Wedding day

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I jolt awake and look around me. I hear Rebecca saying, "The brides awake."  I see we're on the road. Mom says, "thank you for telling me, good morning sweetie." I look at her and ask, "uhhh what's going on?" She sighs and replies, "the schedules changed apparently you're getting married this morning instead of this afternoon, I hope you don't mind." I mutter underneath my breath, "Provost that asshole." I look at Rebecca and she nods confirming that it's indeed Provost who changed the time. I see that Rebecca is wearing a tan ankle-length dress with matching high heel shoes. I ask, "So did everyone get the update of the time change?" Mom nods and replies, "Yes everyone is already on their way." I nod. We soon reach the place and I see other people's cars. "I'm guessing Foust went with the boys.," I say.  Rebecca nods and says, "yes he did." I glance at mom and say, "Please tell me you didn't text Aunt Janet." she shakes her head and says, "No I didn't text her however once the wedding is done, I'll text her the place where the wedding reception is." I roll my eyes and reply, "Please don't." She asks, "Why do you hate Brittney so much?" I look at her weirdly and reply, "uhhh because she's been trying to get it on, if you know what that means, with Foust for days now, I wouldn't be surprised if she tries anything at the reception." She nods and says, "ok ok I won't tell Aunt Janet." I nod and say, "thank you now let's go." We get out of the car and Oliver comes out of the church and stands by me. Suddenly my attire changes to the wedding dress. Mom and Oliver look at me weird, I shake my head. "Just go with it please.," I say. They both nod. "Provy, you can shut my senses off now.," I mutter underneath my breath. I hear him whisper, "Not yet, sweetheart." "You piece of shit.," I mutter. Mom says, "I'll let you know when to come in." Oliver nods and she leaves along with Rebecca. I start playing with my bouquet of roses. Soon my senses shut off except for my eyesight and proprioception. I hear the muffled voice of mom say, "Come on." I grab Oliver's arm and we walk in. I see all of my family members looking at me, a few of them crying. I smile as I don't see Brittney anywhere. "Thank god.," I mutter underneath my breath. Rebecca soon approaches us and says, "I'll be leading."  I nod. Oliver and I start walking with Rebecca leading us. After what feels like hours we finally reach alter. I hand Rebecca the flowers. Provost starts talking saying stuff about marriage. Everything is muffled so I can barely hear what he's saying. The next thing I know we are putting the rings on. I hear more muffled talking, and soon my hearing comes back on as Provost says, "You may now kiss the bride."  We kiss and everyone cheers. Rebecca hands me my flowers and we exit. We get in the car and I sigh in satisfaction. Provost appears and says, "Congrats, Vic." I look at him and say, "I'm surprised you let me say I do. I thought you liked me,provy." He shrugs and replies, "I know you two love each other so why not." I reply, "aww you're so sweet."  Foust looks at me and asks, "You wanted to go somewhere, Vic?" I nod and say, "I think it'll have to wait until after the reception." He nods. We drive to where the reception is held and get out the car. As the day goes on, I start getting impatient. "ugh come on end already, you stupid reception." I mutter underneath my breath as Foust and I dance. Provost snaps his fingers and I now have the engagement ring and wedding ring on. I smile and say, "thank you,provy." He nods and replies, "you're welcome."  Soon I hear mom saying, "let's cut the cake." I nod and we do the cutting of the cake. "ugggghhhhh, let this end." I mutter underneath my breath. After that, I grab the bouquet of roses, pull foust's arm and We sneak out. Provost changes my clothes: I'm now wearing a black tank top with the army jacket and jeans, along with combat boots. Foust looks at me curiously and asks, "Why do you have the bouquet?" I look at him and say, "You'll see, bring me to the victorian era."  He looks at me weirdly as we time travel. Once we reach the place, I see my house. I sigh and walk up the few steps, walk to the front porch and put the flowers near the front door. I walk back to foust and say, "Kay we can leave now." "Oh, that's why you brought the flowers with you." He replies as he looks at me. I nod. "Yep, now, can we leave?" I ask impatiently. He nods and we travel back to the reception. My clothes change back to the wedding dress as we land. I roll my eyes. The reception continues, Soon people start congratulating us and saying goodbye. "Finally I'll be able to sleep.," I mutter underneath my breath. After the last person leaves, we walk out and drive home. Once there I go into the bathroom and change out of the wedding dress and into pajamas. I hand Rebecca the dress and go up to my room. Foust follows me and we both fall asleep cuddling each other.             

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