Sleepover at Brittney's Pt.2

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Soon people start walking in and sitting down.  I smirk at Brittney as she sits across from me, Foust is to the left of me while Rebecca is at the end of the table with Oliver seated on the other side of foust. "heh thank you, Oliver." I mutter. Brittney glares back at me. She then smirks and says, "maybe foust can sleep with me tonight." Aunt Janet spits out her drink and says, "excuse me."  I roll my eyes and say, "well he's used to sleeping with me." Aunt Janet looks at my mom and says, "you let the boyfriend sleep with her, I would never do that." My mom replies, "well we don't have a lot of room so, yes I do besides, I trust my daughter and her boyfriend enough and  we were that age once too." I speak up and say, "can we please move on to a different topic, I would rather not get into this discussion while eating." They nod. I hear Rebecca say, "well it must be nice being the only child with rich parents." Brittney nods and says, "it is." She fluffs her hair up. I roll my eyes and reply, "its probably very lonely, I mean your so-called friends are only your friends because you have money, I'm pretty sure if you weren't rich you'd only have a couple of friends or none at all." Brittney glares at me and says, "ha yeah right I have tons of friends and its not because I'm super-rich." I look at her and say, "Really? Then why don't you have a boyfriend? Why are you always flirting with mine? hmmm?" I cock my head to the side. She smirks and says, "because he's super cute that's why." I roll my eyes and get up from the table. "well I'm going to the bedroom see you guys later." I walk away before they have a chance to speak. I sigh. I whisper, "I miss you all, I wish vampires didn't take your lives away as they did in cold blood." I walk upstairs and go to the bedroom. I go to the bathroom and do my nightly routine. After that, I walk back out and see foust sitting on the bed. "Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?" I ask tilting my head to the side. He replies looking at me, "I didn't want to have to deal with Brittney." I nod and say, "well if I were you I would go take a shower." He nods and gets up. I walk to the door and say, "I'll see if Oliver has any clothing for you to sleep in. I mean you two look about the same size." He nods and replies, "I think we are about the same size." I walk out of the room closing the door behind me. I find Oliver walking to his room and speed walk over to him. He looks at me and says, "yes?" I say, "do you have any pajama pants for foust to wear?" He nods and replies, "yeah I packed extra just in case something were to happen."  I smile and say, "thank you, you're a lifesaver." "no problem, Vic."  He replies as he pats my head. He walks into the room and comes out with a pair of plaid pajama pants. I take them and walk back to my room. I hear the shower running. I open the door and put the pants on the sink ledge. I walk back out and close the door.  Provost appears and says, "wow I'm surprised you did that." I roll my eyes and reply, "Oh please I've dealt with it before in the victorian era."  He nods and says, "ok then well I'll see you in the morning." I nod and get in bed. "good night, provy." I say as I close my eyes and fall asleep. I soon hear foust get in bed next to me, He pulls me in his arms and I smile. "night foust." I mutter in my sleep. "good night, Vic." I hear him say.         

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