Lazy Day Pt.1

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I wake up and mumble, "What am I wearing?" I look at my arms and see the cuffs of Foust's shirt. "Uuuuu cuffs.," I squeal as I start fidgeting with them.  I look at Rebecca's bed and see her awake with her phone pointed at me. I roll my eyes and say, "I give up, take all the pictures you want, Rebecca." She squeals and says, "Thank you." I go back to fidgeting. I feel Foust's head on my shoulder, He asks, "Isn't it a little too early for a photoshoot?" I shrug and reply, "She doesn't think so." Oliver pokes his head inside and says, "Come on, get up you three." I look at him and see him staring at foust. I cough and say, "Excuse me, you have a boyfriend, quit drooling over my husband." He looks at me and says, "right, sorry." He goes back to staring at him. "OLIVER!!!!", I scream at him.  He looks at me and asks, "Can y'all get a divorce?" I glare at him and say, "Hell no we just got married, there's no way I'm getting a divorce." He nods and walks out. I look at Foust and say, "If he tries to make any moves on  you; you have my permission to deck him." Foust replies," Noted. Although I probably wouldn't hit him, I'll probably just do the same thing like I did with Brittney." I nod and say, "Please do." "So what do you want to do?" I hear him ask as he pets my head. I shrug and reply, "I have no idea." Rebecca says, "How about we go to the industrial revolution, you can make Chloe even more jealous now that you two are married." I look at her and reply, "I'd rather not have a little kid try to murder me, thank you very much, I already have provost doing that." Provost appears and says, "Aww Vic I'm so touched that you recognize that I kill you every few weeks." I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "Yeah thanks so much, Provost." I soon hear a buzzing sound. I get my phone and see it's from Brittney. I roll my eyes and mutter, "I really need to block her."  I read her text, it reads "How dare you not invite me to your wedding, Vic. Besides you're too young to get married."  I text back, "I'm eighteen I'm physically an adult so screw you, Brittney."   I block her number and sigh. I go back to playing with the cuffs. I hear foust say, "You're going to have to get dressed, Vic. I need my shirt back."  I look at him and say, "nope, the shirt is mine now."  He smiles at me and replies, "Vic.." I say, "you gave it to me it's mine, now."  He pets my head again and says, "Tell you what, we can make a deal, I'll let you wear the shirt or coat every night but you have to give it back to me every morning ok?" I raise an eyebrow and say, "It'll need to be washed a lot then." He shrugs and replies, "I'll stay in your room while it's washing."  I nod and say, "ok then, deal." It soon becomes a lazy day as Rebecca plays with my laptop, Foust and I just lay in bed.  Oliver comes back to complain that we need to get up but once I summon the scythe he leaves us alone. "Thank you, Stardust.," I say out loud. Foust looks at me curiously and asks, "stardust?" I nod and hold up the scythe. I reply, "I named it stardust because the sparkles look like stars dusted all over the scythe hence the name stardust." He nods and says, "oh."  I hear a knock on my door and my mom's voice, she says, "Come on you three you can't just stay in here I brought food. " I ask, "Can't you or Oliver just bring it in here." She replies, "Oliver refuses to go in your room now I don't know why and the doors locked." I glance at Provost and he smirks. "asshole." I mutter under my breath. I get up, find some black pajama pants and put them on. I unlock the door. Mom hands me the food and looks at my clothing. "uhh who's shirt?" She asks. I reply, "it's Foust's." She nods and says, "ok." I nod and she leaves. "well I guess we're eating in my room." I say as I turn around and sit on a chair that appears out of thin air, we soon have a table set up in my room.  Rebecca says, "uuu enchiladas, it's been a while since I had Mexican food." I nod and say, "Me too." After we're done eating, I grab the trash and walk downstairs, I throw the trash away and walk back upstairs to my room.  Once there I go back to my room and jump on my bed. "I'm taking a nap.,"  I say as I get underneath covers. I fall asleep.           

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