Being back in the comfort of home pt.2

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I hear the bustling of the street as people walk and talk amongst themselves; whether it be to each other or talking on the phone. "So loud.", I mutter as I groggily wake up. "Morning Vic.", I hear Provost say. I stare up at him and soon realize that my head is on his lap. I look around and see that I'm on the park bench from when I got reincarnated. "Morning.", I mutter. I get up and touch my back. "So it wasn't a dream.", I mutter as I feel the outline of the end of the wing. I sigh. "Aww, poor Vic.", I hear Provost say as he sits by me and puts his head on my shoulder. "Shut up.", I mutter as I push him off of me. I get up and start walking home. "Someone's sad.", I hear him say as he floats behind me. "uh-huh.", I reply sarcastically. I feel my clothing start to change to a dress with my back exposed. "Er, Provost what the fuck?", I mutter as I glare at him. He smiles and says nothing. "Give me a cardigan, I don't want my family to start questioning it.", I reply. "Mmmm nope.", He replies, smiling. "You're lucky no can see you.", I mutter through my teeth angrily. Once I get home, I ring the doorbell. Foust opens the door and I hug him. "Vic where were you?", He asks as he hugs me back. "Where do you think?", I reply. "You got branded?", He asks as he feels my back. I stay silent. He lets go and I walk in the house. "I'm sorry.", He replies as he lays his head on top of my head. I ignore the tickling sensation as his head passes through the halo. "I guess I can say it's a new tattoo that Provost put on me.", I say as tears start wielding up in my eyes. "Vic..", He trails off as I start crying. "Do you wanna go up to your room or sleep on the couch?", he asks. I don't respond. He picks me up and goes to the couch. "I need to go take a shower, I'll see you in a few minutes.", I say as I get up off of him. "Ok, I'll be in your room then.", he replies as he gets up. I go upstairs and start to take a shower. I sense something in the room. "Don't you dare.", I mutter as Provost appears on the shower railing staring at me. "Aww but why?", he asks. "You already raped me isn't one time enough?", I ask as I get the shampoo. "Mmm no, it isn't.", he replies. I sigh as I let the water wash the shampoo off. I sense something and summon the scythe. I swing it just in time as Provost goes to attack me. The scythe gets embedded in the wall with Provost's sword underneath it. I glare at him. "Well your reflects are fast, you should thank me.", he replies getting closer. "Like hell, you asshole.", I say as I get my wings out and go to kick him. He transforms to his cat form, his sword clangs to the bathtub floor. I hear someone knock on the door. I sigh aggervatied, "Yes?" "Dinner's ready.", I hear Oliver respond. "Ok!", I shout. I let the scythe disappear and quickly finish up, glaring at Fluffy as I do and get out of the shower, grabbing the sword from the bathtub floor. I look back and wince at the damage done to the wall. There's cracks all along the wall meeting at the center where a huge gash is,where the scythe has collided with the wall. "Geez, well I can get it fix with the money from the inheritance.", I mutter. I set the sword down and start drying myself off. I hurry up and get dressed, put a towel around my hair, and walk out taking the sword with me. I open the door and Oliver gasps. "What the fuck happened?", he asks. I hold up Provost's weapon and reply, "Provost tried to attack me with this weapon and I took out the scythe to defend myself hence why that happened." "So was it the scythe that made that?", he asks. "Yes.", I sigh. I start walking to my room when I hear Oliver asks, "What's on your back?" I sigh, "Tattoo." "That doesn't look like a tattoo.", he replies. " It's a tattoo.", I say, angrily. "Ok then.", he replies, scared of me. I walk to my room. " Why do you have Provost's weapon?", I hear Foust ask. "He tried to attack me, probably to rape me again and I defended myself as a result there's a gash in the bathroom wall and he disappeared leaving his weapon behind.", I reply. Foust nods. I get in bed and sigh. "We need to eat dinner first.", Foust says. "Screw dinner I'm tired.", I reply. I go to sleep.

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