Getting reincarnated and living life again

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Waring:this chapter contains attempted suicide  

My eyelids flutter open. I'm standing on top of a building. "please let this one work." I whisper. I step off of the ledge. Wings appears and I glide to the ground. I grit my teeth and say, "god dammit, provost why do you keep on saving me,I want to die." Provost appears before me and pets my head. He says, "Because I've taken an interest to you and because of that you are not allowed to die until I say so." "You are not allowed to die until I say so." I mock back at him. He smiles. I sigh and say, "I already lived long enough let me die." Provost shakes his head and says, "Nope you need to live life to the fullest then you can get reincarnated again and live it all over again."  I stomp my foot and say, "But I don't want to live it all over again. I already have nightmares from my other life, I'm sick and tired of it." Provost rolls his eyes and says, "Don't care." He takes a step back when I go to slap him.  He chuckles and says, "you know other people would be grateful to get reincarnated again." I say, "yeah but I'm not like other people I got reincarnated once please tell me this is my only life."  Provost says, "no if you die again you're going to get reincarnated again."   I sigh and say, "great thanks." My phone goes off. Provost says, "well time for you to go to therapy." I say, "I don't know why I even go i'm not insane your existence proves that." He says, "well to other people it looks like you're talking to yourself so I'd say you're insane."  I sarcastically say, "gee thanks so much." I text my brother to tell him I'm walking to therapy. I start walking, as I'm walking I decide to get my headphones from around my neck and put some music on. "I wish we had this technology in my era." I whisper. Soon I'm by the building,  I stop the music, take my headphones off and put them back around my neck.   I walk in and see the receptionist, She looks at me and says, "Miss.Barker, Mrs.Williams will see you now." I sigh and say, "ok." I walk out of the waiting room and walk along a hall until I get to her door. I open the door, close it behind me and sit on a black sofa. Mrs.Williams who is a lady in her mid-30s looks at me and says, " Nice to see you again Victoria, so shall we talk about the weird eyed fluffy hair man again." I look at her weirdly and say, "excuse me?" She repeats, "the weird eyed fluffy hair man, you've always refer to him as this or does he have a name?"  I  cough and say, "yeah his name is provost."  She says, "ah well that's good we finally have a name for him." I ask, "have I always referred to him as the weird eyed fluffy hair man?" She nods and says, "In our past visits yes." "That's weird."  The thought passes my mind.  She says, "you've also talked about a time traveling vampire but never mentioned his name." I nod and say, "His name is foust." "that's so weird I've gone to this therapist for a few days now why am I just telling her their names now?"  The thought passes my mind. We talk more about provost and foust and before I know it our session is up. She says, "well that's all I'll see you soon." I nod and she hands me the bill. I fold the piece of paper and put it in my jeans pocket. As i'm walking back to home I see something sparky in a tree. I get a sense of Déjà vu. I climb the tree. As I get closer the details become more prominent and I see that it's a scythe.I reach the spot where the scythe is and grab a hold to it. I tear at it and it doesn't budge. "Oh for the love of, come on!" I exclaim as I pull on the handle harder. It breaks free from the tree but I lose my balance and fall. Provost catches me and says, "Really Victoria?" I hold the scythe and say, "yep." I walk back home with the scythe in my hand. I reach home  and open the door carefully. Last thing  I need is for my mom to question why I have a scythe. I walk upstairs and lay the scythe against the wall behind my door. I sigh and pick up one of my books on time travel. I start reading when my mom appears, she sighs and says, "reading time travel again?" I shrug and say, "can't I have a hobby?" She sighs and say, "yeah I guess. How was you're session with Mrs. Williams?" I say, "fine." She says, "let me guess talked about the weird eyed fluffy haired man again?"  I look at her and say, "oh my god not you too." She asks, "what's wrong?" I say, "his name is provost have I seriously been calling him weird eyed fluffy haired man?" She nods and says, "Yeah. But you have weird eyes too." I glance at her and say, "what?" I look at my dresser mirror and see that my left eye is gold while my right is black. I walk up to my dresser and  I continue to stare at my self weirdly. My mom says, "well dinner should be ready soon, you'll probably be staying up late again reading." She leaves. "What the fuck is going on? What the fuck?" I whisper.  I sigh and sit on the floor. Provost says, "you also have the army jacket from your last adventure." I glace at him and say, "are you serious?"  He kneels down and takes a floorboard off he takes out the army jack and hands it to me.  Provost hands me a dog tag and on it is the name that reads "Charles Barker."  I sigh and say, "why? why was I reincarnated?" I ask, "Does my mom know I have these things?" He nods and say, "she thinks they're your dads since he died in a war." I say, "so he died in a war?" Provost nods and says, "yep however he was in a different platoon." I ask "He was in the same war that Charles fought?" Provost nods and says, "you should go downstairs and get some food."  I sigh, put on the army jacket and walk downstairs.  

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