Seeing future foust

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"Crap, crap, crap," I mutter to myself as I run. "Please tell me he's still not chasing me."  I quickly look behind me and see white. "goddamnit where's provost?" I mutter as I continue running.  "maybe I can use my wings?" I whisper. I unleash my wings and I find out that they're back to feathery wings. I fly to a branch. I look behind me and see that future foust is looking for me. I crouch down and whisper, "I'm dead if he finds me."  suddenly the branch feels heavier, I look behind me and see him smiling at me. "oh fu-" before I finish the sentence the branch breaks and I fall onto the ground. I land on my back, I quickly get up and look around. "hello little prey." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and see him lift his scythe in the air. I sigh and say, "bye see you never."  He brings his scythe down. I wake up breathing heavily.  I say, "what the fuck was that?" Provost asks," What happened?" I shake my head and say," Nothing, it's nothing, provost." Provost laughs and says, "nothing yeah right that didn't sound like nothing, tell me." I ask, "why do you care anyway?"  He shrugs and says, "just because."  I look around my room and see foust sleeping by me. "well that's very bold of him." I say. I start poking at his halo it moves in response. Foust wakes up and says, "morning, how did you sleep?" I shrug and say, "nightmare but it doesn't matter also why are you sleeping by me?" He stretches and says, "your brother came home and there wasn't anywhere else that was comfortable to sleep so I decided to sleep by you if it's alright." I nod and say, "yeah it's totally fine." I quickly get out of bed before my mom comes. I hear foust ask, "So do you want to go somewhere?" I shake my head and say, "Nah I miss it here besides we've been traveling a lot, I would like to stay at home if it's alright with you." He nods and says, "ok then."  My mom opens the door and says, "time to wake-" I wave and say, "morning mom." She forces a smile and waves back. I mutter to provost, "what's up with mom?" Provost says, "she usually wakes you up."  I mutter "oh well then." I go and grab my clothes and push past mom to get to the bathroom. Once I'm changed I walk out and see that mom left. I walk in and ask, "so what happened?" Foust says, "after you went to go change she glared at me for a few minutes specifically two minutes and then left the room." I say, "oh well then did she say anything?" He shakes his head and says "nope, just glaring at me."  "Great.", I mutter. The day goes by normal and by the time I know it, night has fallen.  I go back to the bathroom with my pajamas and change. I get in bed and fall asleep.  I'm at my friend's house. "wait why am I here? I must be dreaming." I whisper to myself.  My friend with dyed pink hair and blue eyes named Amy shouts, "VICTORIA, COME ON!!!!" I blink and say, "What? What's going on?" Amy walks up to me and says, "you were helping with the party until you started spacing out are you ok?"  I nod and say, "uhh yeah I'm fine what's the party for again?" I laugh nervously. She says, "My birthday it's a steampunk party; are you sure you're ok?" I nod and say, "I'm fine."  She nods. I feel like I'm being watched as I help Amy. I look around and soon see white. "He's not even trying to hide is he?" I say to myself. "hmm let me try something." I mutter to myself.  I grab an empty soda can and crush it. "this is enticing him I shouldn't do this but I feel like this is going to be fun." I say under my breath. I walk to where I can get a clear shot at him.  "hey snowflake!" I shout as I throw the crushed up can at him. The can hits his head, he does nothing but stares menacingly at me with a smile on his face.  Amy looks at me and says, "Victoria, I can't believe you did that. You know littering is against the law." I say, "yeah however don't go over there." She replies, "why not? I'm helping the environment." I sigh and reply, "it's confusing so I can't explain it, however, a guy is standing over there ready to kill anyone who comes his way so don't go over there."  She says, "well if someone threw a soda can at my head I would probably be ready to murder someone too." She walks off. A few minutes later I hear her screaming. I sigh and mutter, "I told her not to go there."  I soon see future foust walking towards me. "Provost, I miss you I would rather be annoyed by you instead of being here with evil Mr.snowflake." I whisper as I run away from him.  "wait a minute is the pocket watch still on me?" I say to myself as I look around my neck. "yes!" I squeal in excitement as I pick up  the necklace from my neck and look at it. "get me out of here."I mutter. the necklace states glowing, I'm teleported out of there.  I start hearing voices. One of them being a lady's voice, she says, " doctor she's waking up." I sit up feeling groggy. In a few minutes, everything slowly starts becoming clear. Someone takes out the breathing tube and I cough. I ask, "what happened?" Provost mutters "coma." I ask, "So I was in a coma?" A man with short brown hair clears his voice and says, "yes you were in a coma." I look at him and ask, "how long?" He replies, "three days."  I say, "so how long was I at this hospital?" He replies, "three and a half, your mom called the paramedics and they rushed you here."  I say, "oh well can I go home?"  He shrugs and says, "I guess hows your motor skills?" I shrug and say, "let's get this over with." Once that's done with they hand me my clothes and I change into them. I walk with the doctor out into the front and see my mom. She hugs me and says, "I'm happy you're ok." Once mom gets everything checked out we walk to the car. I ask, "so how's foust?" She looks at me weird and asks, "who?" I say, " the guy staying with us." She nods and says, "oh he's fine." We get in the car with me in the backseat. Mom starts the car and we're off. Soon I start getting sleepy."Why am I suddenly tired I slept a lot." I whisper as I feel my eyes get heavy I lay my head against the window and go to sleep.            

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