Imbolc Eve

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I feel someone playing with my hair. "Wish I could kill him.", I hear Foust say. "Sadly you can't, you know that would mess something up.", I hear another voice that sounds like Foust. I then realize that Foust and Snowflake are having a conversation. "Yeah I know, how come you get to save her? Why does Provost let you save her but not me?", Foust asks. He shrugs. I groan. I pretend to get comfortable and lay still again to hear what they have to say. Snowflake goes back to playing with my hair. "Maybe it's because of my hair?", Snowflake asks, "Since your hair only has a few white streaks kid Foust, Falvik, or dad would probably recognize you? I have all white hair so maybe it's unrecognizable to them?" "True.", Foust mutters. "Looks like the conversation is done, time to wake up.", I think to myself. I stretch and open my eyes. "Aww no go back to sleep Vic.", Snowflake replies, "I wanna spend more time with you." I look at him and see he's sitting up. "You got to spend all night with me.", I reply. "Yes and I cherished every moment of it, I don't want it to end just yet.", He replies. Pajamas appear on me and I sadly smile. "Just lay back down.", He replies. "I'm already up.", I say getting out of bed. He sadly looks at me not wanting to go.  "Aww, don't look at me like that, you look like a hurt animal.", I say moving back to the bed. He hugs me and puts his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair as I look at Foust. "We can have sex again.", he suggests. "Wasn't one time enough?", I ask. "Shouldn't this be the other way around?", He asks. "Well you must be young if you can still go.", I reply.  He sighs, gets up, and gets dressed.  "I'll see you on our anniversary.", He replies as he kisses me. "See you then.", I say. He teleports out. "Where does he stay?", I mutter. Foust shrugs. "Shall we get going?", He asks as offers me his hand. I nod and take it. "What about Rebecca?", I ask. "I was thinking we could go by ourselves but if you want to bring her we can.", He replies. "No let's just go.", I say, "It's been a while with just you and me." He nods and does his little procedure.  "Ah back to the Viking age.", I reply, "Will we be going to the Viking age every time we go somewhere?" "Well for the holidays yes we're almost finished. We did Samhain and Yule we only have five more holidays left.", He says counting on his fingers. "We're not in Norway though, we're in Ireland.", he replies. "Oh?", I ask surprised. He continues, "It's to celebrate the goddess Brigid whose a Celtic goddess of fertility and motherhood. Venerated throughout Ireland, she held sway over passion, poetry, and invention, and her favor inspired craftsmen of all trades." "How long is the festival?", I ask. "Two days February 1st to February 2nd.", He replies. My clothes change. We see a girl,who looks at me. "Hello.", She says as she walks up to us. "Hi.", I reply as I lean on Foust. "Hello.", Foust replies. "Do you wanna celebrate Imbolc with our family?", She asks excitedly. "Sure.", I reply. "Let's go!", She shouts as she grabs my hand. We follow her to her house. "Déjà vu .", I mutter as I see it's a longhouse. We walk in and a woman looks at us. "Astrid who are these people?", She asks. "Friends of mine, we can celebrate Imbolc with them right?", She asks.  "Sure thing.", She smiles at her daughter. "Let's sit and wait for momma to cook us food.", Astrid replies tugging at my arm. Foust and I follow her to the table. I see a straw doll laid on a makeshift bed near the fire. I stare at it in wonder. "Bridge dolls, on Imbolc day, girls carry these dolls from door to door and receive little gifts of coins or snacks.", Provost replies getting into my lap and snuggling. "Cool.", I mumble.  Astrid's mom soon sets down the food: pork, lamb, cheese, butter, dairy. They pray and we then start eating. After that Astrid runs into her room and gets out some of her clothes, she rushes outside and comes back empty-handed. "Bridge is supposed to bless the clothes hence why she put her clothes outside.", Foust mutters. As the night goes on I grow tired. The fire has molded and I stare curiously as the mother rakes the ashes from the fire smooth.  Everyone says their goodnights and gets situated in their bed. "Tomorrow will be fun.", Foust replies. "Oh right it goes on until tomorrow night right?", I ask tiredly. "Yes.", he replies playing with my hair. Foust gets in bed and I follow him. "Night, love you.", I mutter. "Good night.", he replies. I snuggle him and go to bed. 

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