Vic's pre-birthday celebration

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"Tomorrow is my birthday." I whisper as I stare at the date on my phone which reads "March 10" "Provost can't know about it or else." The thought passes my mind. "I'm screwed," I mutter underneath my breath. I get up and stretch. I get out of bed and look at Rebecca who's staring at me. She gets up and motions me to follow her. We walk downstairs and sit on the sofa. Rebecca breaks the silence and asks, "So I'm guessing he already knows?" I shrug and reply, "He's a god; of course he knows. Unless he's not and he's just a narcissist."  She nods and replies, "You could be right, I wouldn't be surprised." I suddenly hear Provost's voice behind me, "Wow I'm shocked that you don't believe that I'm a god." I jump and fly up, I glare at Provost and say, "Really?" He smiles at me and replies, "Oh right and your birthday is tomorrow which means..." He trails off. I sigh and say, "Time for me to get reincarnated." I fly down and sit back on the sofa. He smiles and pets my head. "You're such a smart cookie."He replies as he continues petting me. I roll my eyes and ask, "So how long will I be dead?" "You, my little friend will be dead all day tomorrow and will get reincarnated the next day.", He replies. "Lovely.",I sarcastically spit out. He smiles at me and replies, "Someone is up and out of bed." I whisper, "Oliver?" He nods. "Shit.," I mutter. I sigh and angrily raise my voice loud enough for him to hear, "Oliver get over here!" He walks out and looks at me. "So you're going to die again?" He asks as he looks at me tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. I sigh and reply, "Well this is how you get reincarnated." He asks, "What about Foust? Are you going to tell him?" I cringe and reply, "I don't know."  He nods and gets up. He grabs the car keys from the counter. "Where are you going?" I ask. He replies, "Out to get you a birthday cake." "Oliver, don't do that it'll just make it harder on me." I say as tears start rolling down my face. He leaves. "Shit, shit, shit.," I mutter as I continue crying. I land on my side and stare at the sofa. I hear someone walk downstairs. I hear Foust saying, "Vic? Are you ok?"  My body goes ridge as I try to concentrate on breathing.  Rebecca sighs and says, "Just tell him so he won't try to do what he did last time." I glare at her and say, "He'll still do it even if I tell him."  "How do you know that?" She asks. I reply, "I don't; I know that Provost won't let me tell him though." " Why are you crying, Vic?" Foust asks as he looks at me. I lay my head back down.  Rebecca goes to speak, "She's-" She stops her sentence. She starts again "Victoria is going-" she stops. "See I told you, Rebecca." I spit out as I glare at her. I sit up and look at Foust who looks at me confused. "It's nothing, Foust. Don't worry about it." I say as I lay back on the sofa. I soon hear the door open. Oliver walks in. "Happy birthday, Vic.," Oliver says painfully. I get up and walk to the table as Oliver puts the cake down. I sigh and reply, "Thank you, Oliver." Mom walks out tired and looks at us. "Uhh, why is there a cake out?" Oliver replies, "Vic wanted to celebrate her birthday early." "Aww, that's sweet of you to get her a cake." She replies. I glare at her. "Yeah, that's totally the reason why mom.," I mutter angrily. "I didn't know it was your birthday today." I hear foust say. I shake my head and reply, "It's not, it's tomorrow. I'm go-" I grit my teeth in annoyance.  "Fuck you, Provost, just fuck you.," I mutter underneath my breath. I glare at the corner of the room where I see Provost leaning against the wall smiling at me. Mom hands me a plate with cake on it. I sigh, take the plate and start eating. She says, "Tomorrow I'll go get a present for you so you can open it." I shake my head and reply, "Don't I'll be fine without any presents." She looks at me bewilder and asks, "Are you ok, Victoria?" I nod and say, "Yeah, I'm fine." I finish the cake and walk upstairs. "It's just a day, it's just a day, it's just a day.," I repeat to myself as I open the door to my room. I sit on my bed and lay down. "Just a day.," I mutter to myself. I fall asleep.      

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