Age of Enlightenment Pt.1

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I feel someone poking at my halo. I mumble in a threating voice "stop it or I will kill you." I hear provost whisper in my ear "Wake up Vic, or Rebbeca will take a picture of you two." I wake up and feel somebody's head on my thigh.  I see a white flash. I look down in my lap and see that foust was using me as a pillow.  I get up and quickly lift up his head and put a pillow underneath. He wakes up and asks, "what happened?"  I look at Rebbeca and glare at her. I say, "give me the phone." She looks at me then runs upstairs.  I scream, "REBECCA!!! GIVE ME THE PHONE!!!" I run upstairs. She slams the door in my room and Oliver emerges from his room. He yawns and asks, "what's going on and why the fuck do you have a halo floating on top of your head?"  I look at him weirdly and ask, "when did you get here?"  He says, "a few minutes ago, I was sleeping until you and your friend started causing a ruckus."  I sigh and say, "sorry about that." He nods and asks, "um you going to tell me about your halo?" He goes to touch it when I back up. I say, "Don't touch it; It'll feel weird."  He nods and says, "Oh ok sorry. Are you going to tell me?" I sigh and say, "A friend who's not of this world gave it to me."  "Uhhh ok?" He replies confused. I shake my head and say, "You won't understand so I'm not going to explain."  I look at the door and sigh. I mutter, "oh well it's not like anything is going to come out of Rebecca posting it online." I walk back downstairs and foust looks at me weird. I shake my head and shrug.  I say, "so now that we'll be online together what place do you want to go to?" He cocks his head to the side and replies, "um online together?"  I sigh and say, "don't worry about it."  I soon feel my phone start blowing up with dings. I take my phone out and see comments and likes all about the photo of us.  I sigh and put my phone away. Rebecca soon emerges on the stairs and asks, "Actually what time period are we going to?" I glare at her. She smiles back at me. I say, "you aren't coming, not after what you did."  She says, "aww come one Vic don't be like that, it was just a joke."  I roll my eyes and say, "very funny people from our school are going to start questioning it."  She rolls her eyes and says, "By the way, I'm surprised nobody came for you for not turning up at school yet." I say, "Provost probably did something I'm pretty sure." Foust asks, "So where to?" Rebbecca screams, "Paris, France!" I reply, "hell no we aren't going to Paris so you can go take pictures of me and foust together."  She says, "yes we are, let's go." Foust says, "ok let's go." I get yanked by my hand by Rebbeca into the infinity circle and off we go. Once we reach the ground, Rebbeca squeals and says, "I can now take more photos of you." I sigh and say, "yeah but what year?" I look at my watch and see the date 1763 Paris, France. "We're in seventeen sixty-three, Paris, France.," I say as I let the watch slip from my fingers. "This is going to be so much fun." I hear Rebecca squealing. I roll my eyes and say, "great the city of love."  I hear foust say, "aww come on Vic it won't be so bad." I say, "you know your just feeding fuel to the fire,foust." He looks at me confused. I say, "In the city of love? Rebbeca sees us as a couple? See anything connecting?"  He stares at me confused. "For fuck sake, foust you seriously can't see anything?" I say as I glare at him. "No, not really." He replies. While this is happening Rebbeca is jumping all around us like she just took some happy hyper pills.  I sigh and ask, "Anyway what happened in this time period?" 

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