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"I don't think Vic likes it here.", I hear Rebecca say. "Why the hell is it cold?", I think to myself as I start shivering. "Am I back to Foust's childhood? I hope not."  I move my ankle, "hmm ankle's not broken and my eye doesn't hurt so I guess I'm not."  "She probably thinks she's back to my childhood poor thing.", Foust replies. I open my eyes and groggily see snow and some houses as well as Foust holding me. "Vladimir's not here right?", I ask. "No, we're in the Viking age.", Foust replies. "Didn't we already go to the Viking age?", I ask.  "Yes, however, this is how Christmas started.", Foust states. He sets me down and I get out of his arms and stretch. I tilt my head to the side and ask, "What about the Victorian Era?" "They christened it, some stuff that we know today came from the Victorian Era like Christmas cards, turkey being eaten on Christmas, hanging the mistletoe, and Christmas decorations.", he replies.  "Ok so how did the pagans celebrate it?", I ask. "Well we can observe it now if you like.", Foust replies. I roll my eyes. "We're back right? In the village that we went to for Halloween?", I ask. Foust nods. We hear someone walking. "What are you three doing out in the cold?", a voice asks. An old woman appears and stares at us. She beckons us to follow and we do. A fox follows closely behind her. We soon reach a long, proportionately narrow house. Kids are running around in the snow. We follow her inside. A fireplace with a pot on top is in the center of the house. Behind that is a table. And behind that is a small barn with cattle. Beds are on the right side along the wall. Closer to the door on the right side is a chest and clothes along with a shield are hung. More shields are hung around the wall. A tree is in the corner of the house decorated with small statues of their Norse gods, food, and clothes. We sit down on the bench. A man walks in. "Oh didn't know we had guests. Hello.", He replies. He goes and sits at the head of the table. The kids soon run in and sit down. They pray to their god and we start eating. One of the kids, a girl stares at me. "Is she a valkyrie?", she asks. "mmm maybe, maybe not.", I answer.  "You have wings don't you?", She asks. "Yes..", I trail off, fearing where this will lead to. "We have a valkyrie in our house!", She shouts excitedly. "Er yeah by the way I would advise against saying anything to your friends.", I reply. "But why?", shes asks. I sigh and try to think of something that'll make sense in this time period. "Because Odin doesn't want people to find out and I mistakingly forgot to concel  myself.", I hear myself say.  "Ohh ok. I'll keep it as a secret.", she replies smiling. After dinner we get up, I glance at Foust and see that his halo is gone. "Lucky.", I mutter.  He stares at me and tilts his head to the side. This ordeal ends up being a staring contest with me glaring at him. "Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me,Angel?", He asks.  "No reason.", I angrly say. He sighs and replies, "Don't worry about the halo." "Oh so you knew.", I spit out. "Angel...", He trials off. I sigh and reply, "Forget it, I can't make it disappear." He nods. "Ya'll are a weird couple.", Rebecca giggles. "Aren't we?", I ask happily as I hug Foust who looks terrified of me. "Don't worry I'm not going to do anything,love.", I reply. "I hope not.", He says as he wraps his arms around me. "We mustn't forget about  Sleipnir, lets go!!", One of the kids yells out as he takes a boot and runs outside. Soon the other kids do the same. "Do you think the horse would have enough? Eating all of that hay?", Provost asks floating near me. "Hm?", I mutter. "Sleipnir is an eight legged horse, he is the child of Loki and Odin rides him.", Provost replies. "Whose Loki?", I mutter. "A tricktiser god.", Provost replies. "Kinda like you right, Provy?", I mutter. He shrugs and replies, "I guess." The kids come running back inside. I start yawning. "Shall we go home?", Foust whispers. I shurg and lean my head on his arm. "I'll take that as a yes.", He replies. "Shall we go mumming?", a woman with fizzy red hair asks. The group agrees and gets ready. "We'll leave when we go out ok.", Foust whispers. "Ok.", I reply getting tired. We go outside and start walking to a house. Foust then pulls Rebecca and I to the side and telports out. As we time travel back home we go downstairs to eat dinner. We talk about our day. Soon it's time to go to bed. We go upstairs and I see Foust holding something. "Oh you got another ring?", I ask. He frowns and asks, "How did you know?" I smile and reply, "It was just a guess, also did you steal it?" "No.", He replies looking away, "Yes." I roll my eyes. "To who do I have to pay?", I ask.  "I don't remember.", he replies. I sigh and hold out my hand to him. He opens the box, takes the ring, and slips it on my finger. "I do hope it'll disappear when I go back.", I reply twirling it around. "I'll make sure it does Vic no need to worry.", Provost answers. I nod, not believing him. I grab the photo album from my shelf and my clothes change as I get in bed. For the rest of the night, we look at pictures of my brothers and sisters as well as the rest of my victorian family. I soon doze off with Foust playing with my hair.

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