Breaking the necklace

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Once we reach home, I sigh and say, "how the hell does he know?"  I look at the pocket watch. "maybe its the necklace." I mutter to myself.  I take the necklace off and summon the scythe. I throw the watch up and bring the scythe down. The scythe punctures the watch and glass sprays everywhere. I grab the watch carefully and slide it off of the blade. I go to the kitchen and throw the remains in the trash.  After that, I grab the broom and sweep up the glass that has sprayed everywhere.  Foust and Rebecca look at me confused. I say, "What? This is just to be sure he doesn't have a connection to the watch." I hear provost say, "well you certainly are smart but I can assure you that the watch doesn't have any type of connection." I raise an eyebrow and ask, "how can you be so sure? I mean you probably made foust like that."  "Do you have grudge against me, Victoria? After all, I was the one who reincarnated you. You should be thankful." He replies as he pets my head and smirks.  I roll my eyes and say, "Gee I don't know maybe? After all that you did to me, I mean yeah I supposed I would have a grudge against you." I walk upstairs to my room and say, "If anyone needs me I'll be doing homework." Once I get to my room I sit on my bed and start my assignments for the day.  After I'm done with everything, I see that we have exams coming up. I shut my laptop off and go back downstairs. Foust and Rebecca aren't there anymore. I go in the living room and see that they are watching TV. I sit down on the sofa next to  foust and say, "By the way, Rebecca you're going to have to go to school midterms are coming up." She nods and says, "ok starting tomorrow I'll be going back to school." I nod and the rest of the day we watch TV. Soon mom comes home and Oliver comes downstairs. She yells, "come on, dinner time."  I get up and walk to the kitchen. My mom looks at me and serves me. I get my plate and see its spaghetti. I sit down at the table and start eating. Soon we have the whole family eating. After that, I bring my plate to the kitchen and dress for bed.  I do my nightly routine then get in bed, I roll to my side. I soon hear someone come in the room, I recognize it as Rebecca as she gets on the air mattress.  I hear her say, "night."  I close my eyes and go to sleep.    

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