. "Well I'll be staying up so you can go to bed.", I reply. He sighs. "Vic I want to cuddle with you tho.", Foust whines. "Alright, fine then.", I reply as I save my work and shut it off. We go upstairs and see snowflake in bed snoring away. I stare at him weired out. "You're going to sleep on top of me ok?", Foust says. I nod and change into my pajamas. Foust gets in bed and pulls me ontop of him. "Goodnight." I whisper as I fall asleep. "Goodnight Vic." Foust whispers back, "I love you."

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