Seeing Brittney

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I wake up and see foust with his back turned. I shrug and stretch. I then remember what happened. I play with his hair and say, "foust, are you ok?" He turns around and replies, "yes I'm fine, Vic I can assure you that." I nod and say, "ok then let me sew your clothing." He nods, I walk out of the room and find a sewing kit. I bring it to the kitchen table. Provost hands me the clothing. I nod and look at it to find blood. "Did you get the blood off,provy?" I ask as I look at the shirt. He nods and says, "yep I did now you can just focus on sewing." I smile and say, "thank you." I start the process when my mom walks into the kitchen, She stares at me and asks, "what are you doing?" "Sewing what does it look like I'm doing?" I reply without looking up at her. She says, "We never taught you how to sew where did you learn that?"  I stare at her for a few seconds then start the process up again going a little faster. My mom replies, "victoria." I push the shirt aside and grab the coat. I find some black string in the sewing box.  I start working on the coat. My mom says, "um victoria care to explain?" I say, "No I don't care to explain. Thank you." I cut the string and grab the shirt. I get up and walk off after that I hand the clothes to provost and he disappears. He comes back and says, "done." I nod. I walk in the room and clear my throat and ask, "so you want to travel anywhere?" My mom pops her head in and says, "Actually you two are staying." I sigh and say, "Again? What the hell, mom?" She says, "Your cousin, Brittney is coming over." I roll my eyes and mutter under my breathe, "great the slut is coming over."  my mom replies, "victoria that's not nice to call your cousin a slut." I say, "you know you're right calling her a slut is an understatement let's go with the whore." She says, "that's basically the same thing, both aren't nice." I shrug and say, "whatever, I'll be staying in my room." She sighs and says, "fine I'll let you,foust, and Rebecca stay in your room, ok? however, you have to stay in your room got it." I reply, "if I'm going to stay in my room why not just let me time travel?" She shakes her head and says, "because I don't want to have to explain to them where you all have gone." I nod and say, "ok fair enough." She leaves and I lock the door behind her. I turn around and ask, "y'all want to watch a movie?" Rebecca says, "Sure it's better than being bored." I nod and say, "We still have the fridge from house party so we'll be fine." I soon hear the front door being opened. My mom knocks on the door and I open it a crack. She says, "just go say hello and then you can back to your room ok?" I sigh and say, "fine." I open the door and close it behind me. I see Brittney dressed in a pale pink jacket and black leggings, her wavy blonde hair is up in a ponytail. She finishes off with pink boots. "that's too much pink." I mutter to myself. She hugs me and I smell perfume on her. "I'm getting nauseous.," the thought passes my mind as I hug her. After I let her go, I run upstairs and lock the door.  I get my laptop and put on Netflix. After we find a movie that we all agree on. We watch it. After that, we start watching more movies. I soon fall asleep to foust playing with my hair.      

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