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I hear Foust purring. "Good morning my dear husband.", I yawn as I sleepily wake up. He groans. "Oh? Isn't it usually the other way around?", I ask as I start playing with his hair. "Yes it is, now let's sleep.", he replies as he buries his head deeper in the pillow.  "Well it is Halloween so you think we can go to where it all began?", I ask. "Sure, later when it's nightfall.", He replies. "Ok; Will we do the same when Christmas comes around?", I ask. He hums in response. "I'm taking that as a yes.", I mutter as I get in his arms and fall asleep. A couple of hours later I hear my alarm go off. "Wakey wakey Vicky.", Provost replies. "I'm awake Provy.", I say sleepily. "No you're not come on.", He replies as he starts shaking me. I glare at him as he continues to shake me. He smiles. "Your eye is getting better. It's almost back to normal.", he replies. "Will it revert back to black when I go to Foust's past?", I ask. He nods. "And my ankle will be broken again?", I continue. "Yep.", He replies smiling. "Great.", I reply rolling my eyes. Foust gets up and goes get dressed. "So where are we going to?", Rebecca asks as she stretches. "How about where Halloween started?", I ask. "You mean Samhain.", Foust confirms walking into the room dressed. I tilt my head. "It's a pagan festival that was christianized and became Halloween.", He replies. "ohhh so shall we?", I ask. I feel my clothes change. "Certainly.", He replies as the circle appears and he grabs both of my hands. I look at him weirdly as we start waltzing in the circle. The scenery soon changes and he lets me go. "That was weird.", I say as he teleports out to go get Rebecca. "He can't have fun?", Provost asks in his cat form, jumping on my shoulder. "I didn't say that, he never did that before so it was weird.", I reply. "Well I actually did it, he just wanted to waltz with you I guess.", He explains. "Oh. ok.", I reply. Foust returns with Rebecca. "Uuu I think we're in the iron age.", Rebecca says. "Yes we are.", Foust replies. I look around and see we're in a village that's surrounded by walls and ditches. I tilit my head as I see that Foust is now wearing a white long sleeve tunic with brown pants and closed leather boots. "He looks like Vladimer in that outfit.", I mutter. "I may look like my father but I can assure you I act nothing like him." Foust replies smiling at me. "I never said you acted like him. Thank god you don't.", I remark back. As it starts getting darker, People start lighting bonfires and some of them are in costumes. "So are we going to join the festivities?", Provost asks. "I guess.", I reply, petting him on the head. We walk towards a freshly lit bonfire and watch people. They bring a live calf and start walking towards to bonfire. "Poor thing at least kill it before throwing it into the fire.", I mutter.  I look at Foust and he looks back at me as we hear the calfs screams. I sigh and look back at the fire. People start throwing in crops. "Very weird.", I sigh as I walk over to Foust and lean my head against his arm. As the festivities die down we soon see a large wheel on fire rolling until it collapses. "That's to make sure the sun comes back.", Foust explains. "I'm getting tired.", Rebecca yawns. "Yeah me too.", I reply yawing. "Well we'll go back home.", Foust says. "Ok then.", I reply. Foust telports us back. I hear music being played downstairs. "Oh so Oliver threw a Halloween party agian.", I sigh tiredly.  "Let's go to bed.", Foust says picking me up and bringing me to bed. My clothes change and Foust sets me down on the bed. "Night.", I reply tiredly closing my eyes. "Good night my dear wife.", Foust replies. We go to sleep. 

My adventures with a vampire time travelerWhere stories live. Discover now