Seeing Foust again

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"I'm going out!" I shout as I walk towards  door. My mom replies, "you should eat something first." I sigh and say, "fine what do we have to eat?" She says, "We have eggs, cereal, poptar-" I say, "I'll go eat some cereal."  I walk to the cabinet and get a bowl out. I say, "So mom I have a question." She says, "yes?" I ask, "Was I born with heterochromatic eyes?" I pour the cereal and milk in a bowl.  Provost says, "Really Victoria? You know why you have those eyes." I mutter under my breath "shut it." I sit down at the table. My mom nods and says, "yes when you were born your eye color changed, of course your father and I couldn't care less about your eye color. We were just happy to have you." I nod and quickly eat my cereal.  Once i'm done I bring the bowl to the sink and say, "see you later mom." I open the door and walk outside. My phone dings, I take it out and see someone's message me. "who's this?" I whisper. Provost says, "a friend of yours you two are in a band together." I ask, "a band? also why do you say that as in I've lived here already?" Provost says, "well let's just say you're living multiple lives at once. if you die again you basically awaken in another universe and take over their life, basically like a video game however once you die you get to play as someone else."  I sigh and say, "great just what I need." Provost smiles and says, "also from now on you will have those eyes no matter how much you die."  I nod and say, "are you sure every time I die I get reincarnated? It has to stop some time." Provost ponders the thought then says, "nah it's fun playing with you until I get bored of you which I don't think I will then I'll let you die and won't reincarnate you."  I say, "gee thanks." Someone shouts, "VICTORIA!!!!!" I look at who calling me and it's a white  girl with black hair, she has hazel eyes and wears glasses. Provost says, "that's Rebecca, your other friend." Rebecca hugs me and says, "are you ready to see the stars tonight." I say, "what?" She says, "see the stars you promised me that we'll go star gazing tonight I'm sure they'll look beautiful also I'll get to see your lovely eyes underneath the stars." I say, "uh ok thanks I guess." Provost says, "she has a crush on you however you only see her as a friend, also you don't date." I ask, "why?" Rebecca looks at me weird and says, "hm?" I look at her and say, "nothing, Rebecca its nothing." He replies, "you don't like dating so you don't date anybody." I say, "that's makes no sense."  He shrugs and says, "hey I don't know why all I know is that you don't date." I reply, "whatever." Rebecca looks at me weirdly and asks, "who are you talking to?" I say, "an imaginary friend his name is provost." She replies, "aww that's cute." I nod, she says, "well lets go somewhere." I say, "how about the bookstore?" She giggles and says, "you just read my mind."  We walk to the bookstore and hang out there until it gets dark. I text my mom and tell her I'm hanging out with a friend of mine and that I'll be coming home late. she responds, "ok have fun :)"   I say, "my moms ok with it. " She smiles and says, "great let's go out to the field." We walk a few blocks from the bookstore and see a beautiful field. We walk to the center of it and lay down on the grass. Looking up at the night sky with all the stars twinkling I sigh.  I say,"So much has happened in so little time." Rebecca asks, "how so?" I say, "I don't feel like getting into detail, Rebecca if it's alright with you." She nods and says, "oh that's fine." I sit up and see something sparkly moving around. "wait is that foust's scythe? what is it doing here? it should be at home."  The thought passes my mind as I continue to stare at the movement.  I get up and walk towards the sparkles. As i'm walking Rebecca asks, "where are you going?" I say, "to check something out be right back." I walk past trees until I see light silver eyes. Foust walks out and asks, "Victoria is that you?" I run up and hug him. I start crying. I feel him petting my hair, he says, "i'm happy you're safe." I say, "yeah only because I got reincarnated." I try to stop crying sniffing as I do, I let go of him and ask, "what happend after I died?" Foust sighs and replies, "I was trying to find you so I went through every time period because I missed you, it hadn't occurred to me looking for you in present time, then I thought why not and here we are now." He asks, "what happend to your eyes?" I say, "since i'm reincarnated I got provost's eyes and I also have wings."  He asks, "so provost reincarnated you?" I shrug and say, "I don't know who reincarnated me, but I'm happy I get to see you again." I hug him again. I hear someone  walk up to us and Rebecca's voice ask, "who are you?"  I let go and say, "this is a friend of mine his name is foust." Foust says, "please to meet you." Rebecca glares and asks, "like a boyfriend?" I say, "no, I already told you I don't date he's just a friend." Rebecca says, "that's what they all say." Suddenly I hear Rebecca screaming and someone looking like foust smiling as he cuts Rebecca down.              

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