Brittany visits.

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"Vic, it's time to wake up, I hear someone coming up the stairs.", Foust groggily says. "Ohhh you're not going to like this.", I hear Provost say. "Don't tell me she's coming over?",I ask as I look at Provost, who's floating in the air as usual. He sits on the bed and lays his head down on my lap. "Yes she's coming over, your wonderful cousin who has a crush on your husband.", he replies. I sigh as I start playing with his hair and watch as his halo moves in pleasure, he starts purring.  I glance at Foust who glares at Provost. I smile and lean my head against Foust's arm. "Well, we can both be jealous, my dear husband that makes us even.", I sigh. He stays silent continuing to glare at Provost. I roll my eyes and move Provost away. Provost frowns and starts whining, "Why are you moving me, Vic? I was comfortable." "Because it's making my husband jealous, that's why.", I reply as I ruffle up Foust's hair. "Pfft and? he doesn't do anything when you whine about Brittany.", Provost says. "You have a point there.", I reply. "So you want me to whine about your cousin? Fine, I'll tell her to leave me alone. Hopefully, she gets the hint but I don't think so.", Foust grumbles. "You won't do it, you're too kind of a person.", Provost replies, "You care too much about the feelings of others." "I don't care about your feelings Provost.", Foust answers. "Pfft, I'm pretty sure you do.", he replies. " Come on you two, y'all need to get up.", Mom calls out. I roll my eyes and get up. I open the door and smell expensive perfume over done.  I gag. "Damn it I forgot my sense of smell has heightened.", I mutter, holding my nose. "Can't let them know about it though. ", the thought passes my mind. Mom looks at me curiously. "I have a cold.", I reply. As soon as I say that, blood starts dripping from my nose. "Really Provy?", I mutter as I lean my head back. Mom freaks out and runs to the bathroom. She comes back with a tissue and I take it from her. After a few minutes of me pinching my nose, the blood soon goes away. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. "Hmm maybe it wasn't Provy who did that, people can get nose bleeds from their nose being dry.", I mutter. I sigh in relief, "Good I didn't get any blood on the dress." I walk back out and we all go downstairs. "It's not nice keeping your guests waiting.", Aunt Janet fusses. "My nose was bleeding.", I bark back, angrily. "Oh then I'm sorry. ", she apologizes, lamely. "You're not touching the inheritance.", I mutter, rolling my eyes. "What's with the dress? You look like a prostitute. I'm sure your husband doesn't want you to wear that around.", Brittany replies, smirking, thinking that Foust doesn't already know where I got it from. I smirk back, "Actually Foust gifted it to me, it was his mom's dress." She stares wide eyed. "Shit.", I hear her mummble. "Let's not bring my mom into this please.", Foust interrupts. "Of course not, darling, I was just saying that it was your mother's dress.", I say, sadly, " I'm sorry about what happened to her." "What happened to her?", Brittany asks. We both look at her, then turn away. Foust walks away and sits on the couch. I follow him. I sit on his lap and lay my head on his shoulder. "I wish ya'll would stop fighting, ugh its annoying.", Foust grumbles as wraps his arms around me. "Then stop being so hot.", I reply,smiling a little. He rolls his eyes. "I do wonder what would she think about Victor? Would she start going after him?", I ask. "I don't think his wife would like that, and besides Victor doesn't love anyone besides his kids and his wife.", Foust replies, "He would probably kill her." I smile. "Wow you really hate her don't you?", Foust asks. "I didn't ask to be born into this family, Foust so yes, I do hate her.", I reply. "Well, I would rather this family instead of my family.", He says.  Soon we get called for brunch. After we eat Foust and I sit back on the couch. I fall asleep to Foust playing with my hair and Provost, in his cat form, by me, purring away. 

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