Hanging Out With Rebecca

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I wake up or rather I'm forced awake by provost. He starts shaking me awake. "Provost, you can stop now.", I say as I'm being shaken back and forth by my friend with the god-like complex.  He finally stops and says, "well I just wanted to make sure you're awake." I unplug my phone from the charger and see that its noon.  I yawn and say, "well let me get dressed. Provy, you need to leave." He rolls his eyes and says, "nope." I shrug and say, "fine, you can stay."  Artemis stretches from my pillow and says, "Are you two really going to start bickering this early in the morning." I look at Artemis and say, "Its noon also why don't you go hang out with Foust, Artemis?" "ok then," Artemis replies as he starts walking to the door. I say, "Also we weren't bickering." Artemis replies, "whatever see you later."  He leaves. I get dressed in an outfit that provost picks out. I'm wearing a fancy white blouse with a plain black lower-calf skirt along with a black beret hat. I finish off with some black heels. "I miss home.", I whisper.  "Well, you can always go back, Vic." Provost says. I nod and say, "yeah I could go back with the watch that you gave me." I say as I lift up the watch. I leave the watch alone and say, "well let's go."  I walk out and foust says, "morning."  I cock my head to the side and say, "it's not morning anymore."   He nods and says, "yeah I know however you slept all morning so its morning to you." I roll my eyes and say, "whatever, doctor who." I quickly say after, "I swear if you say who's that I will use your scythe against you."  He closes his mouth.  Provost starts laughing. "I love you so much, Vic" He says after he's done laughing.  I reply, "That's good cause I don't love you, provy."  "aww, I feel so hurt, victoria."  He says as he touches his hand to his heart. I roll my eyes and say, "whatever see you later, foust." Foust asks, "where are you going?" I say, "Meeting up with someone bye." I leave closing the door behind me.  Once I lock the door back up I put the key under a flowerpot. I see Rebecca standing on the sidewalk waiting for me. I raise a brow and say, "uh how long were you standing there, Rebecca?" Rebecca looks at me and says, "oh not long I got here a few seconds ago." I nod not convinced and say, "ok then so what do you want to do?"  Provost says, " I texted her your address."  "Great job, asshole. I don't want her stalking me." I mutter.  Rebecca says, "you look so pretty." I smile and say, "aww thanks, I kinda have an obsession with the victorian era so I like to dress in clothes from that time period." She nods and says, "cool."  She stares at me and asks, " Is that a halo?"  I walk away from the door and meet her on the sidewalk. I nod and say, "yeah, it is." She squeals and asks, "Can I touch it?" I say, "uh sure."  She starts poking at it. After a few minutes, I take her hand away and say, "let's go get some lunch shall we?" She nods and says, "ok."  As we're walking Rebbeca starts playing with my halo. "Jesus, I can now tell how foust was feeling when I was playing with his halo, I'm sorry foust.",I mutter under my breath. We go to a Mexican restaurant and soon get seated.  Once we order our drinks the waiter leaves. I look at Rebbeca and shes staring at my halo fascinated.  I say, "So Rebecca how have you been doing?" She looks at me and says, "its been good, I have a question: how did you get the halo?"  I think about it some "can't really tell her a god gave this to me or can I?"   The thought passes my mind.  I say, "let's just say a being who's not from this world gave it to me."  She nods and says, "oh cool its moving." I reply, "yeah it's basically a visible brainwave."  She squeals and says, "that's so cool." She then says, "I should look into it some." I look at her confused and say, "look into.." She interrupts and says, "Your halo there's bound to be a scientific explanation about it so I'll be looking into it." I nod and say, "ok have fun with that."  Soon its a regular date with Rebbeca occasionally staring at my halo.  I see her staring at it again for the sixth time, I smile and ask, "You want to play with the halo more don't you?" She nods and says, "very much so." I giggle some and lay my head on the table as she goes back to touching it.  Soon our food comes and I lift my head up.  After that, I pay for the meal and we leave.  I smile and say, "that was fun we should hang out more." She nods and says, "definitely." We soon part ways and I walk back home.  Provost says, "so now what?" I shrug and say, "well I'll be going home getting out of these clothes and back into my army jacket that has been washed by you also thank you for putting the clothes on the wash and dry." He nods and says, "you're welcome." We get home and foust runs up to me. He says, "We are watching doctor who ok." I shrug and say, "ok whatever you say just let me get changed." I walk to my room and provost hands me the jacket. I change into soft black pants with a black tank top, I  slip the jacket on and walk out to the living room where foust is already on the sofa with popcorn. I sit down next to him and put on Doctor Who. "wait a minute did you put the DVD in already?" I ask as I look at him, he nods and says, "Yep, by the way where do you  want to go tomorrow?"  I say, "Ancient Greece." He nods and says, "alright hopefully we make it there this time." I nod and say, "hopefully."  We watch two episodes. "welp I'm going to take a bath I shall bid you goodnight foust."  He nods and says, "also your bother is spending a night at a friend's house." I nod and say, "Okie Dokie I'll be sleeping in his room then."  I go and take a bath then do my nightly routine. After that, I go to bed without bothering to tell anyone goodnight. I soon feel something against my head and I hear purring. "Artemis." I whisper I snuggle back into the covers and let my mind take me off to dreamland. 

My adventures with a vampire time travelerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang