Visting Foust's Childhood Home

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"This stupid blanket isn't providing me with warmth.", I grumble to myself as my body shakes from the coldness. "Stupid Victoria, you should've worn the army jacket to school. ", I mutter to myself. I soon hear the door open. "What happened to the fire?", I hear Snowflake ask. "Excuse me you were the one who went out, what was I supposed to do?", I ask angrily as I glare at him. "You're right, you're right I'm sorry.", Snowflake replies as he walks to the fireplace and relights it. "So do you have enough wood now?", I ask. "Enough for about eight hours, I'll go back out and chop some more soon.", he replies. "So what do you use to chop the firewood? The scythe?", I ask. "No the scythe will break if I use it to chop wood, there's an ax outside by the door. I used that.", Snowflake replies. "Where are we?", I ask. Snowflake stands up and sighs. He stays silent for a while. When he finally does speak, he only says, "Childhood home." "So you grew up here?", I ask. He nods. "So if this is your childhood home, could we time travel back to when you were a kid?", I ask intrigued. "Ha funny you're a funny one.", Snowflake replies. I tilt my head to the side. "Oh you were being serious? Uh no and I'm almost positive that my present self won't bring you either.", Snowflake states. "Are you going to tell me why?", I ask. "I wish to not talk about it.", He replies. "Ok then, so now what?", I ask. "Dounno what do you want to do, have a snowball fight?", He replies. I shake my head. "Ok then.." He trials off. "Do you wanna cuddle since that's what we were going to do?", I ask. He smiles and sits down next me. I stare at him weridly. "Well I mean if I'm going to lay down, you need to move." , Snowflake states. "You can pick me up, I'm not that heavy. In fact I'm smaller than you, so you can easily pick me up and sit down.", I argue. "The blanket makes it harder though.", Snowflake replies. "Oh please you're a vampire, your supposed to be stronger than humans.", I say rolling my eyes. He happily sighs and picks me up. "I told you I'm not that heavy.", I state. "You're right I'm sorry.", He laughs. "What weird agruments we have, I think Provost was right we are a weird couple.", I reply. "Well it's better then being normal.", Snowflake claims as he fixes the blanket and wraps his arms around me. "I guess.", I reply. We stay silent with snowflake playing with my hair. I sigh and say, "Snowflake." "Yes,Vic?", Snowflake asks. I kiss him. I soon feel him leaning in. I hear him purring in response. I break the kiss for air. "Aww that was the first time you kissed me ,Vic.", Snowflake notes as we part. "Ok then." I reply weirded out. His purring subsides. "What? I always had to kiss you but this time you kissed me. How about we take it further?", Snowflake asks. "Uhh no thanks besides I don't feel like doing the deed here.", I reply. "That's not fair how come my present self gets to but right when I have you, you don't want to?", Snowflake asks. "Because it feels wrong now if we teleported back in the Victorian Era where everyone is alive I would.", I answer. "I can't do that, it would mess something up.", Snowflake replies. "So everytime I travel to the victorian era I get my virginity back?", I ask. "I guess, I'm not too sure.", Snowflake replies. "What about your past self?", I ask. "Don't do that, that'll really mess something up.", Snowflake replies. "Ok so just talk to past Foust when I see him got it.", I state. "Vic, I'm serious you'll be rewriting my history that should not be rewritten so don't.", Snowflake replies. "I won't, I won't. Ok? I promise.", I state. He stares at me, not believing me. "I'm serious, I won't do anything.", I say. He nods and lays his head back, he closes his eyes and sighs. "What was that for?", I ask. "Nothing, am I not allowed to sigh?", Snowflake replies. I lay my head down and stare at him. "Tell me about the stians that's been covered by the carpet.", I say. "How do you know about that?", Snowflake asks. "Was it your mother?", I ask dodging his question. "Yes, My father killed her.", Snowflake answers, "He's now dead thank god." I nod. "Are you going to tell me how you know about the blood stians?", Snowflake asks. "Apperntly my sense of smell is a lot stronger now.", I reply. "Ah, that's how; Provost just loves giving you abailties at the right time doesn't he?", Snowflake replies in a bittersweet tone. "Apperntly, I wouldn't be surprised if my hearing changed maybe I'll get pointed ears.", I joke. "Maybe. I'm sure you would look lovely with pointed ears.", Snowflake replies. My eyelids start getting heavy. "Aww are you going to sleep?", Snowflake asks. "Yes.", I tiredly reply. "Well goodnight then,My dear wife.", Snowflake says. "Goodnight.", I reply as I start dozing off. "I love you." I hear snowflake mutter. I fall asleep.

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