Wrong place, wrong time pt.7

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I hear a bed squeaking and some moaning from somewhere. "Ughh, I just came back from here, why the fuck am I here?", I mutter, as I get up and look to the side of me, where Foust is supposed to be but it's now just empty. "What's that noise?", I mutter. I soon realize the moaning is from someone having sex, "Oh my god don't tell me Vladimir is having sex, eww."  I soon hear it stop and someone running in. The door opens and Vladimir, naked, appears at the door. "Little prey you came back!", He shouts, "I knew you couldn't stay away." He goes to hug me. "Don't fuckin hug me, put some clothes on, oh my god.", I reply disgusted. "Why don't want to ruin the dress I gave you?~", he asks. "Yeah.", I reply, not looking at him. "Do you want to join?", He asks, looking at me seductively.  "No I don't want to join, go put some clothes on.", I reply. "Aww come on, little prey, I'll be gentle.", he assures.  "I don't care, I'm not having sex with you, go put some clothes on.", I reply, turning around so I don't have to look at him. He sighs, "Very well I'll get dressed, I'll meet you in the dining room." He leaves. "Thank god.", I mutter, walking out the room with Provost on my shoulder. Once there, I see Vladimir smile at me. "I can take the seat farthest from him.", The thought passes my mind. I go to take the seat all the way at the end of the table. I hear him growl. I glare at him. "What's your problem?", I ask. "Sit by me.", He says. "No I'm not sitting by you.", I reply, sitting down. He gets up and sits by me. "Damnit I won't be able to get up. Stupid vampires and their speed.", The thought passes my mind. I hear the other maids talking to the maid who was banging Vladimir.  "It was going so well until he stopped suddenly, got up, and ran out of the room, I was going to tell him to put some clothes on, so he wouldn't catch a cold but he ran out before I did."  Food soon gets served. Provost jumps on the table and looks at me. "Don't worry you will be back with Victor and Foust after you go to bed.", He replies. "Don't tell me I'm going to end up with Victor?", I mutter. "You will, along with Victor's wife, Irios.", He replies. I sigh. After we eat, Vladimir picks me up and brings me to his bedroom. He lays me on the bed and goes to the other side. He snuggles me and I cringe. I try to get away from him. "Don't try it just go to sleep.", Vladimir says, kissing me on top of my head. I sigh and before I drift off to sleep think, "I hope I won't get killed by Victor tomorrow."

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