Viking age

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I wake up to foust carrying me in his arms. I look around and see we're in a village of some sort. Foust looks down at me and says, "so you're awake, good."  I groggily ask, "where are we?"  He replies, "Norway sometime in the viking age." I ask, "why didn't you wake me?" He looks ahead and says, "cause I didn't want to disturbed you." "I'm not even going to ask how you time traveled while you were holding me."  The thought passes my mind. Foust sets me down and I get out of his arms. I stretch and ask, "so why are we here?" He goes to talk when I interrupt, "no wait let me guess you wanted to travel here." He nods. I ask, "Is every adventure we have going to be you wanting to travel?" He replies, "hey you know you picked at least two adventures out of this whole thing. I only picked one." I sigh and say, "fine we're even then."  Provost says, "sheesh Vic you don't have to be so mean." I glare at him when I hear foust mutter something about clothing. I look at foust and say, "you want to repeat that?" He looks at me and says, "well its not a bother but I think you're going to have to change your clothing." I breath out a laugh and say, "uh no i'm not changing." Foust asks, "why not?" I say, "hell no how about you change cause your wearing weird clothes too in fact you wore that outfit  for every single time period that we traveled to  so if your clothing  is fine my clothing is fine."  he sighs and says, "Victoria.." I glare at him and he holds his hands up in defense. I let my voice be lace with venom as I say, "We are dropping the conversation here got it, I'm keeping my clothes argument is done with." He nods. I hear provost laughing . He says, "no you two should argue more this is hilarious." I say, "provost, shut up."  He continues laughing. I summon foust's scythe and go to wack him.  Provost moves out the way and laughing says, "ok , ok i'm done Vic, i'm done."  I put the scythe away. We see a girl walk up to us, she has blue eyes and blonde wavy hair.  She smiles and says, "hi my names Hilda nice to meet you." I smile back and nod. I mutter under my breath "How does she know English?" Provost says, "She isn't speaking English, she's speaking old norse your necklace that I gave you is translating it and making it sound like she's speaking English. Also since foust is near the necklace he can understand her too, as long as you keep that necklace on any language being spoken will translate to English. Also vice versa when you speak to her it will come out as old norse."  I mutter, "thanks, provost." He nods and says, "welcome."  Foust speaks and says, "My names foust and this is Victoria. It's nice to meet you." Hilda nods and asks, "Where are you from? You have weird clothing."  Foust says, "uhh some time in the future we're time travelers." I mutter, "great job foust I don't think she even knows what a time traveler is."  My suspicion is correct cause she looks confused and says, "time travelers?"  I say, "don't worry about it." She nods. We soon hear a horn in the distance. "uh oh we're at war again?",Hilda says frustrated. I ask, "how may wars have you been in?" Shes says, "This is our third war with the rivaling savages they want to take our land."  I nod and say, "that sucks." She sighs and says, "yes come on." We follow her behind houses, I see people battling. "maybe I should do something?" I whisper. Provost says, "Go for it,Vic." I nod and let my wings appear. Foust asks, "Victoria what are you doing?" I ignore him.  I use my wings and fly in the sky. The enemies get scared and run off. I say, "tch cowards." I hear one of the guys shout, "THE VALKYRIE HAS SAVED US!!!" I whisper, "Valkyrie?" Provost says, " A female helping spirit of the god Odin. They have wings and take the dead heroes to  Valhalla which is a hall where the god Odin houses the dead whom he deems worthy of dwelling with him." I say, "um i'm not going to do that." I fly over to foust and say, "let's go." Foust asks, "where to?"  I say, "Industrial Revolution."  Foust nods and off we go. 

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