Wrong place, Wrong time pt.8

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"Get up, Victoria!!!", Cosmic's whispy voice yells. I groan when I suddenly feel myself falling. "Shit! shit! shit!!", I yell. I try to get my wings out but fail. "Cosmic, get them out!", I yell. My wings finally come out. I fly to a tree and look at them. Three wings on each side with eyes on the inside of the wings. "Jeez.", I sigh. I suddenly hear someone scream. "Brittney.", I mutter. "Oh come on really Provost?", I sigh as I fly off the branch and teleport to where Brittney is. I catch her and sigh. "Vi-Angel!!", She yells, "W-What the f-fuck?" I set her down on the snow-covered ground. She glares at me. "What?", I ask, "You think this is my doing? I can't teleport people. And this is the last place that I would teleport you to, I'm not mean." "H-how are y-you not cold?", She asks as she's shivering. I shrug and reply, "I don't know, guess I got used to it, I've been here a couple of times." "H-Here....w-where exactly is h-here?", She asks. I look around and see trees around us. I sigh, "The Vatikkan Empire." "T-the what?", She asks. "Foust's home.", I reply, limping away. My wings disappear. "Wait for me!!", She yells as she follows me close behind. "Do you put perfume on when you go to bed? God, thanks to you we might be taken captive.", I reply. "I-it's not perfume, i-it's bedroom spray.", She retorts back. I roll my eyes. "W-what happen to y-your foot? Why a-are you l-limping? ",she asks. I roll my eyes. "Vladimir broke my ankle when we first met, it was so I wouldn't run away.", I reply. "D-did he punch you as well? W-was it also so you w-wouldn't run away?", she asks. "Yeah. ", I reply.  "W-what a terrible man, w-why are we going there?", she asks. "Because that's the closest house here. I'm also branded, I doubt we can go anywhere else unless you want to go by yourself.", I reply. "B-branded? As in sex slavery?", she asks. I sigh, "Yeah, he hasn't had sex with me yet, I hope it stays that way." She stays silent. As we walk in the snow, I hear Brittney scream. I turn around and see a dead body with snow around it. "She must've uncovered it when she tripped on it.", the thought passes my mind. I look at it sadly. "Come on, I'm pretty sure Vladimir's soldiers are coming since you screamed.", I sigh as I help her up. "How many bodies are here?", I mutter. "Well there's a reason why they call it the land where the snow hides the dead.", Cosmic replies, in my head. "C-carry me now. ",Brittney orders as she hugs me. I push her off and roll my eyes. "No, number one: you're too heavy to carry, number two:it's dead, unless someone reanimates it's corpse, it can't hurt you.", I reply, walking away. I soon hear horse's hooves in the snow. I spot Bartholomew and other soldiers on their horses ride up to us. " Heard a scream, our Lord order us to check it out.", he says. "Remember your place, Bartholomew, you're a solider to Vladimir, you're not to hurt us or you'll get a punishment.", I reply, glareing at him. He grits his teeth and sighs, "Fine, come on." Brittney sequels in excitement. I ride with Bartholomew while Brittney rides with someone else. "Don't get comfortable, I can tell Vladimir and you can be punished.", I reply as I sit up so I don't touch him. "You sure love wielding your power as Vladimir's mistress don't you?", he asks. "I'm just trying to survive, I don't want to end up like his last wife.", I reply. We ride off. A few minutes later we're in the city. "Has Foust been found yet?", I ask. "No, my Lord told us not to worry about him.", Bartholomew replies. "That asshole.", I mutter. "Then again Provost said he didn't want to be found.", the thought passes my mind. We reach the stables. "Where's Provost?", I mutter as I notice that he hasn't been around, "Weird." We get off the horses and I limp away. "Where are you going? I have to bring you to Vladimir.", Bartholomew replies. "Fuck off, I can't go anywhere anyway, I'll stay here and hang around the horses.", I say. A raven soon flies in and perches upon my shoulder. "Your going to ruin the dress.", I mutter. It flies off and perches on a wooden beam next to me. "Great so he finally shows." , the thought passes my mind as I see Provost's golden eye. "How can the bird understand you?", Brittney asks. I shrug. "No clue.", I reply. Bartholomew grabs my arm and starts pulling me. "Let go!", I scream as I pull away. I glare at him. Bartholomew looks at me and frowns. "Maybe I should rape you, Vladimir's not here.", he replies. "Excuse me, get your filthy hands off of her.", Vladimir says as he walks up to us. Bartholomew looks at him, scared and let's go of me. "My apologies.", he mutters as he bows. Vladimir glares at him. "Don't Vladimir.", I reply. He looks at me. "Let's just go.", I reply, limping to him. He pets my head and smiles. "Say thank you Bartholomew, she just saved your life.", Vladimir says. We walk away with Brittney following us. Vladimir suddenly picks me up and carries me bridal style. I roll my eyes. "He'll be punished.", he mutters. I roll my eyes again. "If you must as long as you don't kill him.", I reply. He smiles. "Oh no.", I mutter, "will that mess something up?" "Mmm I don't think so as long as Bartholomew doesn't die, it'll be fine.", Provost replies in his cat form as he jumps on Vladimir's shoulder. "But will he kill him? ", I mutter. "No, he won't kill him, he'll just beat him really bad.", Provost replies. Once we reach the house Vladimir walks in. Brittney sequels. "Uuu it's so much bigger than my house.", she replies. Vladimir ignores her and walks to the dining room, he sets me down and pets my head. Provost jumps off and sits on the table. "I'll see you later.", Vladimir says as he walks away. Brittney walks up to me. "You didn't tell me Foust is rich.", she replies. I roll my eyes. "That's because he's not, his father is rich, Foust is dirt poor.", I say. "What? His father didn't leave him anything?", she asks. I roll my eyes again. "Foust doesn't want it, his father is an asshole, I'm lucky that he has a crush on me or else I would probably be dead a long time ago.", I reply. "Oh.", she says, nodding. I get a maids attention and ask for some soup to be put in a container.  "Hopefully Foust knows how to warm up soup.", I mutter, " I don't think so." "Vic you can't.. You know he'll go after you and probably kill him.", Provost replies. "He needs to eat, I can't believe he ran away, hopefully he knows how to hunt but.. He can't cook, is he still alive? How the hell is... ", I trail off. "A miracle I guess, Vladimir did teach him about poisonous plants so he knows what not to eat.", Provost replies. "But he doesn't know how to cook, so how is he eating?", I ask, "did someone find him and bring him food? I hope so." Provost stays silent. "Someone's getting a horse ready for you.", he replies after a few minutes of silence. "Good.", I mutter as I start limping away. Brittney looks at me and  asks where I'm going. "None of your business, you'll probably rat me out to Vladimir so I'm not telling you my whereabouts, just know that I will be returning.", I reply. I swing by the kitchen and pick up the soup. The container transforms into a thermos. I turn around and walk out before someone looks at it. I limp out and go to the stables, a man of about twenty three questions me. "Awfully young to go out.", he says. I roll my eyes and pack the soup in a saddle bag. "Thanks, I guess, oh also don't tell Vladimir that I'm using one of his horses.", I reply. " Why do you need it?", he asks. "I'm giving Foust some food, I'll be back, besides its still within The Vatikkan Empire, I should be fine.", I reply as I get on the horse. "Do you even know where it's located?", he asks. " I have my ways, be back in a jiffy.", I reply as take the horse out of the stable and run out of the city and into the forest. I soon spot the cabin and another horse is there. I stare at it. "Sage is with him that's how he's been getting fed.",Provost replies. "So they go all the way back? Didn't know that.", I say as I unmount myself and get the soup from the saddle bag. It changes to a bowel with plastic wrap on top. I walk up to the cabin and knock. The door slowly opens. "Angel!", I hear Foust say as he hugs me,"It's been too long." I nod. "I can't stay long I stole your father's horse and brought you some soup.", I reply as I hand him the soup. "Oh ok.", he replies. I see Sage look at me and wave. I wave back and walk away, I get back on the horse and run away, in a matter of minutes I go into the city. " I hope he hasn't noticed.", I mutter. I slide off of the horse and walk away. I walk into the house and see Vladimir in the drawing room smoking. He looks at me and smiles. "Where were you?", he asks. "Why should I tell you? Even if I was held captive I'm pretty sure I would've found out a way to escape.", I reply. He walks up to me and sighs, "Yeah guess your right." He walks away and puts his cigarette out. "Let's go eat and then we can go to bed.", he replies. I nod and take his outstretched hand. We both walk to the dinning room room table. During the meal it's boring talk that I zone out of. After that  Vladimir picks me up and walks to the bedroom. "Both you and Brittney will be in y'alls respected beds and she won't remember this.", Provost replies in my head. "Then what was the point of bringing her?", I mutter. "Just because.", he replies. Vladimir sets me down and walks to the other side. I sigh and let him snuggle me. "Goodnight, little prey.", he says staring at me. "Night.", I lamely say and go to sleep.

My adventures with a vampire time travelerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon