Being fixed up Pt.1

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I hear beeping. "Hmm? What is that sound?", I whisper to myself. "That's your heart monitor.", Provost replies as moves his head under my hand. I open my eyes and look at him. "Oh so the surgery already happened?", I ask petting him. "Yep, I told Mr. sleepyhead here, what was going to happen and he told Castiel to proceed with the procedure.", He replies. I see Foust asleep, head resting on his arms at the bed. I start playing with his hair.  "I'm surprised that he went through with the procedure.", I mutter.  I smile as I hear Foust purring and his halo moving in response. Foust stretches and sleepy looks at me. "Hello my dear wife.", He yawns. I tilt my head to the side, smile, and ask, "How was your sleep?" He shrugs and answers, "It could've been better. I was worried that you wouldn't make it or you could've been in another coma."  "Well if I did, I would've come back.", I reply.  "Yeah, but I don't know how long I would've waited.", he explains. I nod and sigh, "If you did go through your suicide attempt, you would be giving Snowflake satisfaction would you want that?" He shrugs. I roll my eyes.  Castiel walks in and leans on the door frame. "So can I walk on my ankle now?", I ask as I look at him. "Yes, you can, it's been completely healed.", He replies, "However I would advise you to not go back to that time period and meet with Foust's father again." "Like I had a choice.", I sarcastically state rolling my eyes. "So you don't control that pocket watch?", He asks shocked. "Nope, something else controls it.", I reply. "Hmm, will you tell me what controls it?", he asks. "Nope.", I answer smiling. " Is it Provost?", he asks. I shake my head. "Provost isn't with us.", I answer. He narrows his eyes at me. " That's a lie and you know it.", he states. I shrug and reply, "If you wanna believe that I'm lying then fine I'm lying." Rebecca walks in and says, "I hope this doesn't happen again." I sigh, "Yeah..."  Castiel leaves. Provost looks at me and asks, "You like your father in law don't you?" I gag and reply, "Uh no why the fuck would I like a person who murdered their spouse?" "Mmm ok then whatever you say.", he replies in a sing-songy voice. I narrow my eyes at him. " I don't like Vladimir. ", I spit out. " Sure you don't. ", Provost replies sarcastically rolling his eyes. I sigh and start petting him. Foust looking at me curiously asks, " Are you sure?" "You don't believe me? ", I ask hurt. He sighs. " What the fuck? Why would I like your father when he's a murderer? ", I ask. " Well, my future self is a murderer. " He states. "I'm married to you, you become your future self, I'm going to stay with you even though you're a psycho. ", I reply. " What's the difference between my father and my future self?", He asks. "I know you. I don't know what Vladimir was like in the past so I can't really tell you if I would've liked him, but I know your kind that's probably the difference and why I'll stay with Snowflake. ", I reply.  " So if you did know him in the past and he was kind would you like him? ", he asks. I sigh and reply, " Maybe, why? Are you getting jealous?" "Absolutely.", he replies. I smile at him. " Well you already know that I don't like him, I hope I don't go back there. ", I state. " You will. ", Provost replies. I glare at him as I start painfully petting him. He purrs in response. I pick him up and throw him off of the bed. I hear a drawn-out painful meow as he hits the floor. " That's what you get. ", I mutter. He looks at Foust who looks back at him. " You aren't going to help me, Foust?" He asks. Before he has a chance to respond Castiel walks in. We hear another drawn-out meow as Provost jumps on the bed again, glaring at Castiel. "Oops sorry. ", he replies as he goes to pet Provost, Provost attacks and he yanks his hand back. " You deserved that, Cas.", I reply.  "Well then I take back that sorry since he pooped in my closet. ", he says. " I'll do it again, you asshole. ", Provost replies. I get out of bed and ask for my clothes. Castiel leaves and a few minutes later comes back with my clothes. " Thanks for washing them. ", I reply as I take my clothes and walk out of the room to go find the bathroom. Once I'm dressed, I walk out and walk back to the medical section. I hand Castiel the hospital gown and sigh. "So shall we go back home?", Foust asks. I stare at him uneasily. He sighs, "I mean your house, I'm not going to bring you back there." "I hope not.", I reply.  "I wouldn't mess with my past to where a big change would be put in place, Provost might tho.", He replies. "So are your memories getting rewritten?", Rebecca asks. "Yes they are.", He answers, "I don't really know if I like it or not." "Well at least I go by a different name.", I reply.  He nods and says, "Let's get going." "Besides my past was rewritten also.", I reply, "Only difference is that I know him." We teleport to my room and I jump on my bed. I look at my hand and hear Foust ask, "What's wrong?" I sigh and reply, "Rings." "Oh well I can get you another one.", He replies. "It's not the same tho.", I reply, "those were the first rings that you got me so it's special." I mutter, "Why didn't they disappear?" "Because I didn't want them to.", Provost replies as he changes to his normal form. I roll my eyes and get in my bed. Foust looks at me curiously. "What?", I ask. "Well we should be eating dinner soon so..", He trails off. "Ok then mom, I'll go downstairs.", I reply smiling as I get up and walk out of the room. After dinner I go do my nightly routine and get dressed for bed, I soon fall asleep to Foust purring.

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