Halloween party

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"Oh Vic wake up.", I hear Foust's voice say.  I groan. "Come on Vic it's twelve in the afternoon.", Foust replies. "I don't care let me sleep.", I tiredly grumble. I hear a knock on my door. "Come on Foust, Vic, and Rebecca,  brunch is on the table.", I hear Oliver say. I sigh and wake up. "Good girl.", Foust says as he pets my head. I roll my eyes and get out of bed. We go downstairs and sit at the table. Mom serves us pancakes. I stare at her. She looks at me and asks, "What?" "Uhhh what are you supposed to be?", I ask. "A scarecrow can't you tell?", She asks. "I thought you were some type of witch, it looks like it because of the hat.", I reply. She smiles and says, "No I'm a scarecrow." Once we're done mom leaves for her Halloween party. "So who's coming to our party from our school, Rebecca?", I ask. "A lot of people.", Rebecca sequels, "Hopefully it'll be a party everyone will talk about after it's over."  "I wish Provost didn't burn down the mansion, now that would've been an awesome Halloween party.", I reply. Rebecca sighs, "Yeah but it would've been a ton of work to clean up, I would feel so bad for servants and maids." "True it would be a lot of work.", I reply as I nod in agreement. "Hey, Oliver?!!!", I ask. "What!!!", He shouts back. "None of your friends are going to bring alcohol right?", I ask. Rebecca rolls her eyes. "Oh come on Vic all of us are almost old enough to drink, I'm sure everyone will be mature enough.", Rebecca states. I look at her and reply, "Well considering Oliver is only nineteen which is not the age you should be drinking at, we should do mocktails instead." "I don't think people want to drink mocktails, Vic, if we get caught Oliver will go to jail especially since he's going to have a bunch of underage kids drinking along with him.", Rebecca replies. "Which is why we should do mocktails.", I state. She sighs. "The only ones who are old enough to even drink are Provost and Foust and I haven't seen either of them drink.", I reply. Rebecca stays silent. "Oh Provy.", I call out to Provost. Provost appears, He tilts his head to the side. "Why aren't you in costume, Vic? You should've called me earlier.", Provost state as he waves his hand around. My clothing soon changes into a werewolf costume. I'm dressed in a red and black pullover plaid tunic which has jagged edges and printed scratches with a grey fur vest along with black pants. "Uh Vic are those ears and tail real?", Rebecca asks. I tilt my head when I notice that a fluffy grey tail is flicking around. "Uhhh..."I trial off. "Now you're a real wolf, Vic.", Provost replies happily.  "Uhh ok thanks, I guess.", I say.  "Your welcome.", Provost replies. "Aww Vic you look so cute.", Foust chimes in. Foust is dressed in a long coat with velvet details with a red satin vest and comes with a black shirt front with red-trimmed ruffles, he's also wearing his black pants. I smile. "Well I see you have a costume.", I hint. "Hm? Oh yes Provost put it on me I had no say so.", Foust answers. I roll my eyes. "I think you should've been an angel Vic, all you need was a dress and heels and you would've been done.", Rebecca states. "Yeah but an angel isn't scary, Rebecca.", I correct her. "An angel of death then, you could've added Foust's scythe and it would've been perfect.", Rebecca says. "Uh that could be your costume, I'm not changing.", I argue. "I don't have wings and a halo so no, I don't know what I'm going to be.", Rebecca replies. I summon the scythe and hand it to Rebecca. She looks at me weirdly as she takes it. I pull her arm and we both go upstairs. "Here.", I say as I grab a black hoodie and hand it to her, "Put the hoodie on with the hood up, and now you're a reaper."  "Uhh..." Rebecca trials off. "Make sure you don't kill anybody with stardust.",  I reply. "Ok then.....", she trails off again. I go downstairs and soon hear the doorbell ring. I open the door and see a guy in a Jason Voorhees mask. I tilt my head to the side. "Hey, Vic.", the person greets. "Uhh hey?", I reply in a questioning tone. "It's Brad.", Brad says as he lifts up the hockey mask, "You look nice however I think the halo doesn't match your outfit." I nod and reply, "Well I can't take it off so..." I trial off. "Oh ok.", Brad replies. Soon I hear car doors being closed and people talking outside. Rebecca sequels in excitement as she looks outside the window.  The doorbell rings and Oliver gets it. As time goes by more and more people come. Soon I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone. I look to the side of me where the back door is (which is made of glass). I see Snowflake hiding in the darkness staring at me.  "Who's that?", I hear a girl ask as she looks at what I'm looking at. "mmmm...", I trial off. "Is he a stalker of yours?", She asks. "You could say that.", I reply.  "That's creepy, did you report him?", she asks. "I can't really report him, it's complicated.", I sigh. "Uhh, how is it complicated? A scary guy is stalking you and your fine with it?", she asks. "There's a lot you don't know about me so please don't, my family knows him, He won't do anything either so leave it alone. I appreciate you trying to look out for me but I'll be fine.", I assure her. I get up and go look for Oliver.  I see him mangling with his friends. "Hey Oliver!!!", I shout. Oliver looks at me and tilts his head to the side. I becking him to come closer. He finishes his chat and walks up to me. "What's up?", He asks. "Snowflake is here and I was sitting on the couch, then a girl dressed up  as Daphne blake from scooby doo started questioning why he was outside staring at me so.." I trial off.  He scans the people and soon spots her. "You mean the girl sitting on the couch?", He asks. I nod. "That's Amelia, I'll go talk to her.", Oliver replies. "Oh, I don't think it would be wise to tell her about snowflake.", I explain. "Ok then..", Oliver trials off.  He walks away. I sigh and try to find Foust.  I soon find him in a corner looking around. He smiles at me as I walk up to him. I lay my head down on his arm and sigh. "Snowflake's here?", Foust asks. "Yeah he's outside.", I reply. "Of course he can't stay away from you since you're also married to him.", Foust states. "I'm tired.", I yawn.  "Just hold out for a little bit longer, Vic. I think it's going to end soon ok?", Foust replies. I check my phone and see it's nine o'clock. "Didn't the party start at six?", I ask. "Yeah, six fourteen to be precise." Foust replies. I nod. As another hour passes by I soon see people start leaving. "Oh looks like the party is winding down now.", I state tiredly. Foust picks me up and replies, "Yeah get some sleep I'll bring you to the bedroom." "Ok then.", I tiredly mumble as I fall asleep.        

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